National Producer: Xiao Shaotian has no limit to pets

Chapter 21: Sending a chapter to France, with whom to spend New Year's Eve

When Gu Yunai heard what Wei Junlan said, her expression froze, and her hand that was wiping her hair with a towel stopped for a moment. She didn't know why Wei Junlan would suddenly ask her this question. He knew beforehand that he would not go to France with him Yes, she hated the place that made her full of sadness, so she would rather celebrate the new year alone than be with those people.

"That's your and Yumi's home, not mine, what am I going to do?" Gu Yunai asked back after being silent for a while.

"What is your home and mine? Isn't Yumi and I's home your home?" Wei Junlan was shocked when he saw Gu Yunai's expression, but he still said so.

"Jun Lan, it's not that you don't know my relationship with your family. If I go, I'm afraid this New Year will be difficult." Gu Yunai said with a sneer.

Although Wei Junlan and his family have lived in France for a long time, they will still follow the domestic custom to get together in a family reunion during the Chinese New Year to drive away all the unhappiness and bad luck in the past and welcome a beautiful New Year.It's always been like this in the past, but if she goes, I'm afraid there won't be such a harmonious and peaceful atmosphere, and maybe there will be quarrels. She doesn't want anything bad to happen!Thinking so, Gu Yunai rubbed her fingers, walked into the bathroom and put away the towel.

"But, didn't my aunt give birth? That's your younger brother. Even if you don't go back to our house with me and Yumi, you should go and see my aunt." Wei Junlan looked at Gu Yunai's gradually changing expression, he The voice of speaking gradually became smaller.

"Heh, isn't that great, as long as she has a son to accompany her, why does she need a daughter like me?" Gu Yunai said with a sneer.

"But." "Okay, Jun Lan, stop talking, I will send you and Yumi to the airport the day after tomorrow, but don't persuade me, I won't go back, I'm sleepy, go to rest first, You should wash it well too, so you don’t catch a cold.” Wei Junlan wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Gu Yunai, who looked at Wei Junlan with a hint of unhappiness in her eyes, said these few words slowly, and walked into her own room Room.

Wei Junlan shook his head helplessly. It's not that he doesn't know the grievances and relationship between Gu Yunai and his family, but he still hopes that one day these grievances can be resolved. Only in this way can Gu Yunai be truly happy and they can get along better. After all, he really cherishes this little aunt, Gu Yunai.

Besides, now that Gu Sisi has given birth to another child, he definitely needs more care. Although he is also very dissatisfied that Gu Sisi has ruined the relationship between Du Yunbo and Ling Hui, the affairs of the previous generation are not something he can interfere with. He only hopes that what he cares about People can be happy, forget it, let's wait for Gu Yunai to figure it out, Wei Junlan walked into the bathroom thinking so.

Two days later, Gu Yunai sent Wei Junlan and Wei Youmi onto the plane. Seeing Wei Youmi's melancholy expression, she didn't know what happened to Wei Youmi for a while.After asking her, I found out that it was Ye Qiqi who cheated on her and was discovered by the school. Because of the seriousness of the case, Ye Qiqi had already been expelled, and other universities in S city would not allow her to study. This is also a kindness to Ye Qiqi A small punishment, otherwise she thought no one could cure her!
But Wei Youmi didn't seem happy, Gu Yunai thought maybe it was because Wei Youmi valued her friend Ye Qiqi too much, so even if she was expelled for framing her, Wei Youmi still felt very uncomfortable, Gu Yunai still persuaded her Yes, Wei Youmi didn't want to open it for the time being, but Gu Yunai wanted to wait until the Chinese New Year was over, maybe Wei Youmi could really see it and figure it out.

After sending Wei Junlan and Wei Youmi away, Gu Yunai drove around S City, and she would stop to buy food when she saw delicious food. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, and she already felt the strong flavor of the New Year, so she just Driving around to look around, she suddenly saw a sign in front of a large amusement park, which said that the offline comic exhibition concert jointly organized by "Drunk Poetry and Painting" and "Mushroom Cloud Music" was still free to sign up kind of.

Seeing this, Gu Yunai suddenly became interested. She thought that when she was in school, she liked cosplay very much, and she also liked house dancing and singing. Later, due to work reasons, she had no chance to do these things anymore. Now she saw , she has to participate, just to miss her youth, Gu Yunai thought so and got out of the car, looked at the details of the event, and used her mobile phone to record the contact method and the QQ group of the event. After finishing these, she Then drove home.

