Ning Yan ignored it and insisted on asking the director to tie a rope for him.

Lin Changge tightly grabbed Ning Yan's arm: "Ayan, Lan Wei is just a shameless woman, and you are the only heir of the Ning family! If you have troubles, what will you ask Grandma Ning to do?"

The people present all echoed that Ning Yan is a legend in City A, holding half of the economic lifeline of City A, if something happened to him, it would be a heavy loss to the Ning family and to City A!

"Brother Yan, how many Lan Wei do you think you don't have? Why pay yourself?" Qiao Ruo's voice was very low. In fact, she wanted to tell Ning Yan that even without Lan Xin, she would still have her sister Qiao Qiao.

I don't know how many times better Qiao Qiao is than Lan Wei.

Ning Yan waved Lin Changge's hand away, and his voice was cold: "I must go down, hang Wia for me, and jump down with myself, you choose one!"

Everyone present probably wanted Lan Xin to die, and the corner of his mouth curled up into a half-smile.

Caught off guard, it turns out that Lan Xin is really in such an isolated and helpless environment.

"Okay, you dance, I'll dance with you!" Qiao Qiao's tears fell suddenly, and her words were all choked up and intermittent: "Anyway, you don't care about the psychological feelings of those of us who care about you... There is only one Lan Wei left in your heart! You want to die for her, I will accompany you!"

Qiao Qiao wore ten-centimeter high heels, and walked towards the edge of the cliff step by step, as if she really wanted to accompany Ning Yan to jump down.

She was betting that she was more important than Lan Xin in Ning Yan's heart.

But she didn't have the slightest confidence.

When Ning Yan passed by, her slender arms were grasped by Ning Yan's iron, and Ning Yan's deep voice came over: "Qiaoqiao, stop making trouble, go back quickly."

Ning Yan's rope was ready, and the tears on Qiao Qiao's face were a little more painful: "Ning Yan, do you know what you are doing?"

"I know, you don't care about her life or death, I do. Qiaoqiao, Lan Wei saved me twice, if something happens to her, I'm still indifferent, am I still the Ning Yan you know?"

With a light voice, Ning Yan pushed Qiao Qiao into Lin Changge's arms with an indifferent expression.

Ning Yan puts too much emphasis on feelings, and Qiao Qiao knows this better than anyone else.

The Qiao family's current status is also due to this.

Qiao Qiao is clear, Qiao Qiao is clear, but her clarity is limited to Ning Yan's use of her feelings on herself.

Qiao Qiao huddled in Ning Yan's arms and wept bitterly, her heart and lungs twisted together, her hatred for Lan Xin intensified in her heart, and she watched Ning Yan tie the rope down to find Lan Xin.

There were a few search and rescue personnel following Ning Yan. City S is a holy place for filming, and the mountains are also very steep. They searched for a long time but couldn't find it, and they were very panicked.

"President Ning, we have to go up before dark, the deep mountains are too dangerous at night!" One of the search and rescue personnel said anxiously.

No one wants to put themselves in danger for a complete stranger.

"Don't worry about me, you go up first." Ning Yan responded.

"Mr. Ning, this mountain is very deep, Mrs. Ning has no chance of surviving, you should go up with us."

The search and rescue personnel spoke one after another, and Ning Yan narrowed his cold eyes, "My wife is a relatively fatal person. I didn't see her body. I don't believe it. She will die!"

The search and rescue personnel started to go back up, and Ning Yan raised his head, and there was an unnamed tree with luxuriant branches and leaves in the crevice of the rock halfway up the mountain.

Ning Yan frowned, suddenly remembered something, and ran to the front left.

When Lan Xin was found, her face was scratched and her clothes were torn in several places. The water-blue cheongsam couldn't hide her pretty figure.

Ning Yan's footsteps paused, she was lying in the lush grass, her face was white, like a person who had been dead for a long time.

Ning Yan's fingertips trembled a little, and when she put her fingers under her nose, she felt a little bit of weak breathing, and then let out a heavy sigh of relief.

The weather was very cold, because of filming, Lan Xin didn't wear much, and his skin was cold. Ning Yan didn't dare to hesitate, and took off his coat to wrap Lan Xin tightly.

Back on the mountain, a group of people gathered around. Ning Yan's face was a little pale, and his voice was not as low as before: "Bring some thick clothes, Ye Fan, go and drive the car over and take Lan Wei to the hospital."


When Lan Xin woke up, it was already dark, and the fear of weightlessness made her feel lingering fear. Lan Xin sat up suddenly from the bed, which directly woke up Ning Yan who was lying on the side.

"Are you awake? Is there any discomfort?"

Lan Xin took a deep breath and shook his head.

Just as Ning Yan was about to say something, the door of the ward was pushed open, and Qiao Qiao walked in with Mrs. Ning's support.

"Grandma, why are you here..."

"Slap!" Before Ning Yan finished speaking, Madam Ning raised her hand and slapped Ning Yan hard.

