National Producer: Xiao Shaotian has no limit to pets

Chapter 39: Haunted House Adventure Gets Gifts, Intensive Training

Gu Yunai heard what Xiao Xingfu said, and she had an idea in her heart. She smiled evilly and said to Xiao Xingfu: "Okay, let's go to the haunted house. You look like you have been there many times. Well, then you won't be afraid?"

She looked at Xiao Xingfu's expression that she would be frightened when she went to a haunted house, and she was a little unconvinced. She was not so timid, how could she be frightened by a mere haunted house?The horror scenes there are all deliberately arranged, even if it is a ghost, it is also pretended to be a person. Although scary people will scare people to death, but knowing that they are pretended by people, it will not scare her!She really wanted to see how Xiao Xunfu was frightened, so that he would not be complacent all the time, Gu Yunai kept staring at Xiao Xunfu thinking so.

"Then let's go, don't be frightened." Xiao Xingxing smiled and accelerated, heading towards the central square. There are independent entertainment facilities there, and the design of the haunted house is also very different. He wants to know Is Gu Yunai as bold as she appears?

After arriving at the central square, Xiao Xingfu went to buy tickets. Gu Yunai was wandering in the square when she saw Xibei not far away, who was talking to a man in green.

Because of the distance, Gu Yunai didn't know what they said, but judging by the expressions on their faces, they probably wanted to make trouble again. It seemed that they hadn't been beaten enough last time. She rolled her eyes thinking this way , and quietly followed Xibei and the man in green. She leaned down and was about five meters away from them. Perhaps she was too focused on the conversation. Neither Xibei nor the man in green noticed Gu Yunai. They kept moving forward. Walking, they came to the haunted house, they looked around, walked around the haunted house for a long time, didn't know where to press, and just disappeared in front of Gu Yunai.

"Where are people? Are you going to make a big change this night? Where did they go? They have been around this haunted house since the beginning. They must have gone in. Then I will go in and have a look." Gu Yunai thought so, raised her foot just Wanting to step in, she felt someone push her back. She didn't notice for a moment, and fell into the haunted house, and the door of the haunted house was also closed.

Gu Yunai looked around, and there were a few beams of green light shooting from nowhere in the pitch black environment. She stood up on the ground and pushed the door hard, but found that the door was locked. She checked her phone and found that there was no signal. .

Xiao Xunxing said that this haunted house is different from ordinary haunted houses. Once you enter, you cannot get out without completing certain tasks, and various scary things will come out during the period, scaring people who enter the haunted house. The most important thing is the task. It will not be stated clearly, only luck and wisdom can be used to crack it.

"It seems that I have to find a way to get out by myself, so let me meet this unique haunted house for a while." Gu Yunai smiled, turned on the flashlight with her mobile phone, and illuminated the road in front of her.

Gu Yunai stepped on a net just a few steps away, and she was directly hung up by the net. At this time, several "ghosts" with dark skin and bright red tongues stretched out a long way, wanted to lick Gu Yunai's face, she took He took out the knife in his bag, cut the net, squatted down and stretched out his feet and tripped those "ghosts". They were unprepared for a while, and fell heavily on the ground. Gu Yunai used the net to catch them, and beat them hard Hit them a few times.

After doing this, Gu Yunai found a small note in the arms of one of the "ghosts". She opened it and found that it was half of a maze map. She picked up the map and looked at it while walking.Because there was only half of the picture, Gu Yunai could only grope slowly. At this time, a "monster" jumped out, trying to knock down Gu Yunai with her thick arms. She quickly leaned back and kicked the "monster" away.

She continued to walk forward, but found that after going around a few times, she still returned to the place she started to enter. This haunted house is really like a maze, and the road is winding. In some places, there are rows of mirrors, only one side The mirror is the exit, and she still needs to distinguish the direction, otherwise she will be bumped and hurt herself. She searched for clues carefully, but heard the sound of the wall breaking from nowhere. The walls not far away began to collapse, and Gu Yunai hurried forward when she saw this. Her speed was very fast, and she ran to a corner in one fell swoop.

"Ai Ai, Ai Ai." At this moment, Gu Yunai heard Xiao Xingfu's voice, she turned around and found Xiao Xingfu behind the stone wall behind her.

"Lucky, when did you come in?" Gu Yunai asked suspiciously.

"What are you talking about! A person disappeared suddenly, which made me worry. I asked the staff here and found out that you had come in a long time ago, so I came in quickly to find you. Are you okay?" Xiao Xingxing sipped He pursed his lips and replied, he supported Gu Yunai's shoulder and asked worriedly.

"I'm fine and lucky. Let's find a way to get out quickly. I found this half of the picture at the exit. Maybe this is the key to our going out!" Gu Yunai shook her head and finished speaking, then she took out the half picture Maze diagram.

"I also have half a picture, let's put it together first." Xiao Xingfu said, took out his half picture, and pasted it together with Gu Yunai's picture.

The map can just be spliced ​​together. As shown in the picture, you have to find the spring and open the mechanism to get out. However, the interior of the entire haunted house is very dry. Even if she started to fall on the ground, there was no soil. What spring to look for?

