National Producer: Xiao Shaotian has no limit to pets

Chapter 219: Trust creates miracles, and finally breaks through the predicament

"I definitely won't blame you." Gu Sisi said and pinched Du Yunbo's face.

Gu Sisi felt that although Gu Yunai and Du Yunbo didn't fight each other, their personalities were quite alike. They both refused to give in to what they believed in, had the same stubborn temper, were very stubborn, and refused to admit defeat at all. She was a little happy and very surprised.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, but that girl's wings are really stiff, and she doesn't listen to anyone, and she still talks to us like this. Really, if I didn't see outsiders, I would have been a long time ago." Du Yunbo said a little angry , Just looking at Gu Sisi's eyes, he swallowed what he wanted to say.

"How have you been? Let me tell you, you are not allowed to hit Xiao Ai in the future. She is my baby. If you dare to hit her again next time, I will really turn against you." Gu Sisi stared at Du Yunbo and said.

Gu Sisi didn't expect Du Yunbo to slap Gu Yunai at first, she thought he was just saying a few bad words at most, but when it happened, she had no time to stop it, and that slap hit Gu Yunai hard on the face, But it made her feel bad, Gu Yunai was so stubborn that she didn't want to give in at all, but it made her anxious. Fortunately, Gu Yunai didn't have any deeper conflicts with Du Yunbo in the end, otherwise she wouldn't know what to do in the middle. What to do, she has to find a way to ease the conflict between Gu Yunai and Du Yunbo.

But now Gu Yunai blames and hates her together, how can she resolve these conflicts, how can she make Gu Yunai forgive her, how can she stop Gu Yunai from living in hatred?She really has to think about it, at least for Du Yunbo's side, she can't let him bully Gu Yunai anymore, he is quite old, and he still cares about a junior, and this junior is still his daughter, if it spreads, but It's so ridiculous that the dignified old man Du was so angry with his little daughter that he couldn't choose what to say. What else could she say?There is only one way to help them resolve their conflicts. Gu Sisi squeezed her chin thinking this way, her eyeballs kept rolling, as if she was thinking deeply.

"She's your baby, so what about Ruirui and me? Are we just air?" Du Yunbo said dissatisfiedly.

Du Yunbo really cares about Gu Sisi very much. She made him realize what it's like to love and be cared for, and also made him feel the warmth of a family. It's not as oppressive as being in Du's house or by Ling Hui's side, so he really loves Gu Sisi. I want to know where Gu Sisi puts him in his heart. Although he is really old as Gu Sisi said, he is still very young at heart, which does not prevent him from being intimate with Gu Sisi at all. , Du Yunbo thought so, hugged Gu Sisi, looked at her with a smile, his eyes were full of tenderness and pity.

"Oh, Yunbo, what are you doing, let me down quickly, can you pay attention to my image?" Gu Sisi, who was suddenly hugged, struggled and said to Du Yunbo.

"No, I won't let you down, and I will never let you go." Du Yunbo said with a smile and carried Gu Sisi upstairs.

"By the way, Sisi, how is Xiao Xingfu? You've been with him for a while, how is he?" After putting Gu Sisi on the bed, Du Yunbo suddenly thought of something and asked.

"He is really a good boy. He is very caring for Xiao Ai. He always thinks of Xiao Ai. You know Xiao Ai's temperament. If he is not very good, how can we like Xiao Ai? He , is talented and capable, and also very polite!" Gu Sisi said with appreciation and exclamation in her eyes.

Gu Sisi felt that Xiao Xingfu was really impeccable, a very good child, and she also knew that without Xiao Xingfu speaking for her, Gu Yunai would not forgive her so easily, although she made Gu Yunai sad this time, but Gu Yunai's attitude towards her is obviously not as tough as before. The reason why Gu Yunai's heart is so soft must be because of Xiao Xingfu's company and love.

She was also very fortunate that Gu Yunai was able to find someone who knew and accompanied her, and that Xiao Xingfu was also wholehearted towards Gu Yunai, unlike her relationship, which was so ups and downs. Although Du Yunbo was very kind to her, he couldn't give her a name. Carrying the name of a third party all her life, and her children, whether it is Gu Yunai or Du Wenrui, have no way to disclose their identities, nor can they say that Du Yunbo is their father, otherwise it will bring them great harm. She thought, if she didn't agree to be with Du Yunbo back then, but chose an ordinary person, then her children might be happier.

