National Producer: Xiao Shaotian has no limit to pets

Chapter 230: Sudden panic in my heart, what is disturbing my mind

The other party's intentions are unclear, and he openly followed her before it was dark, which is obviously not a character easy to deal with, but she doesn't remember who she offended recently?Gu Yunai didn't have time to think, because the car was getting closer and closer to her, she rolled her eyes, turned the steering wheel quickly, and drove towards the entrance of the alley not far away.

The alley is narrow and can only accommodate one car. Even if the people behind her follow her, friction will inevitably occur in order to get closer. Then she can take the opportunity to slip away. She thought so while looking in the rearview mirror , while paying attention to the speed and direction of her car, finally when she was a few hundred meters away from the alley, the car chased after her. Gu Yunai closed her eyes and opened them immediately. She looked around and saw that there was no one else. , She was sure, the speed was getting slower and slower, she saw that the car was approaching every step of the way, and that was all she had to do, so she turned the steering wheel quickly with this thought in mind, and started to reverse the car.

The driver of the car in the back didn't seem to know that Gu Yunai would do this. He wanted to turn, but the narrow space didn't allow him to do so. He was a little scared. He was just ordered to follow Gu Yunai, and he didn't want to risk his life After thinking about it, the driver started to reverse the car, wanting to retreat first, anyway, he still has a chance after following Gu Yunai.

Gu Yunai saw that the car behind her was a little farther away from her, and she felt that the driver should be scared, but since she had already reversed the car, how could she not give that person a special experience?If he doesn't teach him a lesson, he thinks she is a soft persimmon, Gu Yunai thought so, the speed of reversing became very fast, aimed at the front of the Santana, and rammed into it forcefully.

The driver was reversing the car and wanted to leave quickly. He didn't expect Gu Yunai to come out like this. He was so frightened that his body trembled involuntarily, his facial muscles were twitching, and he didn't know where to put his hands. .

"Hmph, let's see you follow me again!" Gu Yunai said with a smile, stepped on the accelerator and wanted to drive forward.

"Hey, the car in front stops, whoever drove the car will get off for me." But at this moment, the traffic policeman appeared out of nowhere. He walked to the side of Santana, opened the door and let the driver get out of the car first.

Gu Yunai sighed helplessly, she was too sad, she could meet the traffic police in this small alley, but it didn't matter, although she hit Santana backwards, fortunately the driver inside was not injured, and she was the car in front Well, let's see how the traffic policeman will deal with it. She is not in a hurry, so she can stay for a while, just to see who is following her.

She thought so and got out of the car. She found that the driver was a middle-aged man in his 50s and [-]s. He had long hair in a shawl and a light scar on the right side of his face. He was dressed in black and looked like a crow. It's not very comfortable to watch, Gu Yunai felt strange, she didn't know this person at all, why did he follow her?Is it to rob or have other intentions?But she had never seen someone chasing several streets to rob, and judging by his cowardly appearance, he didn't seem like the kind who dared to do evil things!What exactly is going on?Gu Yunai clenched her fists thinking about it.

"What's going on, do you know how dangerous it is? You're a big man, and you want to run into someone's little girl's car, do you want to stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun? Well, take out your ID card, I want to register. "The traffic policeman saw the driver and then looked at Gu Yunai. He subconsciously thought that Gu Yunai should not be so bold and would back up and hit someone. If the car in front hits the car behind, isn't that just looking for trouble?

"Here, Mr. traffic policeman, she obviously hit my car!" The driver said feeling very wronged upon hearing the words.

He was so unlucky, he just followed the order to follow Gu Yunai, but he didn't do anything illegal, why put all the responsibility on him, he admitted that it was because of his stalking that Gu Yunai was let down He took some action, but he was obviously the one who was hit. Why did the traffic policeman put the responsibility on him? The driver was like a question mark.

"He is driving in front, and will hit you on purpose. If you have a grudge or a good relationship, you can mess around?" The traffic policeman took the driver's ID card and said while registering.

"Mr. Traffic Police, I don't know him!" Gu Yunai immediately shook her head and said.

"Did you hear that, the little girl said she didn't know you, so don't talk about it. I took a look and thought you were a first-time offender. I gave you a verbal warning. As for the compensation issue, you can discuss it yourself. Don't do it again next time." Traffic police After registration, he returned the ID card to the driver, and then told him so.

"Thank you, Mr. Traffic Police, for your hard work." Gu Yunai said to the traffic police with a smile.

"You're welcome, you guys have a good discussion, don't bully her little girl." After speaking, the traffic policeman strode towards the opposite side of the road with big strides.

