National Producer: Xiao Shaotian has no limit to pets

Chapter 34: The paparazzi hit the headlines, and the number of reposts exceeded [-] in an instant

It was already evening when Gu Yunai woke up again. She moved her body and found that her arms, stomach and head were very painful, but she felt that her whole body was warm, but the back of her hands was a little cold.She closed her eyes and opened them again, and found that she was in a strange environment again. The light was dim, but she could still see her surroundings clearly. The seats are all sofas, and the needle is being inserted into the back of her hand, and the medicine in the infusion tube is flowing into her body.

No wonder the back of her hand is so cold!It turned out to be on an IV drip, she smiled, then turned her head and found that Xiao Xingxing was sleeping on a small low bed next to her. It must be because he slept very uncomfortably, Gu Yunai stretched out his hand to touch the place where his brow was furrowed, and smiled a little touched.

"Ai Ai, you're awake, is there any discomfort?" Xiao Xingxing was awakened by Gu Yunai's movements, he got up and stretched out his hand to touch Gu Yunai's forehead, and asked worriedly.

"No, I'm much better. Are you feeling well?" Gu Yunai asked Xiao Xingfu.

"I'm fine. I'm not sick. It's you. You need to have a good rest. The doctor said that you fell ill because of fatigue and cold, but you have to pay attention to it. Fortunately, the fever is gone now. Does your stomach still hurt?" Xiao Xingxing held Gu Yunai's hand and said.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, idiot, how can I be so weak, just take a rest, it's already dark!" Gu Yunai held Xiao Xingfu's hand and said with a smile, she glanced out the window and found that the sky was gradually getting dark .

"Yeah, Ai Ai, you don't want to do something bad, do you?" Xiao Xingfu asked, rolling his eyes.

In fact, Gu Yunai didn't say anything, Xiao Xingfu also knew what she wanted to do. They agreed in the morning to clean up Xibei and Bai Mu. Now that it's dark, they can indeed act, but Gu Yunai's illness is just a little bit better He doesn't want her to do any more strenuous things. If he really wants to deal with Xibei and Bai Mu, he can just send his men down. enough.Xiao Xingfu hooked his lips thinking so.

"Didn't we agree to clean up those two paparazzi? What do you mean by doing bad things! What they do is bad. I'm doing justice to the heavens by cleaning them up, so as to save them from taking pictures and writing indiscriminately. They, they thought we were soft persimmons to be kneaded by others, today I will let them taste the power of Gu Yunai." Gu Yunai rubbed her fists as she said.

In fact, she doesn't use violence much at ordinary times. She thinks that violence is hard to convince people, especially since she is the boss of Xingyun. As soon as the shutter of her camera is pressed, as soon as the keyboard is input, all kinds of messy news are really flying all over the sky. The headlines write that she is bisexual. If she doesn't make a move, then they will go to heaven !
"But Ai Ai, you are still sick. I will leave this matter to my subordinates, so you can take a good rest, okay?" Xiao Xingfu persuaded Gu Yunai while supporting his body.

"I'm fine, look, am I fine? Luckily, you let me go, I must clean them up myself, otherwise I won't be able to relieve my anger! Besides, if I don't see their miserable situation with my own eyes, I will be very sad." It's uncomfortable, can you go with me?" Gu Yunai smiled and said to Xiao Xingfu.

"Okay, but you have to promise me that if you feel uncomfortable, you must go back to the hospital immediately. You can't hold on, you know?" Xiao Xingfu touched Gu Yunai's cheek and told him.

"Understood, I'm not a child, I'm the boss of Nebula Entertainment Company, it's not a small case to deal with paparazzi, you, don't worry too much, let's go!" Gu Yunai said with a smile.

Gu Yunai felt that not only her body was warm, but her heart was also very warm. Since she was a child, no one had cared for her like Xiao Xingfu, cherished her, cared about everything about her, and cared about her physical condition. Giving her a feeling of being pampered and being held in the palm of her hand melted her lonely and cold heart. In fact, she doesn't want much. As long as she is cared and loved a little more, she will be very satisfied, and Xiao Lucky just gave her what she needed, and she was very tempted by him. She thought it was great to meet Xiao Xingfu.

"What's the matter, Ai Ai?" Xiao Xingfu was suddenly hugged by Gu Yun Ai, and he stroked her soft hair and asked suspiciously.

"Lucky, thank you, thank you for being so kind to me and making me feel very happy." Gu Yunai replied with a smile.

"Silly girl, are you satisfied with this? I will treat you better and give you everything you want every day. Will you be moved and cry by then?" Xiao Xingfu supported Gu Yunai's shoulder affectionately she said.

Xiao Xingfu didn't know that Gu Yunai was so easily satisfied, he just gave her a little bit, and she was moved like this?If he treated her ten times and a hundred times better, wouldn't she be so moved? He really couldn't think of that kind of picture!