But she doesn't regret falling in love with Du Yunbo, even if she has to be scolded, she admits it, but she has wronged Gu Yunai, and she has to endure so much pain at such a young age, she must find a way to make up for Gu Yunai, and she will never let her receive it again Any harm, Gu Sisi clenched her fists thinking this way, and her eyes became very firm. She must do what she thinks, and she will never let Gu Yunai suffer any pain because of her.

"Oh? So, are you satisfied with Xiao Xingfu?" Du Yunbo stared at Gu Sisi and asked.

"Of course, such a good boy, who would be dissatisfied with him? Besides, he loves our little Ai so much. I really like him very much. I wish he could marry Xiao Ai right away!" Gu Sisi said I laughed very happily.

"Well, I went to ask someone to investigate, and his conditions are good in all aspects, but he dared to contradict me, which made me very dissatisfied. If he wants to be my son-in-law, it's not that simple. I have to do it well. We'll have to do some more investigation." Du Yunbo's eyes changed as he spoke.

However, although he said he was dissatisfied, in his heart, he had long admired Xiao Xingxing who dared to sing against him, and seeing that he was in good condition in all aspects, he could be considered worthy of Gu Yunai, but before that He had to let Gu Yunai recognize him as his father first, he didn't want his daughter to be homeless again, he wanted to give her all the love that he couldn't give her when he was a child, so that it wouldn't be in vain for him to make a special trip back.

"You can't embarrass them anymore, and Lucky was injured by your people, and Xiao Ai was slapped by you, what else do you want, don't you want to beat them to death?" Gu Sisi stared at him. Du Yunbo.

"Oh, that's all I said. Don't you be so nervous? He is also the person our daughter likes. What can I do to him? Don't worry, I won't mess around. It's late now, hurry up Let's rest, we'll talk about it tomorrow." Du Yunbo said with a smile and patted Gu Sisi's shoulder.

"Okay, hey, I don't know what happened to Xiao Ai and Lucky, they just ran out like this, this place is so remote, they were blindfolded when they came, and I don't know if they lost their way." Gu Sisi replied lying on the bed. He let out a cry, and then began to worry about Gu Yunai and Xiao Xingfu again.

"You, you just like to worry about them. They are adults, and they are not ignorant children. Don't worry if they still get lost. You're not in good health, and you still worry about them. You'd better go to sleep and get enough sleep." Take it easy." Du Yunbo said and shook his head helplessly.

This Gu Sisi just likes to worry about this and that, but she doesn't know how to care about herself. Gu Yunai seems to have inherited this from her, always likes to worry about other people's affairs, and doesn't care about her own safety or body at all. Ya's star didn't know how much he had put in, and he was paying money and effort. Is that necessary?Isn't it just a star, even if there is no Jiang Xingya, Gu Yunai can still cultivate others. With Gu Yunai's ability, it is not easy to make a few more people popular. If it doesn't work, he can help, and his According to the investigation, Wei Junlan seems to like this Jiang Xingya a lot. What's the matter? A star with no family background can still make his grandson fall in love with him. What should happen happened, Du Yunbo's eyes darkened as he thought about it.

"I see, good night." Gu Sisi didn't want to say anything more to Du Yunboduo, she turned sideways, closed her eyes and fell asleep like that.

"Sleep as soon as you say it! Well, good night." Du Yunbo shook his head helplessly, and lay down on the bed too. After saying this, he hugged Gu Sisi tightly and fell into a deep sleep.

"Ai Ai, Ai Ai, run slowly, where are you going? Ai Ai, ouch." After Gu Yunai and Xiao Xingfu ran out of Du Yunbo's residence, Gu Yunai let go of Xiao Xingfu's hand and ran forward. Xiao Xingfu was calling her name from behind, and while chasing her quickly, suddenly he felt dizzy and let out a soft cry involuntarily.

"Ah! Lucky, are you okay? Oh, you're all injured, why are you still chasing me? You should take a taxi earlier and go back to rest!" Gu Yunai hurried back to Xiao Xingfu when she heard the sound. He touched Xiao Xingfu's forehead and said worriedly.

"What did you say, little Ai Ai? You are running around aimlessly here, how can I go back to rest in peace?" Xiao Xingxing rolled his eyes at Gu Yun Ai and said helplessly.

"Then, then you can lean on the railing and rest for a while, I will accompany you, I will not run around." Gu Yunai said and hugged Xiao Xingfu.

"It's not too bad, little Ai, don't be sad, I don't want to see you unhappy." Xiao Xingfu hugged Gu Yunai and said softly to her.

"I'm not unhappy! Just Du Yunbo, it's not worth making me unhappy." Gu Yunai rubbed her head against Xiao Xingfu's chest and said softly.

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