The driver squatted down and hugged his head in frustration, and hit his head twice with his fist, his expression was in a mess, his eyes were a little dull, his expression seemed to eat cockroaches, which made Gu Yunai very funny, but she was She wouldn't sympathize with him. If he hadn't been following her, she wouldn't have been wasted so much time. She was already very sorry for him for not beating him up.

"This time, I'll just let it go. If you dare to follow me next time, your car won't be the only one that gets hit. Take care of yourself." Gu Yunai walked to her car after saying this, Close the door and drive towards the Xiao Group.

Although Gu Yunai wanted to ask that man why he followed her, whether he was instigated by others, or because he had evil thoughts in his heart, but after thinking about it, even if she really asked, the man might not tell the truth, so she would I don't want to say too much, so as not to waste time, I might as well go to Xiao Xingfu quickly if I have this spare time!Thinking of this, she speeded up the car a little more. Her car was also damaged a little, but it didn't matter too much. It would be fine to repair it at that time. She smiled and hummed a song.

"Nowadays when I listen to music alone, I always feel lost. I hallucinate you whispering in my ear, how gentle the night is, how much you love me, now." "Hey, Mom, what's the matter?" Gu Yunai hummed Ge suddenly heard the phone ring, she picked it up and found it was Gu Sisi, she asked softly.

"Little Ai, what are you doing? It's okay. Mom just misses you. How are you doing? Is there any discomfort in your body? Why haven't you called me for so long?" Gu Sisi Get excited while talking.

"I'm fine, mom, don't worry, I've been very busy recently, so I don't have time to call you, and you are taking care of your son, so you probably don't have time to answer my calls." Gu Yunai smiled Say so.

"Xiao Ai, why do you say that? I really miss you, come back and see if I'm okay, I really want to see you, cough cough." Gu Sisi was a little sad when she heard the words, and coughed after saying a few words stand up.

"Mom, what's wrong with you? Are you okay? Why is your cough so bad?" Gu Yunai asked suspiciously, the worry in her tone couldn't be concealed for a while.

"It's nothing, it's just an old problem, you don't have to worry, cough, cough, cough." Gu Sisi said with a smile.

"What about that person? Didn't he take good care of you?" Gu Yunai asked coldly, frowning.

"After all, he is not always free, and Du's family has been in a lot of trouble recently, he" "Okay, mom, don't talk about it, I understand, I will find time to go to your place, I still have something to do , I'll hang up first." Gu Sisi wanted to say something, but Gu Yunai interrupted her, she closed her eyes, and hung up the phone after saying this.

Gu Yunai admitted that she had an indelible hatred in her heart. She hated Du Yunbo and Gu Sisi for abandoning her when she was young, but when she was a little older, they came close to her again, caring about her and wanting to take care of her. She was really contradictory It is also very tangled, and it cannot be denied that she really cares about Gu Sisi, she does not want her to be wronged, even if Gu Sisi did something she shouldn't do, even if Gu Sisi once abandoned her, but Gu Sisi is still her mother, Gu Yunai It's really hard to let go of this feeling.

She was really in a dilemma, for a moment she didn't know what to do, should she let go of the past and accept Gu Sisi and Du Yunbo completely, or should she continue to hate them?With hatred, is she really happy?She can accept Wei Junlan and Wei Youmi, so should she also open her heart to Gu Sisi?She really needs to think about it, maybe she should ask Xiao Xingfu, she has been hiding things for so long, she wants to tell Xiao Xingfu, she needs him to help her with ideas, just thinking about it, Gu Yunai has already Arrived at the door of the Xiao Group.

"Hey, Ai, why are you here? Why didn't you call me?" At this time, Xiao Xingxing just finished his work and went downstairs. He walked out the door and found that Gu Yunai was just pushing the door to get off the car, so he walked over. She asked her suspiciously.

Xiao Xingfu looked at Gu Yunai's expression abnormally, as if he was not very happy. He was a little puzzled, and then looked at her car, which had signs of being hit, and he became even more worried. Could it be that something happened to Gu Yunai?
"Ai Ai, what's the matter? What happened? Did someone bully you? Tell me, and I'll help you solve it." Xiao Xingxing asked anxiously, holding Gu Yunai's shoulder.

"Lucky, lucky, me, I don't know what to do, I'm so sad!" Gu Yunai sniffed as she spoke, and threw herself into Xiao Xingfu's arms.

"Ai Ai, don't be sad, what happened, you tell me, no matter what happens, I can help you with ideas, help you solve everything, no matter who makes you wronged, I will not I will let that person go." Xiao Xingfu patted Gu Yunai's back lightly, and said softly to her.

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