National Producer: Xiao Shaotian has no limit to pets

Chapter 51: Whispering late at night, worried about being exposed and wanting to be transferred

Gu Yunai glanced at the bedside table next to her, poured some water into the cup, and dipped a cotton swab to wipe Jiang Xingya's mouth, but Xiao Xingya grabbed her hand. Gu Yunai looked up at Xiao Xingxing suspiciously, as if asking what he wants to do.

"Your legs and feet are inconvenient, let me do it." Xiao Xingfu said as he took the cotton swab.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll be jealous?" Gu Yunai said with a smile, looking at Xiao Xingfu who wiped Jiang Xingya's mouth.

"Don't be afraid, my Ai Ai is not the kind of narrow-minded person!" Xiao Xingfu put down the cotton swab and said softly to Gu Yunai.

"Who is yours, you are so affectionate, I will ignore you when I leave." Gu Yunai said as she moved the handle on the wheelchair, turning the wheel to leave.

"Are you shy again? Don't move around, I'll push you out, or I will feel bad if you fall down." Xiao Xingxing grabbed the wheelchair, trying to push Gu Yunai out.

"I won't fall, and your arm is also injured, what should you do if the wound ruptures due to excessive force?" Gu Yunai said deliberately.

"Ai Ai, you're not a little fat pig, so it's easy for me to push you." Xiao Xingfu said as he slowly pushed Gu Yunai.

Gu Yunai did not speak, she was pushed forward by Xiao Xingxing in the corridor, it was late at night, the whole hospital was very quiet, only a few nurses on night shift were walking in the corridor, she looked at Wei Junlan's ward At the door, the bodyguards seem to have changed, but they are still vicious. She thinks it's better to sneak in to see Wei Junlan when they are not paying attention. She doesn't want to have any conflicts with the bodyguards, and she is also a little sleepy now. , I want to get a good night's sleep, I'll think about other things tomorrow.

"Ai Ai, what are you thinking, why don't you speak?" Xiao Xingxing asked with some doubts when he saw that Gu Yun Ai had been silent and his hands were still clenched.

"It's nothing, I'm sleepy and want to go to sleep." Gu Yunai shook her head and said with a smile.

"But you haven't eaten all day, why don't I ask someone to buy something for you to eat, shall we chat before going to sleep?" Xiao Xingfu pushed Gu Yunai into the ward and said, holding her hand.

"Alright then." Gu Yunai nodded and said while rubbing her stomach.

After about ten minutes, the food was brought over. Because both Gu Yunai and Xiao Xingfu were injured, they could only eat light food. Fortunately, the food was very delicious, so they finished it quickly .

After eating, the sleepiness came up, so Gu Yunai and Xiao Xingfu didn't chat a few words, she fell asleep unconsciously, Xiao Xingxing shook his head helplessly, he packed his things, helped Gu Yunai cover the quilt, and lowered his head After kissing her, he also lay down on his hospital bed, turned sideways to see Gu Yunai's sleeping face, and fell asleep so deeply.

The night was getting darker and darker, the clouds were thick and it began to rain heavily, followed by thunder, lightning, thunder, and wind and rain, as if something was about to happen.Gu Yunai, who was asleep, also felt very unsteady, but because her feet were fixed, she couldn't move, she could only keep shaking her head, frowning and mumbling something.

Xiao Xingxing was awakened by Gu Yunai's movement. He got up and went to Gu Yunai's side, and found that she had a fever again. He called the nurse, took care of Gu Yunai, and found that she was still very uncomfortable, so he held her hand and kept talking. Caressing her hot little face, whispered something in her ear, trying to calm her down.

Gu Yunai seemed to have heard Xiao Xingfu's words, she gradually settled down, didn't move around, slowly recovered her calm state, and fell asleep again, Xiao Xingfu was worried that Gu Yunai would still feel uncomfortable, so she kept on Stay by her side and observe her situation.

After a night like this, the sky gradually brightened, Gu Yunai woke up from her sleep, and when she turned her head, she saw Xiao Xingfu who was sleeping next to her. He held her hand and leaned his head against the edge of the bed, with a Falling asleep in a very uncomfortable position.

Gu Yunai remembered that she was very uncomfortable last night, feeling like she was on fire, and she slowly got better in the middle of the night. It turned out that it was all thanks to Xiao Xingfu. Did he take care of her all night?It's really silly, he won't feel uncomfortable if he falls asleep like this, and he can tell from his expression that he hasn't slept well, so she'd better put him on the bed.

Thinking about this, Gu Yunai got up, lifted the quilt, picked up the crutch beside the bed, and then walked to Xiao Xingfu, trying to move him to the bed, but she didn't have that much strength, just at this time a nurse walked away After entering, she looked at Gu Yunai who was about to fall, and hurriedly stepped forward to help her.

"Ah, Miss Nurse, you came just in time, can you help me put him on the bed?" Gu Yunai turned to see the nurse, she asked with a smile.

"Okay, Miss Gu, please sit on the side first, your legs are not healed yet, I'll be fine." The nurse nodded and smiled and helped Gu Yunai to sit on the bed first, and then gently helped her up Lucky Xiao, put him on the bed, let him lie down, and covered him with a quilt.

