National Producer: Xiao Shaotian has no limit to pets

Chapter 30: Urgent need for surgical treatment, urgent arrangements for transfer

"That's it. I started going to the manga exhibition. I met Lucky by chance. You happened to have something to do here, so he sent me here." Gu Yunai glanced at Xiao Xingxing and turned to answer Jiang Xingya.

"So that's it, doctor, how is my mother? Is she safe now?" Jiang Xingya nodded. At this moment, she saw the doctor coming out of the emergency room. She grabbed the doctor and asked anxiously.

"The patient's condition is very serious. Not only is the heart bad, but the brain tumor is also gradually deteriorating. Surgery must be performed as soon as possible, otherwise the patient's life will be lost." The doctor glanced at Jiang Xingya and replied.

"What? Then, doctor, please operate on my mother, doctor, I beg you, please save my mother, please." Jiang Xingya hugged the doctor excitedly.

"I can understand how you feel. How about you pay the surgery fee first, and then sign the surgery consent form, and we will arrange the surgery as soon as possible." The doctor nodded and said to Jiang Xingya.

"Then, how much is the operation fee?" Jiang Xingya asked.

"50." The doctor replied immediately.

"50, this" "Xingya, what's wrong with you?" Jiang Xingya took a few steps back when she heard what the doctor said. Gu Yunai pulled her back and asked.

"No, it's nothing, thank you doctor, I'll make some preparations and pay the bill later." Jiang Xingya smiled and said to the doctor.

The doctor nodded and left quickly. Jiang Xingya slowly squatted down and hugged her knees gently. With tears in her eyes, she scratched her hair, a little at a loss.

"Xingya, don't you have any money with you?" Gu Yunai walked to Jiang Xingya and asked again.

"Yunai, to tell you the truth, I really have no money now. Although I have made a lot of money in the past few years, my mother's medical expenses, hospitalization expenses, and various expenses, as well as the money I borrowed before, I have just paid off the interest rate. Even though I have a lot of income now, it can’t cover the high expenses my mother has spent in hospital over the years. If Mingchuan and I add up our money, it’s still beyond our means. 50 if you give me a little time, maybe I can get it together, but my mother must have surgery as soon as possible, and I really can't wait any longer." Jiang Xingya sat down against the wall and said truthfully to Gu Yunai.

"What's the matter, I'll pay for the operation fee for you." Gu Yunai pursed her lips and said.

"How can this be done?" Jiang Xingya shook her head and refused.

"Why not? It's more important to save Auntie now. Besides, I didn't give you the money for nothing. Only when Auntie recovers can you have the mood to continue being squeezed by me!" Gu Yunai patted Jiang Xingya on the shoulder and said.

"Ai Ai, thank you, don't worry, I will work hard to pay off these." Jiang Xingya looked at Gu Yun Ai gratefully.

"Okay, I'll help you pay the fee first, you can take a good rest here first." Gu Yunai said, looked at Xiao Xingxing and then walked towards the payment office.

"Ai Ai, you are so generous. The price is 50." Xiao Xingfu smiled and said to Gu Yunai.

"It's important to save people! Besides, Xingya is my good friend, so I should help her." Gu Yunai replied.

"My Ai Ai is really kind! She really loves me!" Xiao Xingxing happily patted Gu Yunai's head.

This girl Gu Yunai is always so warm-hearted and kind, she likes to hold everything on her body, and she doesn't know how such a small body can hold up, but now that she has him, he will help her bear everything, and he will also help her She solves problems, he hopes that Gu Yunai will be happy forever, no longer worry about trivial matters, and can spend every day happily, this is his greatest wish, Xiao Xingfu thought so and held Gu Yunai's hand.

"Hello, I'm here to help patients in 501 pay the surgery fee. Here is the receipt." Gu Yunai said and handed the receipt to the payer.

"Okay, miss, would you like to pay in cash or by card?" the payer asked with a polite smile.

"I..." Gu Yunai was about to get the money and found that she was empty. She changed her clothes and forgot to bring her bag. This is really embarrassing.

"Swipe the card." Xiao Xingfu touched Gu Yunai's little face, took out a bank card and handed it to the payer.

"Okay, here is your receipt, please take it well." The payer saw Xiao Xingfu, her eyes lit up a little, and she typed up the receipt and slowly handed it to Xiao Xingfu.

"Thank you, Ai Ai, let's go." Xiao Xingxing pulled Gu Yun Ai towards Jiang Xingya's direction.

"Lucky, thank you! I'll pay you back the money when I get back." Gu Yunai shook Xiao Xingfu's hand and said this.

"Ai Ai, I don't need money, all I want is" Xiao Xingfu touched Gu Yunai's face and asked her to look at him and said softly.

"Just what?" Gu Yunai asked suspiciously.

"As long as Ai Ai doesn't be afraid of me approaching again." Xiao Xingxing said with a smile.

Xiao Xingfu's words made Gu Yunai a little embarrassed. In fact, she was not afraid of him approaching. On the contrary, when he approached her, she would be a little happy. It's just that some shadows in her childhood made her resist other people's intimate contact. Slowly forgetting and accepting Xiao Xingfu with his heart, it is really rare that he is so kind to her and can understand her thoughts.

