Heart-wrenching pet: the CEO's hot wife

Chapter 105 The Most Beloved Sister

After tonight, he would say goodbye to the past.

Ye Fan answered the phone, and Ning Yan ordered lightly: "The crew of "Butterfly Wings" is holding a launch party in Charm, you go to pick up Lan Wei, room 3321."


Ning Yan was silent for a while, Ye Fan didn't dare to hang up the phone, and waited slowly: "If she asks about me, just say that I have a temporary job to deal with, and I won't be going back tonight!"

Ye Fan: "...Yes!"

Only then did Ning Yan cut off the phone, smoked a cigarette and returned to Qiao Qiao's room.

Qiao Qiao lay on the bed, staring at the door blankly. It wasn't until Ning Yan walked in that her eyes lit up, but it was more sour. She had all the past with Ning Yan, and he was finally about to draw a full stop up!

"Ayan, can I mute my phone? I have a lot to say to you!"

Qiao Qiao asked softly, Ning Yan hesitated for a moment, and finally turned off the mobile phone to mute according to her words, and covered it on the delicate sandalwood dressing table.

I don't know how long it took, the mobile phone that was pressed against it gave off a faint light, and after a long time, it slowly fell down again.


After Ye Yun left the villa, he drove to call his secretary: "Secretary Zhou, you are now globally locating a mobile phone number, and you must determine the precise location of the mobile phone number!"

Secretary Zhou was woken up in the middle of the night. He was angry at first, but after hearing the voice, his anger dissipated. He frowned and said, "President, the technician in charge of positioning in our technical department is sick, and it is very difficult for us to locate a good and precise location of the mobile phone." It's too difficult to say, only Ning Yan can do it in the entire city A!"

A smear of blackness appeared in Ye Yun's eyes, and at this moment, all the gentle camouflage was torn away: "Find out Ning Yan's location for me immediately! Send someone to charm, check all the utility rooms in the boxes, and find Lan Xin !"

Secretary Zhou responded and told Ye Yun Ningyan's location not long after.

He glanced at it, with a sarcastic and anxious expression, and drove directly towards Qiao's house in the smoky gray Bentley.

The Qiao's house was heavily guarded, and Ye Yun was stopped by someone as soon as he arrived. He didn't want to say anything and went straight inside.

Ye Yun was in City A, although he couldn't match Ning Yan's ability to cover the sky with one hand, but the Qiao family didn't dare to offend easily, and Qiao Ruo was quickly alarmed.

"What are you doing here?"

Ye Yun slowly drew out a gun and said softly, "I want to see Ning Yan!"

"Are you crazy? Find Ning Yan and go to Yuewan Bay! You come to Qiao's residence to find a person named Ning, can you find him?" Qiao Ruo sneered and mocked.

Ye Yun pursed her lips, and her usual gentle face became a bit cooler, "Either let me go in to find someone, or call Ning Yan out. It's the middle of the night, Miss Qiao Er, I don't want to alert the police!"

Qiao Ruo was angry, of course she knew that Ning Yan was at her home, but Ning Yan was cultivating a relationship with her sister, so of course she didn't want to disturb her.

But she had nothing to do with the brazen Yeyun, so she could only turn her body sideways to let Yeyun in.

As soon as Qiao Qiao fell asleep, the door of the room was suddenly kicked open. Ye Yun stood at the door of the room with a stern look, and sneered when she saw the situation inside.

"Ning Shao is romantic, my wife's whereabouts are unknown, and I still have the mood to flirt with my old lover here?"

The displeasure in Ning Yan's eyes was very obvious. Hearing Ye Yun's words, he raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice, "What did you say?"

Ye Yun strode in, picked up Ning Yan's cell phone by the table, the anger in his eyes overflowed, and he wanted to punch Ning Yan twice.

"Look for yourself, there are so many missed calls, Xin... Lan Wei is missing, she called you for help, but what about you? Didn't answer any of them!"

Ye Yun sneered and said, "She is your wife, do you know how afraid she is of the dark?"

Afraid of the dark, he would curl up in a corner and cry, and was so nervous that he passed out!
Ning Yan knew nothing about all this!
Because all his attention was divided by Qiao Qiao alone!

Ning Yan suddenly stood up from the sofa, a look of anger flashed in his eyes: "Lan Wei is missing?"

"A Yan?" Qiao Qiao woke up startled, sat up from the bed, her eyes filled with tears: "Don't go!"

Ning Yan didn't hear the last two words, and strode out of Qiao's house, giving one order after another in a low voice,

People from Yeyun called, and there was no such person as Lan Xin in Charm, which meant that what happened to Lan Xin was not a prank, but a deliberate one!

Ning Yan's thick eyelashes cast deep shadows on the lower eyelids, making her look a bit more sinister.He never felt that the night was so long, and he never knew that Lan Xin was a person who was afraid of the dark.

So, on the top of the Xinghui Building, halfway up the mountain in Yuewan, Lanxin didn't catch a cold and went to the hospital, but was scared to get sick?
In the past, Ning Yan might have clapped his hands and laughed, but now, there was a panic in his heart that could not be ignored.

When the phone rang, Ning Yan quickly picked it up: "Young Master, you have found your young lady!"


