National Producer: Xiao Shaotian has no limit to pets

Chapter 63: Explain the reason of the matter, and play in the hot spring together

Gu Yunai was slightly stunned, she supported Jiang Xingya to lie down, and then replied: "Yes, she is Junlan's mother, and she is too worried about Junlan, so she will behave rudely, Xingya, don't I care too much!"

"Cough, it's nothing, I don't care, I just feel a little baffled! I just woke up and was going to be beaten, it's really a bit miserable." Jiang Xingya said with a smile.

"Don't worry, this kind of thing won't happen again, Xingya, are you hungry, luckily you bought something, let's eat together." Gu Yunai patted Jiang Xingya's shoulder and then looked at Xiao Xiao Lucky.

"Well, let's eat together. I know you and Junlan are injured, so I also bought some light things." Xiao Xingfu nodded, put the things on the table and said to Jiang Xingya.

Jiang Xingya answered and opened the food. She was indeed very hungry. She hadn't eaten anything since she came out to see the venue, fell off the cliff and finished the treatment. She looked at Gu Yunai with a worried expression on her face, presumably Gu Yunai was not well Let's eat, she was really touched.

"By the way, Xingya, you should take a good rest in the hospital during this time, and don't think too much about it. Fortunately, there is no official start-up yet. I think the shooting time will have to be postponed for a while, so you should take care of your injuries. Raise well, don’t do other things for now, just as the company’s recent affairs are also finished, I will ask Ming Chuan to take care of you, and you don’t have to worry about your mother, I will visit often.” Gu Yunai He held Jiang Xingya's hand and said slowly.

Jiang Xingya is her good friend, of course she knows Jiang Xingya's worries and concerns, so during Jiang Xingya's hospitalization period, she will also arrange everything so that she will not have any worries, so that Jiang Xingya can Take care of your body, Gu Yunai smiled thinking about it.

"Thank you, Yun Ai! For being so thoughtful for me." Jiang Xingya said with tears in her eyes.

"Thank you, we are good girlfriends! Then you have a good rest first, Lucky and I will leave first!" Gu Yunai patted Jiang Xingya's hand and said with a smile.

Jiang Xingya nodded and lay down. Gu Yunai glanced at her and pulled Xiao Xingxing out of Jiang Xingya's ward. When they passed Wei Junlan's ward, they heard arguing inside, but the door was closed tightly. They couldn't push it away, but when Wei Junlan said that he had nothing to do and wanted to go out, Gu Yunai also looked helpless.

"What's wrong with you, Ai Ai?" Xiao Xingfu touched Gu Yunai's head and asked suspiciously.

What is Gu Yunai thinking again?Why do you show that expression?If she is worried, she can knock on the door hard!Xiao Xingfu felt that Gu Yunai was not an outsider to the three people in the room, and she didn't need to stay outside and worry!

"It's okay, let's go." Gu Yunai said, took Xiao Xingfu's hand, and walked towards the outside of the hospital.

In fact, Gu Yunai originally wanted to go in and see what was going on, but then she thought that it is difficult for an upright official to break up housework, and Wei Junlan is the precious son of Wei Hao and Du Lanjuan, how could they do anything radical?She felt that she was a little unfounded, Gu Yunai smiled and shook her head.

"Okay, Ai Ai, I think you are also very tired, why don't we go to the hot spring!" Xiao Xingxing said to Gu Yunai with a smile.

"Okay." Gu Yunai replied very happily when she heard the words.

Xiao Xingfu pulled Gu Yunai into the car, the car drove very fast, but Gu Yunai has long been used to this speed, she really wondered if this Xiao Xingfu wanted to be a racing driver, driving the car so fast every time, he Aren't you afraid of being checked by the traffic police?To be honest, she has been in his car so many times, but she didn't see a traffic policeman come to stop him. Does handsome guy have privileges?
Gu Yunai was puzzled, and she didn't bother to think about it. Too many things happened during this period, and she wanted to relax and calm herself down, but she saw that the road Xiao Xingfu drove was in the direction of his house. , She was puzzled, didn't this Xiao Xingxing say he was going to take a hot spring?Why did you take her to his house?

"Lucky, why are you driving to your house? Aren't we going to take a hot spring?" Gu Yunai still asked her doubts.

"You'll know when you arrive!" Xiao Xingfu said with a mysterious smile.

"Cut, it's mysterious!" Gu Yunai shook her head helplessly and said.

"Don't say that, little Ai Ai, I've always been very honest with you, just follow me." Xiao Xun Xing said and patted Gu Yun Ai's little head again.

"Hmph, I'm too lazy to talk to you." Gu Yunai pouted and turned her head to the other side.

Xiao Xingfu smiled and glanced at Gu Yunai, and didn't say much. He drove quickly and arrived at his house in a short time. He dragged Gu Yunai to a small yard behind his house. Gu Yunai was a little surprised, although She has also been to Xiao Xingxing's house many times, but she didn't look around here carefully. She didn't expect that there was a small yard behind his house!

"Lucky, is the hot spring you mentioned in this yard?" Gu Yunai raised her head and asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, come in, I've got people ready." Xiao Xingfu pulled Gu Yunai into the courtyard.