"I won't! Well, we really have to leave. If they go home, we won't be able to stop them. It won't be good if they are said to be trespassing." Gu Yunai pulled out He dropped the infusion tube and said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go." Xiao Xingfu helped Gu Yunai put on thick clothes, helped her put on her shoes, helped her stand up and said softly to her.

Gu Yunai and Xiao Xingxing passed by an alley in a car. This was the only way Xibei and Bai Mu had to go home from work. They were roommates who rented together. The relationship was not particularly good, but it was not bad. Seeing them walking on the road Gu Yunai felt a little bit embarrassed by the look of hooking her shoulders and back. She took out her mobile phone and took a picture of this scene. There was also a picture of Xibei bowing her head and Bai Mu helping him to hold the camera. Extra intimate.

"Ai Ai, since when have you become a paparazzi? You even secretly took pictures of others?" Xiao Xingfu held the steering wheel and watched Gu Yunai's behavior, he said a little funny.

"Hmph, don't they like to shoot? Like to write headlines? Then I will let them try to be photographed and make headlines. Let them also be the protagonists of entertainment news, and see if they dare to make random pictures in the future. Write." After Gu Yunai raised her head and said this sentence, she took several more "intimate photos" of Xi Bei and Bai Mu.

At this moment, several men in black followed Xi Bei and Bai Mu quietly. The man in black took two snakeskin bags, opened the snakeskin bags, and put them directly on Xi Bei and Bai Mu. After Xibei and Bai Mu were brought under control, those men in black beat and kicked them, and took away the film from their cameras, and the camera was also smashed to pieces by the men in black. Turned around and left.

"Lucky, who are these men in black?" Gu Yunai asked suspiciously.

Gu Yunai didn't think that Xiao Xingfu would be soft-hearted, but beat them up because of the two paparazzi. This is not Xiao Xingfu's style at all. After all, there are many ways to deal with them, and it doesn't have to be solved by beating them hard. Could it be that Xibei and Bai Mu were being targeted by others, that's why they took action against them?Paparazzi is indeed a high-risk occupation!If it was possible, Gu Yunai really wanted them to stop doing it. If she had the imagination, she might as well write a novel. But after thinking about it, she is not one of them. Besides, there are so many paparazzi, so she can't tell them all. !She is not so free!

"Maybe they offended other people! Those people are not as calm as we are, so they couldn't help but beat up Xibei and Bai Mu!" Xiao Xingxing said with a smile.

"Why do I suddenly feel that they are a bit pitiful!" Gu Yunai shook her head and said.

"Wouldn't it be pitiful for those who got involved in gossip because of their random writing? Ai Ai, don't you want to deal with them? Now that someone has helped us, we can just pick up some rich fruits!" Xiao Xunxing said and opened the door After getting out of the car door, he walked slowly towards Xi Bei and Bai Mu.

Gu Yunai also got out of the car and followed Xiao Xingfu's footsteps. They walked to Xibei and Bai Mu, untied the snakeskin bags on their heads, and found that they had been beaten so badly that their noses and faces were swollen, and they were unconscious. Moved Xibei and Bai Mu to lie down in a very intimate and cuddly position. Gu Yunai took out her mobile phone and took a few more recent photos. He and Xiao Xingfu got into the car and drove all the way towards Gu Yunai's villa.

In the early morning of the next day, the headlines of Weibo hot searches and some entertainment news became "Entertainment Famous Paparazzi Duo Embrace Closely in the Middle of the Night, Overly Excited Lying on the Street Cuddling Together". After all, everyone is only interested in entertainment news As for who the protagonist of this news is, it is not particularly important. As long as there are enough jokes or topics, the people who eat melons will watch it with gusto. They don't care whether the content is true or not, they only care about whether the pictures are exciting Is the title crazy.

As soon as this headline came out, it immediately eclipsed the scandal about Gu Yunai, Xiao Xingxing and Jiang Xingya. After all, compared with those influential figures in the entertainment industry, the lives of ordinary people at the bottom are more likely to resonate. As long as the topic is good enough, it will be done every minute. The rhythm of the trending search, in less than an hour, the search volume and forwarding volume have already exceeded one million. Gu Yunai looked at the phone and couldn't help shaking her head and sneering. The power of gossip is really powerful and even more terrifying The most important thing is these people who believe in rumors. Although she originally wanted to clean up Xibei and Bai Mu, letting them bear these inexplicable public opinions overnight may put more pressure on ordinary people like them. , this is really not what she wants to see.

With that in mind, Gu Yunai picked up the cup and took a sip of the fragrant Americano coffee. She closed her eyes and listened to the music. She swayed her body unconsciously, suddenly feeling comfortable and comfortable.

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