The battery of the mobile phone has already been exhausted, and the darkness in the cramped space seemed to swallow her up. The panic in Lan Xin's heart was magnified infinitely. She didn't dare to cry, fearing that something unexpected would happen later and she would not have the energy to run.

After taking several deep breaths, the hope in her heart faded little by little. After an unknown amount of time, the door was opened, and she was hugged tightly in a warm embrace.

That kind of happiness for the rest of her life made her feel like she was dreaming.


Ning Yan froze while holding Lan Xin, and his face was a little dark. Ye Yun strode forward, helped him up, and replied, "I'm here!"

Lan Xin's eyes widened, seeing Ning Yan who was holding her, she suddenly pushed him away, took a step back, pinched Ye Yun's sleeve, and said in a low voice: "Ye Yun, take me away! "

Stimulated by Lan Xin's subconscious push away, Ning Yan stretched out his hand to grab Lan Xin's wrist, his expression hidden in the night, with no clue.

"Hey, come back with me!"

Lan Xin shook off Ning Yan's hand, with a smile uglier than crying: "I don't want to go back, go back by yourself!"

Lan Xin's spirit was a little disturbed, Ning Yan didn't dare to continue to stimulate her, he could only watch Ye Yun get into the car with Lan Xin in his arms, and he drove behind slowly.

Lan Xin was sitting on the co-pilot's seat, curled up in the soft back chair, her eyelashes were drooping, and the scars in her heart were getting bigger and bigger.

During that long wait, she knew that Ye Yun would be the last one to find her, but she never gave up calling Ning Yan.

She had treated Ning Yan as Gu Heng for too long, many times she thought that Ning Yan would love and spoil her like Gu Heng, but she forgot, it wasn't Gu Heng!

She had long thought that her heart would die after Gu Heng's death, but just now, she discovered that even if she liked Ning Yan, she was too dependent on him!

She was so scared, afraid that she would not even be able to hold onto a heart full of scars for Gu Heng!
After arriving at Ye Yun's house, Lan Xin huddled on Ye Yun's bed and fell into a light sleep. Ning Yan sat in the car, and while waiting for Lan Xin, he checked his mobile phone. There were seventy or eighty missed calls, except Ye Fan's three Except for the phone calls, Lan Xin made all the calls by himself.

The sky was gradually turning white, and he didn't know what Lan Xin was feeling when he called him, but now, he didn't want to wait any longer.

There are several bodyguards under Yeyun's villa. He was kidnapped before, and specially hired a mercenary group to be bodyguards for him. Ning Yan took two steps forward and was stopped by the bodyguards.

When Ye Yun was thinking about how to comfort Lan Xin, the bodyguard called: "Sir, Mr. Ning broke in!"

Ye Yun paused, glanced at Lan Xin on the bed, and said flatly, "Stop!"

Ning Yan changed his mind two years ago, and had always lived the life of an elderly person. Even if he could fight, would he still be able to beat the mercenaries he invited?
Ye Yun sneered, naturally finding it impossible.

But Ning Yan did walk in with heavy steps, his face was painted, he was sweating a little after exercising, and his exquisite facial features became clearer. Quietly watching the sleeping blue core beside the bed.

After seeing enough, he took off his coat and wrapped him up. The bodyguard stood at the door, trying to stop him, but Ye Yun waved and a group of people stepped aside.

Ning Yan didn't look back, and said in a cold voice, "I owe you a favor."

If there were no night clouds, Lanxin would have to stay in the cramped and dark space for another night.

Ye Fan saw Ning Yan coming down with the man in his arms, and opened the car door. Ning Yan got into the car with the man in his arms, and said in a low voice: "Drive steadily, and go back to Moon Bay!"

When they arrived at Yuewan, Ye Fan hesitated whether to tell Ning Yan, after all, standing in front of the car was Ms. Qiao, the one whom Mr. Ning cared most about before.

When Qiao Qiao saw Ning Yan's car, she surrounded her and opened the rear door, her voice was soft and eager: "A Yan, have you found Lan Wei?"

Ning Yan's slender index finger touched the bright red thin lips, signaling Qiao Qiao not to speak, then carefully got out of the car with her in her arms, strode upstairs with her in her arms, and put her on the bed.

Qiao Qiao's heart tightened for a while, and she was so uncomfortable that she could hardly breathe out.


Ning Yan raised his hand, Qiao Qiao's words stopped following his movements, and he heard him say: "Qiao Qiao, can I be quiet?"

Qiao Qiao blinked her tearful eyes and asked, "A Yan, are you in love with Lan Wei?"

Ning Yan raised her eyes, and the deep vortex in her eyes almost swallowed her up. Just when Qiao Qiao thought Ning Yan would deny it, she suddenly heard him say, "Qiaoqiao, is Lan Wei my wife?"

Qiao Qiao burst into tears at this moment, she really wanted to ask what Ning Yan meant by this?I want to tell that Lan Wei is his wife, even if he falls in love with her, is it legal?
"what about me?"

Qiao Qiao's voice suddenly became sharp. She was always gentle, but at this moment she was a little ferocious.

"What am I?"

Ning Yan rubbed her aching forehead from not sleeping all night, her voice was calm and cold, but it made Qiao Qiao feel colder than ever before.

"You will be my most beloved sister!"

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