"I'm not afraid of you approaching, luckily, I'm just not ready yet, give me some time!" Gu Yunai lowered her head and said.

"Okay, I'll give you time, is a lifetime enough?" Xiao Xingxing said with a smile.

"What, you're teasing me again. My life is so long, I don't want to be entangled in preparing for this matter!" Gu Yunai stuck out her tongue at Xiao Xingfu and walked away quickly.

After the initial rescue of Zhao Qihuan, he finally saved his life. The next step is to see the results of the operation. There must be no mistakes, otherwise the money is still a trivial matter. Ya and Jiang Mingchuan will definitely collapse, Gu Yunai doesn't want to see this scene, she can only silently pray that Zhao Qihuan is okay.

"Ai Ai, Young Master Xiao." Jiang Xingya saw Gu Yunai and Xiao Xingfu walking into the ward, she nodded towards them.

"Xingya, how is Auntie doing?" Gu Yunai asked.

At first, the doctor said that if Zhao Qihuan didn't do the operation, it would be very dangerous, but the operation time can't be scheduled in a day or two. Gu Yunai was worried that if the operation time was delayed, the probability of success of the operation would be reduced, so the risk was reduced. Improvement, but she can't let the doctor arrange Zhao Qihuan's operation immediately, this is really difficult!
"I have recovered a little bit now, but I haven't passed the critical period yet, and I must operate as soon as possible, but the doctor told me that their operation will be scheduled in a week at the earliest. I am afraid that my mother will not be able to wait, what should I do? "Jiang Xingya said sadly while holding Gu Yunai's hand.

"How about this? I know the director of a hospital. I can contact him to send your mother there. The operation time can be arranged soon." Seeing Gu Yunai and Jiang Xingya's frowning, Xiao Xingxing looked at him. Open your mouth and say.

"Is it really possible? Will this be too troublesome?" Jiang Xingya looked up at Xiao Xingfu and asked.

"Xingya, don't be polite to him. I think Auntie's situation can't be delayed any longer. It's better to tell the doctor as soon as possible and let them arrange a transfer for Auntie. Fortunately, your friend's hospital will trouble you to contact her. " Gu Yunai patted Jiang Xingya on the shoulder and said a few words before looking up at Xiao Xingxing.

"No problem, I'll contact you now." Xiao Xunxing said and walked out of the ward, picked up his mobile phone and made a call.

"Then I'll go to the doctor to discuss it." Jiang Xingya glanced at Gu Yunai and walked out of the ward.

Gu Yunai walked to the hospital bed and saw Zhao Qihuan who was pale and only breathing weakly. She sat down on the bed and said softly: "Auntie, you must be fine. Xingya's boyfriend is no longer by her side. Now you He Mingchuan is her only spiritual support, so you must get better!"

"Ai Ai, I've already made contact. We can transfer Jiang Xingya's mother to another hospital in the afternoon." Xiao Xingfu saw Gu Yunai who was talking to Zhao Qihuan, and he walked up to her and said to her.

"That's really great, thank you for being lucky." Gu Yunai said happily.

"Ai Ai, you never need to say thank you to me!" Xiao Xingfu put his index finger against Gu Yunai's lips and said.

"Okay, I see, Mr. Xiao, I'm hungry now, can Mr. Xiao have lunch with me?" Gu Yunai said with a smile.

"Of course, my honor." Xiao Xingfu also said with a smile.

"Cough, Yun Ai, Xiao Shao, I have already talked to the doctor. He said that although my mother's situation is dangerous, it is still possible to transfer to another hospital. Then when will I transfer my mother to another hospital?" Jiang Xingya walked into the ward, and she Seeing that Gu Yunai and Xiao Xingfu were chatting happily, she asked with a light cough.

"It's fine this afternoon, but I'm going out for dinner with Lucky now, do you need to bring something for you?" After Gu Yunai answered, she asked Jiang Xingya again.

"No need, you guys go, thank you!" Jiang Xingya looked at Gu Yunai and Xiao Xingfu, and she sincerely thanked them.

"You're welcome, we're leaving, bye!" Gu Yunai smiled and then dragged Xiao Xingxing out of the ward.

"Ai Ai, why don't you say I'm your boyfriend, so that your friends won't be so alien." Xiao Xingxing asked suspiciously.

"Auntie is sick now, and she's not out of danger! If I say you're my boyfriend, Xingya won't be able to get used to it. I don't want to bring any bad emotions to her anymore!" Gu Yunai said.

"Could it be that there is some ulterior relationship between you and her? Otherwise, why would it bring her a bad mood if we are boyfriend and girlfriend?" Xiao Xingfu rubbed Gu Yunai's little hand and asked.

"Is there any ulterior relationship? I'm thinking wildly. Let's go eat quickly. I'm starving! It's two o'clock now!" Gu Yunai slapped Xiao Xingfu's hand and said helplessly.

This guy Xiao Xingfu has a big brain. He even said that she and Jiang Xingya have an ulterior relationship. Although she knew that Xiao Xingya was joking, she still had to admire his magical brain. Jiang Xingya is just a best friend, how can there be any other relationship?

"Okay, what do you want to eat? I'll take you there!" Xiao Xingxing pinched Gu Yunai's little hand and asked with a smile.

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