National Producer: Xiao Shaotian has no limit to pets

Chapter 261: Unsolved doubts, quietly write down the experience

But on second thought, who could bully her character!It might be that she encountered some difficult problem, so she came to him specially and asked him to give her an idea.But no matter what happens, he will help her solve it, he smiled like this, and touched Gu Yunai's head.

Gu Yunai sat in the car and did not speak. She was thinking about how to tell Xiao Xingfu about this matter later. After all, she had always concealed her life experience from him and said that she was an orphan. If she told him the truth now, he would Will it be her fault?She doesn't want Xiao Xingfu to be angry. She is a little nervous now, but now her heart is like a mess, and she really hopes that someone can help her sort it out. Xiao Xingfu is undoubtedly the best candidate.

Wei Junlan and Wei Youmi are her relatives, so naturally they can't help her out from an objective point of view, maybe in order to make her reconcile with her family, she can act as a peacemaker!Although she can understand the thoughts of Wei Junlan and Wei Youmi, she still doesn't want to be influenced by biased suggestions. She wants objective suggestions. Xiao Xingfu didn't know her before, let alone her family, so He should be able to help her think about things from another angle.

Gu Yunai knew that Xiao Xingfu cared about her and loved her very much. She shouldn't hide anything from him anymore. After all, two people should be honest with each other when they are together. She thought of this and took a deep breath.

"Ai, order something to drink first, calm down and then talk slowly." Xiao Xingfu dragged Gu Yunai into the coffee shop, and he and Gu Yunai sat in a corner with few people. After sitting down, he said to Gu Yunai.

"Well, okay, let's have a cappuccino, lucky what do you want to drink?" Gu Yunai nodded and said to the waiter next to her, then turned to ask Xiao Xunfu.

"Same as you." Xiao Xingfu said with a smile.

"Phew, it's delicious." After Gu Yunai finished the last sip of coffee in the cup, she wiped her mouth with a smile.

"Okay, Ai Ai, it's time to tell me what happened." Xiao Xingfu patted Gu Yunai's head and said.

Seeing Gu Yunai's hesitant expression, Xiao Xingxing suddenly remembered that in the hospital before, Wei Junlan called Gu Yunai's little aunt. Could it be that this is what Gu Yunai wanted to tell him?Was she going to tell him all about herself?He was really happy and excited, but he didn't show it, but sat there quietly waiting for Gu Yunai's next words.

"Huh, luckily I apologize to you first, I deceived you, I am not an orphan, but Du Yunbo's illegitimate daughter, my mother is his lover, ahem, I was caught at that time." Gu Yunai clenched her fists and said Xiao Xingfu said these words, and every time she said a word, her heart felt a tingle.

She thought those things were over, but she didn't expect that the scars had already been engraved on her heart, and no matter how much she wanted to forget, she couldn't forget it. The incoming water blocks the water and the soil covers it.What's more, with Xiao Xingfu by her side, she could feel the love he gave her, and believed that he would accompany her through any period, Gu Yunai smiled unconsciously thinking of this.

"So that's the case, Ai Ai, you have suffered." Xiao Xingfu felt distressed after hearing this, and he sat next to Gu Yunai and patted her head and said.

"Well, that's all in the past, but you're lucky, don't you think I'm the daughter of Xiao Sansheng, the illegitimate daughter that many people despise?" Gu Yunai leaned on Xiao Xingfu's shoulder and asked suspiciously.

"How could it be? Ai Ai, since I choose to be with you, no matter whose daughter you are or what status you have, I don't care, I will always love you." Xiao Xingxing smiled and took a picture He patted Gu Yunai on the shoulder and said.

"Well, uncles, aunts, and grandma." "They always respect my choice, and they don't care about the family status, and they like you so much, they want me to marry you and go home!" Gu Yunai suddenly thought of something As soon as she opened her mouth, she heard Xiao Xunxing say so in a serious voice.

Xiao Xingfu felt that Gu Yunai really thought too much!He was with her at the beginning because of the agreed relationship when he was a child. When he grew up, he met her again and was deeply attracted by her. He finally chased her, so how could he dislike her because of her identity? ?Besides, she can't choose her own origin, it's all about the previous generation, and his family won't care, after all, they really like Gu Yunai very much, so he feels that Gu Yunai doesn't need to worry about it at all!
"That's good, so lucky, what do you think I should do? I hate them, but my mother is weak. Every time she speaks to me in that gentle tone, I feel that she misses me very much. I It's really soft-hearted!" Gu Yunai said and shook Xiao Xingfu's arm.

"Ai Ai, in fact, you have made your choice a long time ago, haven't you? If you really hated your mother and didn't want to have anything to do with her, you wouldn't have come to me specially for your advice, Ai Ai Ai, you should stop hating her, otherwise she would not be able to contact you a long time ago, so just follow your own heart." Xiao Xingfu touched Gu Yunai's face and said with a smile.

