National Producer: Xiao Shaotian has no limit to pets

Chapter 99: Meeting at Xinyi Coffee Shop, Zhang Family's Children Cry Loudly

"Yeah, I'm done, and I'm on my way to find you now. We really have a tacit understanding." Gu Yunai said with a smile and slowed down the speed of the car.

Gu Yunai felt that she and Xiao Xingfu were getting more and more in tune. Not only did he know what she was thinking, but sometimes even what they wanted to do was the same. This may be what people often say is a good understanding. Anyway, she is very happy, after all, she can meet someone who understands her so well and loves her so much, and Xiao Xingfu is so good, she really can't put it down!Thinking of this, Gu Yunai couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Ai, what are you laughing at? We have always had a tacit understanding, haven't we? Then let's meet at Xinyi Cafe, so that we won't miss it." Xiao Xingfu asked suspiciously when he heard Gu Yunai's laughter , so he also hooked the corners of his lips and said so to Gu Yunai.

"Okay, then I'll go there now, you have to wait for me when you arrive first!" Gu Yunai said as he turned the car and drove towards Xinyi Cafe.

"Okay, you drive slowly, I will wait for you, don't worry about my little misty." Xiao Xingfu said and smiled again.

"Okay, then I'll hang up first, let's talk when we get to the coffee shop." Gu Yunai said and hung up the phone.

Xiao Xingxing shook his head helplessly. He originally wanted to talk to Gu Yunai for a while, but she hung up the phone like this, but it doesn't matter, anyway, he can go to the coffee shop in a while, he and Gu Yunai During this period of time, because he was busy, he hadn't seen her. He really wanted to see her!It's just that he didn't expect Gu Yunai to think the same as him. It seems that they really have a tacit understanding. Anyway, the relationship between him and Gu Yunai is getting better and better. It seems that it's time to prepare for the proposal, Xiao Lucky thought so and speeded up the car, and he drove to the door of Xinyi Cafe in a short while. He stopped and got out of the car, and saw Gu Yunai's car also driving over.

"Lucky, you came really fast!" Gu Yunai parked the car, got out of the car and saw Xiao Xingfu, she walked to him and said to him with a smile.

"Little Ai Ai came here very quickly, let's go in!" Xiao Xun Xing said, took Gu Yun Ai's hand and walked into the coffee shop.

"Cappuccino and Blue Mountain." Xiao Xunxing said to the waiter beside him.

"By the way, lucky, what have you been up to these days? I haven't seen you for several days." Gu Yunai said and looked at Xiao Xingfu.

"The group has several new projects that need to win bids, and the project is about to be officially implemented, so I don't have much time to accompany you during this period." Xiao Xunfu said apologetically as he touched Gu Yunai's little face.

Xiao Xingfu knew that he had indeed neglected Gu Yunai during this period of time. In fact, he also missed her very much. It was just that he was entangled in affairs and couldn't sneak in for a while, so he didn't go to her. He still hoped that Gu Yunai would not be angry with him. Xiao Xingfu thought so and held her hand.

"Oh, it's okay, but you still have to pay attention to your body, don't stay up late, you see that your dark circles have come out, you have to pay more attention next time." Gu Yunai said so and leaned on Xiao Xingfu's shoulder.

She didn't care if Xiao Xingfu came to her, she could go to him too, she just hoped that he could pay attention to his work and rest and his body, what would she do if his body was exhausted?She didn't want to be like this, she just wanted Xiao Xunfu to be healthy and happy, Gu Yunai stretched out her hand and touched Xiao Xingfu's eyelids thinking so, she felt a little sour in her heart!
"I know little Ai Ai, and so are you Ai Ai, I see that you are also very busy these days, you are such a small one, don't be too pushy!" Xiao Xingfu said and pinched it again and again. Gu Yunai's small face.

"Huh, what a little one, are you looking down on me? I'm going to bite you to death." Gu Yunai was a little dissatisfied when she heard this, but she was not angry, but straightened up and lightly bit Xiao Xingfu's finger.

"My little Ai Ai is really irritable, are you going to become a sassy girlfriend?" Xiao Xingxing smiled and took a sip of coffee.

"Yeah, you're scared!" Gu Yunai also took a sip of coffee and said, staring at Xiao Xingxing.

"I'm not afraid. Anyway, my little Ai Ai has little strength. Even if she is barbaric, I can still get used to it. Maybe it's a pleasure!" Xiao Xun Xing said and patted Gu Yun Ai's head.

"Anyway, it's right that you bully me, and ignore you!" Gu Yunai said, picked up the coffee and sat opposite Xiao Xingfu, and turned to look out the window after drinking.

Why does Xiao Xingfu always like to tease her and tease her?Was he led to be bad by someone, or was it that he was bad in the first place, and she just didn't find out?Gu Yunai was a little helpless, she had accidentally fallen into the "trap" set by Xiao Xingxing, it was a sweet "trap"!It is too late to escape now, she really likes Xiao Xingfu, and enjoys the time with him, even if they bicker occasionally, it is a special kind of happiness!
"Ai Ai, don't be angry, I said the wrong thing, don't be angry, okay?" Seeing this, Xiao Xingxing held Gu Yunai's hand and asked worriedly.