Gu Yunai lay on the bed and rolled a few times, very excited. The time for the comic exhibition is from the second to the fifth day of the junior high. She has to take care of it. After all, she hasn't participated in this kind of activity for a long time, and she is still very excited. For some reason, Gu Yunai suddenly thought of Xiao Xingfu. She thought Xiao Xingfu was good-looking and could sing. If he went to participate, he might attract a wave of Two-dimensional fans!Gu Yunai couldn't help smiling when she thought of this, and then she shook her head again. Xiao Xingfu said that he would go home during the Chinese New Year, so he probably didn't have time to play with her. Forget it, she'd better see if she could make an appointment Another friend, she thought so, turned on her mobile phone and searched, and fell asleep unconsciously while chatting.

On New Year's Eve, Gu Yunai was awakened by the sound of firecrackers from nowhere. Her villa was located in a remote place. Which house had the firecrackers so loud? Awakened by the loud noise, she couldn't sleep anymore, so she simply fumbled to get up and wash up.

After Gu Yunai finished washing, the phone rang. She picked it up and found that it was Xiao Xunfu. She was a little surprised. Why would Xiao Xunfu call her at this time?
"Hey, lucky, why did you call me so early in the morning?" Gu Yunai scratched her head and asked.

"Morning? Ai, are you sleepy? It's already three o'clock in the afternoon. Come out. I'll take you to play." Xiao Xingxing smiled and said.

"What? It's three o'clock!" Gu Yunai looked at the time on the phone in disbelief, and sure enough, the time in the upper left corner told her the exact time now, "Okay, then I'll sort it out, wait for me!" Gu Yunai He puffed his face and said softly.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, I'll just wait for you, and I'll wait for you in front of the detour outside your house." Xiao Xunfu said, covering his mouth with his hand.

Is Gu Yunai really too tired?She couldn't even figure out the time. If he hadn't told her, would she have thought she got up early? What a confused and cute little woman, he couldn't laugh or cry, Xiao Xingfu saw that Gu Yunai hung up the phone , He also put away his mobile phone and laughed softly.

"Brother, what are you laughing at?" At this moment, a young man with a crisp voice asked Xiao Xingfu.

"Hangover, why are you here? Why are you following me?" Xiao Xingxing asked Xiao Hangover suspiciously.

"I just wanted to see what my brother was doing when he didn't stay at home on New Year's Eve. Fortunately, I followed closely, otherwise I would have to let you slip away again." Xiao Suiui said proudly, raising his head.

Although Xiao Hangover doesn't live with Xiao Xingfu, whenever he sees Xiao Xingfu during this time, he will find that Xiao Xingfu has a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he looks very happy, which is different from his previous taciturn, smiling daughter Brother was different. Driven by curiosity, he had to figure out what this Xiao Xingfu was doing. Originally, he wanted to secretly follow him behind him, but he accidentally opened his mouth. What a mistake.

"What can I do, you brat, go back to me quickly, or I will tell my parents to let them clean you up." Xiao Xingfu immediately became serious and said to Xiao Hangover.

"No, stop threatening me. No matter what you say today, I won't go back. I must see what brother you want to do when you sneak out on New Year's Eve." Xiao Hangover said turning his head away.

"You" "Lucky, I'm here, have you been waiting long?" When Xiao Xingfu wanted to say something, Gu Yunai walked up to him and asked.

"No, let's go." Xiao Xingfu said and wanted to take Gu Yunai out of here.

"Brother, don't go. It turns out that you have been secretive all this time. You have a girlfriend!" Seeing that Xiao Xingfu was about to take Gu Yunai away, Xiao Suzui ran up to the two of them and blocked their way.

"Who is this?" Gu Yunai asked suspiciously.

Gu Yunai heard that this person was called Brother Xiao Xingfu. It seemed that he was Xiao Xingfu's younger brother, but she had never met him before, so she had to ask out of politeness. She was too curious, so she forgot to deny that she was Xiao Xingfu. girlfriend thing.

"Oh, my name is Xiao Hangover, and I'm his younger brother, so who are you?" After saying his name, Xiao Hangover asked back.

"Hello, my name is Gu Yunai." Gu Yunai said with a smile.

"Okay, Ai Ai, let's go, it's getting late now." Xiao Xingfu didn't want to let Gu Yunai and Xiao Hangzui talk anymore, after all, he had seen Xiao Hangjue's tuberculosis skills before, and he was afraid of talking like this again Going down, we have to chat until tomorrow morning, so wouldn't he come here in vain?He doesn't want this kind of thing to happen, if he wants to chat, find a chance, he will chat enough with Xiao Hangover, but not now, he doesn't want anyone to spoil his time alone with Gu Yunai.

"Brother, you can't treat sex lightly, I came out with you on purpose, you just left me and left, in case I was kidnapped and robbed, you, why did you explain to your parents and grandma?" !" Xiao Hangover pursed his lips in front of Xiao Xingfu, and said plausibly.

"Uh, ok, ok, I can take you with me, but, before eight o'clock, you have to go home for me. If we're not here on New Year's Eve, then parents and grandma will be upset, you know?" Xiao Xingfu Said helplessly.

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