National Producer: Xiao Shaotian has no limit to pets

Chapter 221 : As a last resort, what happened afterwards

Then she has to use [-]% of her energy to complete the filming this time. She is not afraid of being in danger again. At worst, the soldiers will come to cover up the water and the soil. She still doesn't believe that she can always be so passive until she is discharged from the hospital. , she quickly tried to find a way to transfer it. Although it is a bit superstitious, I would rather believe these things than believe them.Otherwise, it's fine for her to be hurt and uncomfortable, and Gu Yunai and the others have to worry about her all the time. She is really sorry, so she won't think about anything these days. She just wants to rest in peace and wait for the day when she is discharged from the hospital. Jiang Xing Thinking of this, Ya smiled and touched Gu Yunai's hand.

"Yun Ai, I'm just joking. Now my body is not mine alone! You have spent so much time and energy for me, if I don't take good care of my body, then am I going too far? So Ah, Yun Ai, don't worry, I will definitely recover quickly, and I will never worry you again." Jiang Xingya said as she looked at Gu Yun Ai, her eyes were full of sincerity and apology.

"It's okay Xingya, we are good friends. As long as you take good care of your body and don't have any problems in the future, I can rest assured. You must be careful! Especially when filming, if you find something wrong, you should tell the director immediately. I don't want you to rush to the hospital every three days." Gu Yunai said and patted Jiang Xingya's hand.

Gu Yunai was telling the truth. Jiang Xingya didn't do anything during this period of time. She just went to the hospital for countless times. Jiang Xingya was injured and hospitalized several times, which made Gu Yunai really worried. Gu Yunai I sincerely hope that this is the last time Jiang Xingya has an accident and comes to the hospital, otherwise who can hold it?She frowned at this thought, as if thinking of something unpleasant.

"I see. I promise to take good care of myself and never let you worry any more." Jiang Xingya raised her hand as a promise.

"Okay, I still have some things to do, so I'm leaving first, you have a good rest, Mingchuan, take good care of Xingya." Gu Yunai said as she got up and smiled at Jiang Xingya and Jiang Mingchuan.

"Well, you can go." Jiang Xingya nodded in response.

"Ai Ai, let me see you off. I just happen to be going to the Xiao Group." Xiao Xingfu walked up to Gu Yunai and said, "Mingchuan, Xingya, let's go." Xiao Xingfu turned back and said to the two of them.

Xiao Xingfu pulled Gu Yunai out of the hospital and got into the car. He planned to send Gu Yunai to Xingyun Media, and then he would return to the Xiao Group to handle affairs. Seeing Gu Yunai's sullen look, he was a little puzzled. Could it be that she was worried again? Jiang Xingya?But isn't Jiang Xingya all right?She was fine at first, but now she started to frown again, well, he just asked her later.

"Ai Ai, what's the matter with you? Did you think of something unhappy?" Xiao Xingfu asked as he reached out and touched Gu Yunai's novel.

"No, didn't my mother move in to live with me now? We got along very well these days, but for some reason, my Tibetan mastiffs always barked. The day Ruirui first came here, they didn't have them like this! Could it be that they are not used to outsiders coming to live at home? Hey, it's so annoying!" Gu Yunai frowned again as she spoke.

Gu Yunai didn't know what happened to the Tibetan mastiffs headed by Mimi, she thought they usually get along well with Gu Sisi!She doesn't bite Gu Sisi either, and often rubs her head against Gu Sisi's hands!What's going on these days, could it be that they only like outsiders to be guests, and don't like outsiders staying at home for a long time?But Gu Sisi and Du Wenrui are not outsiders, they are her mother and younger brother, it's just that they often bark like this, sometimes they don't listen to her words, which made Du Wenrui cry several times in fright, and Gu Sisi's mood is not good Great, she was also a little helpless.

She thought about putting them in Xiao Xingfu's house first. Anyway, his house is so big and there are not many people, and after such a long time together, Xiao Xingfu got along well with those Tibetan mastiffs long ago. They also like Xiao Xingfu very much!But I don't know if Xiao Xing is willing or not, anyway, it's just a period of foster care, because Gu Yunai saw that Gu Sisi had talked to Du Yunbo a few days ago, and I don't know what they said, Gu Sisi's mood became better again, Gu Yunai was also speechless when she said she wanted to move out and didn't want to disturb her personal space, but it didn't matter, she didn't force her to stay anyway.

Although she reconciled with Gu Sisi, she knew very well that Du Yunbo was the most important thing in Gu Sisi's heart. Gu Sisi would not refuse what Du Yunbo asked her to do. I really care, anyway, Gu Sisi is going to leave when the time comes, so she just sees her off.At that time, she can also take the Tibetan mastiff home again.