Xiao Xingfu felt that Gu Yunai had forgiven her mother Gu Sisi a long time ago. She probably hated more people from the Du family. Otherwise, with her character, she would hate whoever she hated, and she would definitely have nothing to do with each other. But if Gu Yunai was really so heartless , that's not her anymore.

The Gu Yunai he knew was kind and warm, and the most important thing was that she had a soft heart, and she was very easy to move. He was really glad that Gu Yunai chose him, so that he could justifiably stand in the position of protecting her, Being able to see her all the time made Xiao Xingfu feel very happy.

"Then what do you mean, I should tell my mother that I don't hate her long ago?" Gu Yunai stroked her hair and asked doubtfully.

Gu Yunai found that Xiao Xingfu could really see through her thoughts. She really didn't hate Gu Sisi for a long time, but she couldn't pass the test in her heart, so she couldn't have any intimate behavior with Gu Sisi. They couldn't talk to each other like ordinary mothers and daughters. Talking about it, Gu Yunai only cared about Gu Sisi in a polite way, but in fact she was not feeling well in her heart. It seemed that she really had to learn to let go, so that she could live a better life.

"That depends on your own choice. I won't influence you, but no matter what you do, I will support you." Xiao Xingxing said to Gu Yunai with a smile.

"Hmph, Lucky, why are you so kind? I don't even know how to repay you for being so kind to me." Gu Yunai said as she rubbed Xiao Lucky's shoulder.

"Silly, I don't want you to repay me. You just need to stay by my side and let me protect you for the rest of your life." Xiao Xingfu brushed Gu Yunai's hair and said softly.

"I see, then I'll call her now." Gu Yunai smiled and wanted to take out her phone.

"Ai Ai, it's actually me." Seeing this, Xiao Xingfu wanted to say something to Gu Yunai.

He thought that he and Gu Yunai had such a good relationship, and she had told him her secret, so naturally he couldn't hide anything from her, otherwise wouldn't it be a betrayal of her trust in him?Xiao Xingfu thought it over, even if Gu Yunai became furious when he found out, he would comfort her well, in short, he would not let Gu Yunai run away, he just wanted to speak after thinking about it.

"Hey, Junlan, what's the matter?" Gu Yunai just took out her mobile phone, when she saw Wei Junlan calling, she picked it up and asked suspiciously.

"Hey, little aunt, where are you? Auntie is here, she is anxious to find you now, you should come to my house." Wei Junlan gradually became anxious as he spoke.

"What, when did she come, did she come alone?" Gu Yunai asked with wide eyes in surprise.

Gu Yunai was really confused. Didn't Gu Sisi call her at the beginning and tell her that she missed her, and hoped that she would find time to visit her in France?Why did Gu Sisi arrive at Wei Junlan's house not long after he hung up the phone?Could it be that Gu Sisi had already arrived in S City when she called her?God, she is really a little confused, and judging from Wei Junlan's tone, it seems that something happened, she should hurry over and have a look before talking!

"Her, hey, don't pull my clothes! Auntie, let's talk when you come. I'll hang up first, bye!" Wei Junlan hung up the phone immediately after speaking.

"Hello, Jun Lan, hello!" Gu Yunai called out again, but there was already a busy voice over there.

"Ai Ai, what's the matter?" Xiao Xingxing asked suspiciously.

"Fortunately, my mother is here, and she is at Junlan's house now! Let's go over and have a look." Gu Yunai said and stood up quickly.

"Okay." Xiao Xunfu said and stood up, but stopped after walking a few steps.

"What's the matter, Lucky, hurry up!" Gu Yunai asked suspiciously when she saw Xiao Lucky who stopped suddenly.

"Ai Ai, if I go with you to Jun Lan's house to meet your mother, I feel like seeing your mother-in-law immediately. What should I prepare?" Xiao Xingfu said and straightened his collar.

"Prepare you big-headed ghost, hurry up and drive us to Junlan's house." Gu Yunai patted Xiao Xingfu's head lightly upon hearing this.

Xiao Xingfu is going crazy, she is so anxious that he is still here to tease her, to see how she will deal with him after she settles the matter, Gu Yunai thought so and stretched out her hand to pinch Xiao Xingfu.

"Oh, you are so violent." Xiao Xingfu said so, but he stepped on the accelerator and started the car.

"After I see my mother, I'll see how I deal with you. Just wait." Gu Yunai pouted, rubbed her fists and said to Xiao Xingfu.

"Ai Ai, please spare me, I didn't provoke you, please spare my little Ai Ai." Xiao Xingfu smiled and accelerated the speed of the car, Gu Yunai fell on Xiao Xingfu before he could react in time.

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