National Producer: Xiao Shaotian has no limit to pets

Chapter 3: Huanxi picks up people for a dinner party, but loses without thinking about the results

Gu Yunai opened the car door and let the two brothers and sisters get into the car first. She was about to start the car when she got in, when her phone rang. Her eyes fell on the screen, which read "Xiao Xing Xing" three words.

"Hey, Mr. Xiao, what's the matter?" Gu Yunai put the phone aside, put on the bluetooth headset, started the car, and asked Xiao Xingfu on the other end of the phone.

"It's nothing, I just feel that Ms. Gu is very dishonest." Xiao Xunxing said so, hooking the corners of his lips.

"Insincere? What does Mr. Xiao mean, I have already returned the money I lent you, haven't I?" Gu Yunai was a little puzzled by Xiao Xingfu's words.

"I'm not short of money. Since I invited Ms. Gu to dinner last time, shouldn't Ms. Gu also invite me?" Xiao Xunxing said seriously.

"Uh, well, let's make an appointment another day, and I'll invite you." Gu Yunai wanted to refuse at first, but after thinking about it, it's just a meal anyway, and it's nothing. Seeing Xiao Xingfu's dress before, it was really not good. Like someone who is short of money, it seems that she can only pay him back a meal.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you." "Auntie, watch the way!" Just as Xiao Xingxing finished saying this, Wei Junlan called out.

Gu Yunai came to her senses and quickly avoided the signage on the side of the road. She took a breath, looked ahead and drove the car well. Sure enough, she had to concentrate on driving. She almost caused a traffic accident if she didn't pay attention. Be cautious, be cautious.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Xingxing asked suspiciously. He seemed to hear a man's voice vaguely. What is Gu Yunai doing now?

"Oh, I have a friend who returned to China today, and I'm here to pick him up. I'm sorry, my phone is running out of battery, so let's do this first, let's talk about it when we go back, bye!" Gu Yunai replied like this, and her phone also called Didi's low battery warning tone, she said this quickly, and hung up the phone.

"Hello, Gu..." Xiao Xingfu heard a beeping sound from the phone before he could say anything.

Xiao Xingfu put away his phone and planned to find Gu Yunai, she said to pick up a friend, but he wanted to see who it was!He was very curious. After all, he had a general understanding of Gu Yunai's situation. Apart from these people around him, he had never heard of her having foreign friends. Maybe he hadn't investigated it yet, so he had to take a good look. Can't see it.Xiao Xingfu thought about it and planned to go out. At this moment, his mobile phone rang again.

"Hello, what? Okay, I see, I'll go right away." Xiao Xingfu frowned, and he took the coat on the sofa and hurried out the door.

Gu Yunai, Wei Junlan and Wei Youmi arrived at Gu Yunai's house, and as soon as they reached the gate, they saw five Tibetan mastiffs barking at Wei Junlan and Wei Youmi, but their expressions were not vicious, they just kept barking, Gu Yunai Going up, squatting down, patted the heads of the five Tibetan mastiffs one by one, and patted their backs by the way, the five Tibetan mastiffs stopped barking instantly, surrounded Gu Yunai, and rubbed their heads against her hands and Shoulder.

"Little aunt, didn't you only have two Tibetan mastiffs before? Why are there so many now?" Wei Junlan stepped forward and asked suspiciously.

"These three are just two children here! Hey, let's go in and talk about it." Gu Yunai shook her head, stood up, and walked towards the villa. Wei Junlan and Wei Youmi walked in holding hands, and that Five Tibetan mastiffs also ran forward and stood neatly at the door of Gu Yunai's house.

Wei Junlan and Wei Youmi entered the living room, Wei Junlan turned his head to look, and found a large tree fork on his right back, with a few cobras on it, Wei Junlan blinked, and took a few steps back, he really didn't expect Gu Yunai is still interested in raising snakes, which is really scary. He has been afraid of slippery things since he was a child, and he was bitten by snakes when he was a child, so he still has some shadows about snakes.

"I said little aunt, your home is a zoo, what a mess!" Wei Junlan asked helplessly.

"What, this is Xingya's foster care at my place. Her mother is sick, so she has no time to take care of these snakes, but I don't plan to keep them anymore after seeing her. I will sell them after a while." Gu Yunai He pursed his lips and said.

"That's a good thing. It's too dangerous to keep this thing at home. It's better to sell it early. What is that Xingya? It's an artist of your company. It has a unique hobby and even raises snakes!" Wei Junlan said, wanting to get closer Looking at those snakes again, those snakes spit out the snake letter as if they had sensed it, scaring Wei Junlan back for a long distance.

"Oh, you don't care about others! If you are afraid of snakes, don't touch them. I won't be responsible for biting you later!" Gu Yunai was lowering her head to organize things, but seeing this scene, she slightly raised the volume of her voice.

"That's right, brother is so hateful, he will definitely be bitten by a snake." Wei Youmi also echoed.