His face was turned to the side by the slap, Lan Xin and Qiao Qiao were frightened by Mrs. Ning's sudden movement, and they froze in place.

Ning Yan licked his dry lips, from the moment he went down to rescue Lan Xin, he hadn't even gotten a drop of water, his handsome face was pale and red at the same time.

"Ning Yan, I dragged you down for more than 20 years, not to make you work so hard for a dubious woman!"

A few words of no three and no four suddenly plunged into Lan Xin's heart. She couldn't bear it, and even thought she had heard it wrong.

Mrs. Ning was the first person in the Ning family to be passionate about her, and she also helped her a lot at the most important moment. Her slander made her feel unprecedented pain.

Ning Yan turned her head sideways, blinking her thick eyelashes, dispelling the coldness in her bones, and said softly, "Grandma, Lan Wei respects you very much, you shouldn't say that about her."

Lan Xin's dark pupils turned for a moment, and she looked at Mrs. Ning with a hint of hope, but Mrs. Ning sneered and asked loudly: "Respect? Do I want to forgive her for bringing you so much respect because of her worthless respect?" Is it dangerous? Ning Yan, I only have one grandson, you can go down the mountain for her today, regardless of the danger of your life, what about tomorrow? Will you also abandon me and your parents for her? "

Lan Xin blinked and took a breath.Her throat was too dry to speak, and in the end she could only press her lips tightly. Seeing that Ning Yan was indifferent, Mrs. Ning could only transfer the lecturer to Lan Xin.

"Lan Wei, the old lady doesn't care what you care about A Yan? But you are now affecting A Yan's future and even threatening his life." Mrs. Ning paused and continued: "I can't bear it. For more than 20 years, I was worried, afraid that if I didn’t look well, he would disappear, and now he can live like a normal person, and I don’t want to live in fear like before!”

Lan Xin widened her eyes, parted her lips, and asked hoarsely, "Old lady, what do you want to say?"

She subconsciously changed her address, not daring to call Mrs. Ning grandma again.

"Get a divorce."

"Don't you like money and power? Power is too general, I can't give it to you, but money, I think I have some savings, you can mention it as you like!"

Mrs. Ning's voice was shallow, Lan Xin's body trembled, and a seductive smile appeared on her face. She lowered her body, tapped her chin with her pale fingers, and covered the tears behind her pupils with a sly smile: "Grandma, Ah Yan Yan is now worth hundreds of billions, unless he gives me the entire Starlight, otherwise, I will not leave him."

Lan Xin's breathing is shallow, every breath is painful, tears are about to fall, she is holding on to the strings of reason, and smiled lightly before Mrs. Ning got angry: "Grandma, came from city A to city S You are tired too, why don't you go back to rest first, and don't rush to persuade me to divorce!"

Probably because Lan Xin had always been well-behaved and sensible in front of her, but her sudden shamelessness made Mrs. Ning really unable to bear it, and her breathing became short of breath.

Seeing this, Qiao Qiao hurriedly supported Mrs. Ning, and said angrily: "Lan Wei, grandma's blood pressure has been very high recently. A Yan went to the deep forest to save you and made grandma's blood pressure soar. Can you stop now?" Saying these words to stimulate grandma?!"

Lan Xin smiled, brushed her hair, and expressed a sense of charm in her gestures, "Then what do you want me to say? Say yes, I agree to divorce? Sorry, I can't do it. Tell me, if you can I married Ning Yan before I climbed into Ning Yan's bed, how could I sit here and be angry with the old lady, right?"

"You..." Qiao's pretty face flushed, let alone Mrs. Ning.

She shook on the spot twice, Qiao Qiao's face turned pale with fright, and she said, "Ayan, Ayan, hurry up and call the doctor! Save grandma. Hurry up!"

Ning Yan strode out of the ward, and Mrs. Ning was quickly pushed out of the ward.

Lan Xin was left alone in the ward, tears fell down suddenly, she stretched out her hand to wipe it, took two deep breaths, and rang the nurse's bell.

Lan Xin fell off the cliff, no bones were hurt, the only injury was a concussion.

She was a little dizzy, but managed to complete the discharge procedures, borrowed a medical mask from the doctor, and walked out of the hospital gate alone in Ning Yan's coat.

Lan Xin didn't know the way, and knew that she was still in City S, so she stopped a taxi casually, got in, touched the wallet in Ning Yan's coat, and said in a low voice, "Go to City A."

Lan Xin had injuries on her face and legs, the taxi driver didn't recognize her for a while, and obviously didn't want to go to City A, "Girl, City A is too far away, it's so late, and there's no one to take a car when I come back..."

"I'll give you five times the car fare, please, I have something to do when I go back to City A."

Lan Xin leaned against the car, closed her eyes and fell asleep. She also had a dream. She was so confused that she couldn't remember anything. When she woke up, her face was wet and her body was a little hot.

She touched her head, it was very hot, she should have a fever.

When she arrived in City A, it was already early in the morning. She didn't find her mobile phone when she came out. After paying the fare, she stood on the street of City A, suddenly not knowing where to go.

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