"It turned out to be like this. I thought you were thinking of something unhappy again, Mimi, since they are always barking, why don't you let them come to my house first, and I will raise them for a while, so that you can also Have a good chat with Auntie and enjoy the happiness between you two." Xiao Xingxing said to Gu Yunai with a smile.

"Really? Fortunately, thank you so much. Don't worry, I will bring Mimi back if I have the chance. Your house will not become a zoo." Gu Yunai also said happily when she heard the words. Really understand her!She actually expressed all the thoughts in her heart, and she really admired him more and more.

"Why are you being polite to me? In fact, I don't care if my house will become a zoo. As long as you can come to accompany me often, I will be very satisfied and happy." Xiao Xunxing said turning a corner and slowing down a little up the speed.

"I will, ah, I'm here, stop the car." Gu Yunai said and patted Xiao Xingxing lightly.

Xiao Xunxing nodded and stopped the car at the entrance of Xingyun Media. He opened the car door and pulled Gu Yunai who had just got off the car and was about to walk into the company.

Gu Yunai turned around and looked at Xiao Xingfu suspiciously, what happened to him, why did he suddenly hold her back?Is there anything else you want to tell her?Thinking of this, Gu Yunai looked at Xiao Xingfu with puzzled eyes.

"Ai Ai, see you tonight." Xiao Xingxing reached out to touch Gu Yunai's face, kissed her forehead and said to her.

"Okay." Gu Yunai lowered her head and walked into Xingyun.

Xiao Xingxing stood there for a while, and drove towards the Xiao Group. Recently, several new projects have to be finalized. He is also watching the finishing work of the previous projects. In short, he is still very busy during this time Yes, but he wanted to see Gu Yunai again.So no matter how busy he is, he still finds time to come to her. Fortunately, after finishing these projects, he can relax temporarily.

At that time, he must take Gu Yunai on a trip. There were still a lot of problems in the previous trip to France. This time, he had to make a plan to make the trip interesting and romantic, and now Gu Yunai is his daughter. Friends, they can do a lot of things that couples can do. It doesn't have to be like the previous time. He had to wait for Gu Yunmi to fall asleep. Thinking of this, Xiao Xingxing speeded up and arrived at Xiao's Group soon.

After a few hours, Gu Yunai finished handling the work at hand, and also had a meeting to explain the next arrangement and matters to be dealt with. After she flipped through a folder and signed it, she put the things away and planned to leave Nebula to find Xiao Xingxing Yes, she looked at her watch, it was already 08:30, and she didn't know if Xiao Xingfu had finished her work, so she should call him.

After walking out of the company, Gu Yunai picked up the mobile phone and called Xiao Xingfu. After the phone beeped a few times, Xiao Xingxing answered the phone. His voice was a little hoarse, and he didn't know if it was because of a meeting or something.

"Lucky, are you done?" Gu Yunai walked to the side of the road and asked with a smile.

"I'm done, Ai Ai, I'm going to Xingyun soon, you wait for me there, don't run around." Xiao Xingfu told Gu Yunai while driving.

"Okay, okay, I'll wait for you, where can I go?" Gu Yunai was very helpless upon hearing this.

This guy Xiao Xingfu is real, she didn't drive here, and she and him have made an appointment to meet at night, so why would they run around?Since he is almost here, she doesn't have to go to look for him, just stand here and wait for a while, Gu Yunai thought so, said a few words to Xiao Xingfu and hung up the phone.

"Didi." Gu Yunai stood in place and stomped her feet when she heard the sound of a horn.

"Lucky, you came so soon." Gu Yunai looked at Xiao Xingfu with a smile and said.

"Of course, how can I keep my little girl waiting for too long? Get in the car, let's go eat." Xiao Xingfu opened the car door and said.

Gu Yunai nodded and got in the car and fastened her seat belt. She turned on the music and listened to it. She has been tense for the past few days and rarely relaxes. Even if she didn't do anything, she was still very nervous. Now Let's take advantage of this free time to relax. Anyway, there is still a distance from the hotel, so she can take a nap, and it happens to be accompanied by beautiful music. She is very happy.

"Ai Ai, here we are. Let's have ice cream hot pot today. I know you love hot pot, but the weather is getting hot, so you need to cool down properly." Xiao Xunxing stopped the car in the parking space as he said, and then Get out of the car and help Gu Yunai open the car door.

"Okay, okay, let's go in quickly." Hearing this, Gu Yunai happily dragged Xiao Xingxing into the hot pot restaurant.

Gu Yunai and Xiao Xingfu ordered their favorite soup bases, and sat by the air conditioner to wait for the food to be served. Although it is not yet hot summer, the sweltering weather still makes Gu Yunai feel uncomfortable. At this moment, she really wants to have superpowers , so that she can change the weather and let the coolness accompany her around.

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