"You damn girl, I was bitten by a snake before to save you. You don't know how to repay your kindness, but you still cursed me, you little heartless." Wei Junlan walked to Wei Youmi, stretched out his hand and nodded He tapped her forehead and said dissatisfied.

"Okay, why are you guys arguing again? By the way, Junlan, your house has been renovated, so you can stay with me for a few days." Gu Yunai raised her head and looked at Wei Junlan and said.

"Okay, thank you little auntie, little auntie, I have almost packed my things, I will tidy up when I get back later, let's go now." Wei Junlan stomped his feet and said to Gu Yunai.

"Well, Yumi, let's go." Gu Yunai said and patted Wei Youmi's shoulder.

"Okay, hello, who is it?" Wei Youmi just answered when she heard the phone ring, and she picked it up to ask something.

Gu Yunai and Wei Junlan looked at each other, planning to wait for Wei Youmi to finish talking on the phone before they went out. Anyway, it was not too late to eat, not to mention that it was not time to make an appointment, so it would be boring to go early, and watching Wei Youmi's expression didn't seem quite right, something must have happened, Gu Yunai and Wei Junlan were really worried, but Wei Youmi was on the phone, so they couldn't ask, so let's talk about it after she finished calling .

"What's wrong, Yumi, what happened?" Seeing that Wei Youmi hung up the phone, Gu Yunai hurriedly asked her.

"Little auntie, brother, my section test scores are gone, let alone the scholarship. If I can't register my scores at that time, I will be demerited, and it will affect my graduation! I finally got into Beijing University. Big, I have studied my favorite major, and I don’t want to waste all my previous work, what should I do, woohoo, what’s going on, woohoo!” Wei Youmi said with tears.

"Yumi, don't worry, let's go to your school to see what's going on, and then make plans." Wei Junlan patted Wei Youmi's shoulder and comforted him.

"Well, good." Wei Youmi sniffed and nodded.

"Let's go quickly." Gu Yunai said and let Wei Junlan and Wei Youmi go out first, she also closed the door, walked to the side of the car, they got into the car, and Gu Yunai drove towards Beijing University.

Gu Yunai thought that this day was really special. When Wei Junlan returned to China, she originally wanted to take care of him!After all, he hasn't been back for a long, long time, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen to Wei Youmi. How could the good Duan test results disappear?It's also impossible that the teacher didn't receive the test paper, and this is the total score of the section test. It's impossible that there are no papers for each subject. There are so many people in the school, how come only Wei Youmi's grades are missing?Gu Yunai always feels that this matter is not that simple, there must be someone playing tricks behind the scenes, but I still don't know who it is, and I can only talk about it when I arrive at Beijing University.Thinking of this, Gu Yunai accelerated the speed of driving again. After all, Beijing University is quite far away, and it takes almost an hour to drive there!Seeing that it was going to get dark this day, if I didn't hurry up, when I arrived at Beijing University, all the teachers would be out of class, wouldn't it be a waste of time, she didn't want this kind of thing to happen.

About half an hour later, Gu Yunai drove to the gate of Beijing. The journey was very long, so she found a shortcut and drove over quickly, otherwise it would be too late!Fortunately, it's not too late now, the teachers should still be there, so they have to hurry to find Wei Youmi's teacher and ask what's going on.

"Let's go quickly." Gu Yunai, Wei Junlan and Wei Youmi got out of the car, and Gu Yunai said while pulling Wei Youmi.

"Little aunt, we can't enter here without a school uniform and a school card." Wei Youmi looked at Gu Yunai and said this helplessly.

Gu Yunai looked around the school. There was no shelter on the flat ground. The school walls were also very high, and there were not even trees beside the walls. It was still dark, and she couldn't openly climb into Beijing University. Since As long as the school uniform and school badge are required, she will find a way to get them.Gu Yunai looked around and found a few students chatting on the grass not far away. It was very empty beside them. What's more, they were all wearing school uniforms and had school badges around their necks. Gu Yunai smiled and turned to those students. people go.

Wei Junlan looked at Gu Yunai who was walking away, he was a little confused, but when she saw what Gu Yunai was talking to the person sitting on the grass chatting, he understood Gu Yunai's intentions, now it's class time, Wei Youmi It was because their class was about to hold an event and prepare for a performance, so they took a break, but these students Wei Youmi didn't know each other, so they must not be her classmates. They were chatting near the school during class time. It seems that this is not a love of learning. It should be a success for Gu Yunai to discuss with them about borrowing school uniforms.

Sure enough, only a quarter of an hour later, Gu Yunai walked towards Wei Junlan and Wei Youmi with two school uniforms and two school badges. She never expected to borrow or buy their school uniforms so easily. , Sure enough, things that can be solved with money are not big things, and they will return the school uniforms. After all, although these students don't like studying, they are still college students. There must be places that need school uniforms. She just borrowed it, and it doesn't matter.

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