National Producer: Xiao Shaotian has no limit to pets

160: Feeling a little bit emotional about past events

"Hey, Jun Lan, do you know where Ai Ai is? What happened to her?" Xiao Xingxing finished talking to Wei Junlan anxiously, and then asked Wei Junlan again.

Xiao Xingfu pinned his hopes on Wei Junlan, he felt that Wei Junlan must know something, although he didn't know why he thought so, but he just had this feeling, at worst, he would go to him after he rested, He didn't believe in face to face, Wei Junlan still didn't tell the truth, Xiao Xingfu clenched his fists thinking this way, and his eyes drifted into the distance.

"Uh, how would I know this? She hasn't contacted me either, or else, or else, you come to me first, and we can talk about it after we meet? I, I'm at my little aunt's house. "Wei Junlan blinked and said to Xiao Xingfu.

Originally, Wei Junlan didn't intend to let Xiao Xingfu come to him, but he heard the eagerness in Xiao Xingfu's tone, and he thought that even if he stopped, Xiao Xingfu would still not give up. Instead of doing this, it is better to let him come directly Anyway, Gu Yunai has already made an appointment with him, he thought that in 10 to [-] minutes at most, Gu Yunai will come to her villa, and they will be able to meet at that time, Xiao Xingxing can also relax, Wei Junlan thought so He hooked the corners of his lips, and had some plans in mind.

"Well, well, I'll be there right away." Xiao Xingfu nodded and said this, and he immediately shook his head.

Although Xiao Xingfu still felt dizzy, he wanted to quickly find out Gu Yunai's mood, so that he could temporarily wake up. He supported the door frame and walked out of Nebula Media. He started the car with trembling hands, then turned the key to start the car, and quickly drove towards Drive to Gu Yunai's house.

Because Xiao Xingfu was so anxious, he ignored his physical discomfort and shortened the one-hour drive to half an hour. He must find Gu Yunai as soon as possible. He can't let her do anything, otherwise he really There is no way to live a good life, she is more important than his life, Xiao Xingfu thought so and quickly stopped and opened the door to get off, and then he walked into Gu Yunai's house with difficult steps.

"Lucky, why are you here?" Gu Yunai, who had just arrived at home not long ago, saw Xiao Xingfu walking in unsteadily before she had time to sit down and say something. She hurried forward and grabbed Xiao Xingfu and asked.

"Ai Ai, I couldn't find you, and your cell phone was turned off, so I called Jun Lan, who asked me to come here." Xiao Xingfu touched Gu Yunai's cheek and said to her.

"Jun Lan, who asked you to find Lucky? Don't you know that he is injured and not feeling well? You still found him, really!" Gu Yunai turned her head and stared at Wei Junlan dissatisfied with him Said.

This Wei Junlan is also real. He clearly knows that Xiao Xingfu is hurt, so why let him get involved? Seeing Xiao Xingfu like this now, she is very worried. How can she discuss with them about finding Du Wenrui? Xiao Xingfu didn't let her worry at all. After the matter was over, she must take care of him and see if he dared not listen to her in the future. Gu Yunai kept staring at Xiao Xingfu thinking so.

"Hey, little aunt, you can't blame me. Who made you lose contact suddenly? Of course he will be anxious if he is lucky and can't find you. He called me when he was in a hurry. I thought that instead of letting him wander The purpose of looking for you is to increase his danger, why not let him come here, so that we can gather together to discuss, and it will be a bit safer to take care of each other!" Wei Junlan scratched his head as he said so.

He Wei Junlan really has a hard life, why does everyone come to him with something, and he doesn't count as helping, and if he doesn't do well, he will be accused, alas, where should he go to reason, but what can he do, after all The people who were looking for him were all from his own family, and Gu Yunai had such a good relationship with him, he would be fine if he said a few words, anyway, it's not that she hadn't told him about him, and he was already used to it, if Gu Yunai didn't hate him now Instead, he felt uncomfortable!Thinking of this, Wei Junlan pursed his lips and glanced at Gu Yunai.

"Okay, I get it, I'm sorry, lucky, my phone suddenly died, and I was driving again, so I didn't contact you, but how can you be so misbehaving, I told you to stay well, what are you doing?" Why do you still have to run around, what if something happens to you outside, do you want me to die of sadness?" Gu Yunai glanced at Wei Junlan, then turned to look at Xiao Xingfu and said to him.

What's the matter with Xiao Xingfu, he always doesn't listen to her, and always likes to run around. Of course she knows that he is worried about her safety and wants to know where she is, but she is also worried about him. She hasn't recovered yet, just running around like this, what if she faints while driving again like last time, what should she do? She won't allow this kind of thing to happen a second time, so she must tell her again this time Xiao Xingfu, although he may not be able to listen, but she still has to say what should be said, Gu Yunai thought so and supported Xiao Xingfu so that he could sit down.