"Thank you." Gu Yunai thanked the nurse.

"You're welcome, Ms. Gu, I still have to give you an IV. You can lie down." The nurse shook her head and then picked up the hanging bottle and inserted a thin needle into Gu Yunai's blood vessel. Then she helped Xiao Xingfu After finishing the drip, she took a look at the two and walked out.

Gu Yunai looked at Xiao Xingxing for a while, closed her eyes and heard some noise outside, she listened carefully to the voice, and found that the voice was still familiar, so she pulled out the infusion tube, propped up her crutches and walked towards the door Go, she saw a group of people walking towards Wei Junlan's ward. The leader was a woman wearing a mink coat and a plush shawl, followed by four or five bodyguards. The bodyguards at the door nodded respectfully when they saw the woman. Walking into the ward, the bodyguards also walked in and closed the door of the ward.

Gu Yunai hurriedly leaned on her crutches to take a look. She went to the door and looked around, but found that no one was coming this way, so she gently opened the door and found that the woman inside was Wei Junlan's mother, Du Lanjuan. Standing beside her and holding her was Wei Junlan's father Wei Hao.

"Oh, husband, why do you think our Lan'er is still awake? Nothing will happen, what did the doctor say?" Du Lanjuan wiped her tears with a handkerchief, and asked Wei Hao crying.

"The doctor said that Lan'er hurt his head. Although he has undergone an operation and is out of danger, he still needs to be observed for a while. Don't worry, Lan'er will be fine. You can see that his vital signs are not all normal. Is it?" Wei Hao patted Du Lanjuan on the shoulder and comforted him.

"That's good, that's good. Tell me, how did Xiao Qi take care of Lan'er and let him go to the hospital? I must ask her carefully, my Lan'er, woo woo woo. " Du Lanjuan nodded, and then she thought of something and said a few more words.

"Hey, this is an accident that happened at the opening ceremony. I can't blame Xiaoqi. I heard that she is also injured and is in the hospital! We still have to watch Lan'er carefully and find out who did it as soon as possible. This is a good thing, and that person must pay the price." After Wei Hao shook his head and said a few words, his eyes gradually became sharper.

"That's right, we have to severely punish such crazy people. If you dare to hurt Lan'er like this, I won't let those people end well." Du Lanjuan nodded and said bitterly.

Gu Yunai stood by the door and shook her head helplessly. Although Wei Junlan was often beaten by Du Lanjuan when he was a child, Wei Hao and Du Lanjuan still felt sorry for Wei Junlan. He came here as soon as something happened, and there was such a big fight. Hey, look. Come on, she doesn't need to worry too much about Wei Junlan, after all, with the careful care of her parents, Wei Junlan will definitely recover soon.

"Ai Ai, what are you doing standing here, why don't you go in?" Xiao Xingfu slowly approached Gu Yunai and asked suspiciously.

Xiao Xingxing woke up from exhaustion and didn't see Gu Yunai's figure anymore. He thought that Gu Yunai must be restless and wanted to see Wei Junlan, so he came to look for her, but why was Gu Yunai standing outside? What are you looking at?

"Shh, keep your voice down, Junlan's parents are here, they are inside! There are so many people inside, it's not convenient for me to go in, let's go quickly." Gu Yunai covered Xiao Xingfu's mouth, she whispered Said to Xiao Xingfu.

"Okay then, I'll help you, you go slowly." Xiao Xingfu nodded, and he helped Gu Yunai to walk slowly towards the ward.

"Lucky, I thought about it, I, I want to be transferred." After arriving in the ward, Gu Yunai was silent for a while and said to Xiao Xingfu.

"Transfer? Why do you want to transfer? Ai Ai thinks this place is not good?" Xiao Xingfu was a little puzzled when he heard this.

Gu Yunai looked at Xiao Xingfu, and she didn't know what to say for a while. Now that Wei Hao and Du Lanjuan are here, they will definitely come to see her soon. She really doesn't want to meet them face to face, and she doesn't want to say anything more to them In other words, although the relationship between her and them is not bad, it is not much better. It is better not to meet each other, so as not to cause a lot of trouble, so the best way is to transfer to another hospital and leave here as soon as possible. Wei Hao and Du Lanjuan To take care of Wei Junlan, he wouldn't go to other hospitals to find her.

"Uh, yes, I don't feel comfortable staying here, let's go to Xinteng Hospital, after all, it's your friend's hospital, I must be more comfortable staying there, not to mention Xingya's mother is also there , Xingya is in the hospital now, and Mingchuan has to work, so I definitely can't take care of these two ends, although she said there is a nurse to take care of her mother, but I still want to go there to see." Gu Yunai did not tell the truth to Xiao Xingfu, she laughed After saying these few words with a smile, he looked at Xiao Xunfu as if he wanted him to take her out of here immediately.

"Then, well, I'll ask someone to help us with the hospital transfer procedures. Ai Ai, don't worry too much. Junlan, Xingya and other injured people will definitely recover." Xiao Xingfu touched Gu Yunai Looking at Gu Yunai's melancholy expression, he thought that Gu Yunai was worried, so he said comfortingly.

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