"Ai Ai, let's look for it first." Xiao Xingfu looked at Gu Yunai's frown, and he held her hand and said with a smile.

Gu Yunai nodded. She was holding the mobile phone light in one hand, and Xiao Xingxing pulled the other hand. Xiao Xingxing looked at the map carefully. He found that the place where he and she are now is four intersections away from the spring. , and the place marked in red is probably some kind of level or monster.

"Give me back my life, give me my life back." Gu Yunai and Xiao Xingxing walked forward slowly, at this time a "female ghost" in white suddenly sprang out from the ground, she stuck out her long tongue, her face was blue and she kept saying the same sentence talk.

Xiao Xingfu stretched out his hand and took out a bottle of chili water, and applied it on the face of the "female ghost". The "female ghost" immediately howled loudly, covered her face and fell into the ground again.

"The ghosts here are too bluffing. It's boring to be chased away in one fell swoop." Gu Yunai pouted as she said.

"The so-called ghosts in the haunted house are used to scare people, not to fight, but we still have to get out quickly. There is a time limit for this level, only one hour. I calculated it, and we only have 10 minutes left. If you can't get out within the specified time, you will be punished." Xiao Xingfu said and patted Gu Yunai's head.

"What punishment?" Gu Yunai asked suspiciously.

"Being doused in ice water, I have to stand in the cold wind for half an hour!" Xiao Xingxing said while pulling Gu Yunai along.

"This is just a haunted house adventure, why is it turned into an extreme challenge, let's go quickly, I don't want to be poured in ice water, my stomach is finally getting better." Gu Yunai said and quickened her pace.

Xiao Xingfu nodded, he was walking carefully, but Gu Yunai was striding forward, her thoughts were to get out of this crappy place as soon as possible, this place is not fun at all, if there is no horror, no excitement, this haunted house is also It’s such a failure, what level do you have to complete before you can get out, hey, how busy is the person who built this.

"Hey!" Gu Yunai thought so, and she didn't know where she stepped on. A big hole suddenly appeared under her feet, and she just fell down. Because Xiao Xingfu was pulling her, she also fell down together.

"Ai Ai, are you alright?" Xiao Xun Xing looked at Gu Yun Ai, and asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, how about you?" Gu Yunai and Xiao Xingfu helped each other up, and she also asked Xiao Xingfu.

"It's okay, look at it, it's a spring." After Xiao Xingfu answered, he looked into the distance and found that a small spring was spraying out some water jets. He said happily to Gu Yunai.

"Well, let's go there quickly!" Gu Yunai said, grabbing Xiao Xunxing and running towards the spring.

They searched for a mechanism to get out near the spring, and found some strangely shaped stones beside the wall. Gu Yunai picked up the stones and put them into the depression beside the spring. Just after putting them in, Gu Yunai and Xiao Xingfu felt like a haunted house. With a shock, a small wooden door appeared on the right side of the spring, which had been embedded in the wall. Now that the mechanism was broken, the wooden door opened. They looked at each other and walked out.

"Congratulations to this couple for completing the task. This is a gift from you. You are also the first couple to walk out of the haunted house within the specified time. Congratulations." Gu Yunai and Xiao Xingfu had just walked out when they saw a woman in a tight dress , She held the stringed dolls one by one in her hand, hung them around Xiao Xingfu's neck, and said to them.

"Thank you." After Gu Yunai finished speaking, she glanced at Xiao Xingfu and left quickly.

"Ai Ai, what's wrong with you? Why are you suddenly angry?" Xiao Xingfu caught up with Gu Yunai and asked suspiciously.

"I'm not angry, I'm just thinking that it's nice to be a handsome guy. It's obviously a task we completed together, but you are the only one who has a gift. Seeing the way that girl looks at you, I feel neglected." Gu Yunai stared at Xiao Xingfu's neck The doll said so.

"Ai Ai, you won't be jealous, right? I know I'm very popular, but you are the only one in my heart, so I won't ignore you! I just don't want these dolls." Xiao Xingfu said and wanted to take them away Doll around the neck.

"I'm not jealous! Pfft, you look good wearing these dolls, hahahaha." Gu Yunai raised her head to look at Xiao Xingfu, and she laughed loudly unconsciously.

"You little Ai Ai made fun of me again, I want to deal with you." Xiao Xun Xing said as he stretched out his hand to scratch Gu Yun Ai's waist.

"Okay, don't make trouble, let's go back." Gu Yunai said and took Xiao Xingfu's hand.

Xiao Xingfu took Gu Yunai's hand, and they got into the car. After he sent her to the door, he took a few glances at her and left. Gu Yunai walked into the room with a smile. She looked at her phone and found that Wei Junlan had sent her a text message. I sent a WeChat message, the content is to go to the training camp before the 25th of this month, and get familiar with the environment in advance, which is conducive to the subsequent training camp. After she replied, she thought about the training camp. She may not have time to follow them for training camp. I don't know if it will go well!But there shouldn't be any major problems, and she doesn't need to think too much, Gu Yunai thought about putting down her phone, lying on the bed and falling asleep.

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