He didn't know what happened to Gu Yunai, he was just joking casually, Gu Yunai is not a narrow-minded person, and he definitely wouldn't be angry with him for such a trivial matter, Xiao Xingfu looked at Gu Yunai who was snickering, and immediately understood It turned out that she was playing tricks on him, he really had no other way.

"Oh, how can I be so narrow-minded? By the way, luckily, I think Xingya has almost recovered, and the crew will resume work next month. Do you have time then? Let's go and see together, shall we?" Gu Yunai sat next to Xiao Xingfu again, took his hand and asked him softly.

"Okay, I may not be so busy next month, and then we will go together." Xiao Xingxing said to Gu Yunai with a smile.

"Well, let's go then, I want to go back." Gu Yunai said and stood up.

"Okay." Xiao Xingxing grabbed Gu Yunai and walked out of the coffee shop together.

"Lucky, you." "The shooting star across the sky has carved traces in my heart. Although I think of the past from time to time, but by my side..." When Gu Yunai wanted to say something to Xiao Xingfu, Xiao Xingfu's cell phone rang suddenly.

"Ai Ai, wait a minute, I'll answer the phone." Xiao Xingfu patted Gu Yunai on the shoulder lightly, then walked aside to answer the call.

It took about half an hour to finish the phone call. Xiao Xingfu's expression was a little dignified. He pursed his lips and looked at Gu Yunai, as if he hesitated to speak. Gu Yunai was a little puzzled, what happened to Xiao Xingfu?Why do you make such a face?Could something serious happen, Gu Yunai was worried, she stretched out her hand to hold Xiao Xingfu.

"Lucky, what's the matter? Did something happen?" Gu Yunai looked at Xiao Xingfu for a while, then asked.

"Ai Ai, you go back first, I have something to take care of, I'll go to you later." Xiao Xingxing said to her while holding Gu Yunai's shoulder.

"Okay." Gu Yunai nodded in response.

Although Gu Yunai didn't know what happened, and wanted to know what happened to Xiao Xingfu, but seeing how anxious he was to deal with it, she didn't want to ask in detail. Anyway, he will come back to her later, and then she will take care of her Just ask, but she really doesn't want anything serious to happen!
"Ai Ai, I'm leaving." Xiao Xingfu kissed Gu Yunai's forehead, got in the car and left the coffee shop quickly.

"Hey, I'd better go back, yawn, I'm really tired, go back and get some sleep first." Gu Yunai got into the car and drove towards her home as she spoke.

"Mom, I'm back, Mom?" Gu Yunai didn't see Gu Sisi when she entered the room, she yelled a little strangely, but she didn't get any answer.

When Gu Yunai was puzzled, she glanced at a note on the table. She picked up the note and saw that it said: Xiao Ai, Mom will go out for a while, Rui Rui fell asleep upstairs, go and see him, if he is hungry Get him something to eat, don't worry about me, I'll be right back.

"Where is this going again? You didn't call me to tell me, and you left Ruirui at home alone. You really have a big heart! I'd better take a look quickly." Gu Yunai sighed helplessly, Then he walked upstairs quickly and walked into Gu Sisi's room.

She saw Du Wenrui sleeping soundly in the rocking bed, with a faint smile on his face, and crystal saliva still hanging from the corner of his mouth. He occasionally scratched his little head with his hand, turned over and fell asleep comfortably. It looked like he Had a sweet dream!I don't know what he dreamed about, but he was smiling so happily, Gu Yunai thought about it and took a piece of cloth to wipe Du Wenrui's mouth, then wrapped him in the quilt again.Although it is hot now, it is still very necessary for children to keep warm. Gu Yunai stared at Du Wenrui for a few more times and found that he did not show signs of waking up, so she walked out of the door, intending to take a bath and then take a look Du Wenrui.

"Woo, wow!" Just as Gu Yunai was rubbing bubbles in the bathtub, Du Wenrui's cry came from the room, she was startled, she quickly dried herself, got dressed and walked towards Gu Sisi's room.

"Oh, don't cry, Rui Rui is hungry, my sister will find you something to eat!" Gu Yunai gently shook the rocking bed, swinging back and forth, trying to make Du Wenrui stop crying, but Du Wenrui still cried vigorously, and louder and louder.

"Forget it, I'll go find something to eat. It's better for such a small child to drink milk or millet porridge." Gu Yunai said as she got up and walked to the kitchen. When she opened the refrigerator, she found that there were two or three in the refrigerator. Milk bottle, and some millet porridge.

"It seems that Mom is ready, I have to heat it up quickly." Gu Yunai said as she took out the baby bottle and the big bowl, and heated them separately.

At this time, Gu Yunai heard Du Wenrui's crying gradually getting quieter, and it seemed that it was not as scary as it was at first. She wondered if this Du Wenrui had dozed off again, and was about to fall asleep. After all, children are like this, so it's not surprising.

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