Gu Yunai nodded and followed Xiao Xingfu to a small room. Xiao Xingfu opened the door. Gu Yunai saw a very large pool in the room, which was still steaming. There was a set of clothes on the floor, which was prepared for the hot spring. She closed her eyes and felt the place. She felt that it was very comfortable here. She stepped forward and knelt down to touch the water in the pool, and found that the water temperature was just right. It would be very comfortable to soak her body later. Yes, Gu Yunai couldn't wait any longer.

"Lucky, aren't you going out?" Gu Yunai looked at Xiao Xingfu and asked suspiciously.

"Why should I go out? Didn't I say that I want to soak in the hot spring with Ai Ai? Ai Ai, change your clothes quickly!" Xiao Xingxing said with a smile.

"Oh, you go out first, I'm embarrassed to change when you're here." Gu Yunai said and pushed Xiao Xingxing out the door.

"Little Ai Ai is really easy to be shy." Xiao Xun Xing did not forget to say this when he left the room.

"Huh!" Gu Yunai snorted and quickly closed the door.

Gu Yunai took her clothes and ran behind the screen to change. The clothes were light purple with a faint floral fragrance on them. She couldn't help smelling them a few times while changing. I have to say that Xiao Xingfu is really careful. The clothes fit her very well. She walked out of the screen slowly and found that Xiao Xingfu hadn't come in. Then she felt relieved. Although she and Xiao Xingfu were already together, she was still very shy. She couldn't change clothes in front of Xiao Xingfu, and she had to soak in the hot springs, and the clothes were very thin. She sat by the pool and soaked her feet first.

Suddenly she felt that someone was holding her feet, and she wanted to struggle but was pulled into the pool. She kicked her feet in a panic and slapped the water surface with her hands, but she couldn't break free.

"Ai Ai, it's me." Xiao Xingxing came out of the water at this time, and he hugged Gu Yunai and said so.

This Gu Yunai is really strong, she started kicking him non-stop, his hands and feet were in pain, he had to "clean up" Gu Yunai, lest she get complacent again, Gu Yunai saw Xiao Xingfu and she let down her guard , She grabbed Xiao Xingfu's shoulder with all her strength, and shook her hair vigorously. Why did Xiao Xingfu suddenly hide in the bottom of the water to scare her? She thought there was some strange person lurking in this place!He is really hateful, does he have to play tricks on her to be happy?

"Hmph, you hate me so much, you scared me, tell me, how do you make it up to me!" Gu Yunai raised her head and pouted her lips dissatisfiedly.

"Then let's make it up like this." Xiao Xingfu said as he lowered his head and kissed Gu Yunai's lips.

The water was too slippery and Gu Yunai couldn't escape. She could only hug Xiao Xingfu and respond to his kiss. The two slowly closed their eyes and stared at the water with their feet, allowing their bodies to lean on. After kissing for a while, Xiao Lucky touched Gu Yunai's face and let go of her body.I don't know if it's because I've been soaking in the hot spring for a long time. Gu Yunai's eyes were a little blurred. She hugged Xiao Xingxing tightly, feeling the warmth of his body. The temperature of the water gradually increased and the whole room became hotter.

"Ai, sleep well." After soaking in the hot spring, Xiao Xingfu carried Gu Yunai back to the room, kissed her forehead, helped her cover the quilt, and said softly, then hugged her tightly, letting her She lay peacefully in his arms.

The sky was getting darker and darker. Gu Yunai and Xiao Xingfu slept soundly. They both had sweet dreams. In their dreams, they all dreamed of each other's appearance. They kissed and hugged each other, chatting and feeling the sweet atmosphere. Xiao Xingfu put the wreath on the Gu Yunai leaned on Gu Yunai's head, and Gu Yunai leaned on his shoulder. The two of them looked at the sky covered with sunset clouds. The dream was so beautiful, and there were sweet smiles on their faces.

At this moment in the hospital, Wei Junlan, who had just finished arguing with Wei Hao and Du Lanjuan, sighed heavily. He was lying on the bed, but in his head, he looked like Jiang Xingya. He realized that this time he was really tempted, and he didn't know why. From time to time, he would unconsciously miss Jiang Xingya, he would involuntarily want to know what happened to Jiang Xingya, he would get angry when he saw her being bullied, and he would go to rescue her desperately when he saw her in danger. What's wrong?How could he be so abnormal for a woman!This is not his style at all!

And he could feel Jiang Xingya's dissatisfaction with him, let alone Wei Hao and Du Lanjuan not allowing him to be with Jiang Xingya now, even if they agreed, Jiang Xingya might not be willing to start a future life with him.

"Hey, forget it, I'd better rest first, and I'll talk to my little aunt tomorrow." Wei Junlan shook his head, closed his eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.

Gu Yunai told him not to hit Jiang Xingya's idea, but this time he is serious, he will not give up, he will prove his sincerity, and he will also pursue the person he wants, since he has already made love to Jiang Xingya. If Xingya is moved, then he will not give up easily. No matter what difficulties come in the future, he will face it bravely until Jiang Xingya's prejudice against him is eliminated, until he can truly be with Jiang Xingya, before that He will think of a way, and he will get rid of his previous bad habits, so that everyone can see his determination.

Thinking of this, Wei Junlan fell asleep. Unlike Gu Yunai and Xiao Xingxing, he had a nightmare. In the dream, a man wearing a black mask kept chasing him. He wanted to escape but found that he could not escape. Struggling desperately, trying to escape that person's pursuit.

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