"Ai Ai, I'm really worried about you. You are so anxious that you don't even let me know what happened. I am very disturbed. Ai Ai, please promise me not to hide anything from me, okay? If there is any difficulty, we can face it together. Yes, if you don't tell me, I will still investigate by myself, in short, I will not let you face the danger alone." Xiao Xingfu said so and took Gu Yunai's hand.

Xiao Xingfu was not angry that Gu Yunai concealed his affairs, he was just very worried that Gu Yunai was going to do something dangerous again, he was afraid that Gu Yunai would get hurt, and even more afraid that she would feel uncomfortable, so he had to stay by her side all the time, no matter the pain Whether it's sweet, whether it's a storm or a rainbow, he wants to accompany her to experience and watch together, he doesn't want to miss any moment of her, he has to hold her firmly so that she won't slip away.

"Oh, well, well, there is really nothing you can do, but I just arrived, and I heard Junlan say that Ruirui was kidnapped. For the specific situation, I still have to listen to Junlan and me. My mother told me." Gu Yunai watched Xiao Xunfu finish his answer, then glanced at Gu Sisi, who had been sobbing, seemingly unintentionally.

She thought that Gu Sisi's heart must be very fragile now. Although she has incomprehension and resentment towards Gu Sisi, Gu Sisi is her mother after all. Gu Sisi is sad enough that Du Wenrui was kidnapped. If she is still indifferent to her at this time, then Gu Sisi might be about to collapse, and Gu Yunai didn't know what was wrong, anyway, seeing Gu Sisi's weak appearance, she couldn't bear to hate her.

Gu Yunai is also very contradictory. She has been wandering between forgiving and not forgiving. She longs for maternal love, but hates being cheated. This kind of thing makes her very entangled. Alas, but now is not the time to think about these things, or Listen to what Wei Junlan said first, let's talk about it after understanding what happened, Gu Yunai looked at Wei Junlan thinking so.

"The thing is like this. Last night my aunt was sleeping in the room with Ruirui in her arms. Suddenly she heard the sound of someone knocking on the door. She was flustered, so she picked up the mop on the ground and hid behind the door to give that person a hard blow." , but I didn’t expect that the door didn’t open after a long time. My aunt thought she was too tired and thought too much, so she fell back on the bed and fell asleep again. At this moment, the door of the bedroom opened suddenly. When she opened her eyes, she was strangled and fainted, and when she woke up again, Ruirui, Ruirui would be gone." Wei Junlan took a deep breath and answered Gu Yunai and Xiao Xingfu.

In fact, when Gu Sisi described it like this, Wei Junlan was dubious. After all, Gu Sisi lives with Du Yunbo now. Who would dare to break into Du Yunbo's house, strangle Gu Sisi, and snatch Du Wenrui, Du Yunbo's son? It wasn't until he saw the strangle marks on Gu Sisi's neck that he was sure it was true.

But if there are such bold people, then what is their purpose? It is not just to make Gu Sisi sad and anxious to cry so much to snatch a baby, but Wei Junlan can't guess the specific reason. Now, he doesn't even know who sent the person who snatched Du Wenrui, let alone figure out the purpose of those people. In any case, the most urgent task is to find Du Wenrui quickly. Du Wenrui is just a baby and has no ability to resist. , and unable to express his emotions, he might just cry when things happen. If his crying angered the kidnappers, then Du Wenrui might be in danger too. He must not let this kind of thing happen, Wei Junlan thought so He clenched his fists.

"How could it be that someone sneaked into the house late at night and snatched Ruirui away? Then, what about Du Yunbo, where did he go, Ruirui was robbed, did he do nothing?" Gu Yunai frowned and said, Then he asked Wei Junlan again.

"Grandpa said he had something to deal with, so he left the day before yesterday. We can't contact him now, and we don't know where he is now." Wei Junlan said with a trace of anxiety on his face.

"What, he was not there at the critical moment, and it was his son who was snatched away. Then, Mom, when those people strangled you, didn't they say anything? Or did they have any characteristics, such as body shape and smell? Yes, think about it first." Gu Yunai sighed heavily and said helplessly, then sat next to Gu Sisi and asked her again.

"At that time, I had already turned off the light, and the room was very dark. I couldn't see the face of the person coming. I just felt that the person who strangled me had thick arms. They must be very tall. After they strangled me, they seemed to say something like this. Now I can report to my wife, I don't remember much about it after that." Gu Sisi patted her head and answered Gu Yunai.

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