National Producer: Xiao Shaotian has no limit to pets

Chapter 132: I don't understand the matter of being robbed, I have different thoughts, it'

Gu Yunai really didn't expect that not long after she and Xiao Xingfu went out, the doctor was attacked, and the examination report and medical records were all robbed. Who is this robbed? Could it be a mental illness or a lunatic? Well, otherwise why would you want to grab these things?She really couldn't figure out what their purpose was, but the most important thing was that Xiao Xingfu's report was taken away and she couldn't even see it. What should I do?She didn't know who stole the medical records and reports, and there was no way to get them back. The only way out for now was to call the police to deal with this matter. If something very private is taken away like this, it will definitely cause big problems. She has to think of a way to see how to solve this matter.

"Oh, Ai Ai, the police uncles are very busy. Let's not bother them. Let me handle this matter. Don't worry, I will definitely recover those medical records and reports, and then be obedient I will leave it to you, you believe me, there is absolutely no problem, Xiao Ai, what do you think?" Xiao Xingxing took Gu Yunai's hand and said slowly to her.

How could Xiao Xingfu ask Gu Yunai to call the police? He was the one who stole the medical records and inspection reports. His subordinates tried their best to do things for him. How could he let them be chased inexplicably because of him?He is not so wicked, he will naturally solve this matter, but he will not tell Gu Yunai and Wei Junlan the solution, otherwise it will be very embarrassing. As for the inspection report that Gu Yunai is thinking about, let him read it first After there are no major problems, he will leave it to Gu Yunai. If there are any major problems, then he can only make some changes before handing it over to Gu Yunai. He doesn't want to lie to Gu Yunai, but he is even more unwilling to let Gu Yunai work hard for him. Lao Li, he is a man, it doesn’t make sense to let a little woman protect him all the time, he won’t make Gu Yunai worry too much, let’s talk about everything after he sees the inspection report, Xiao Xingfu clenched his fist thinking so .

"Ah? That's it, then okay, you must hurry up and get the report back, I'm still waiting to see it!" Gu Yunai replied with her head bowed.

Gu Yunai felt that what Xiao Xunfu said was also reasonable. Although she was eager to retrieve the inspection report, the police were indeed very busy every day, and this matter could be resolved by Xiao Xunfu, so she just waited for him to take care of it with peace of mind, anyway. She believes that he can bring the report back to her to read, but just in case, she still has to keep a close eye on him, lest he do any tricks behind her back, he is so afraid that she will worry about him, for sure She has to be on guard against what she will do secretly, so as not to let her miss any important link, so that Xiao Xingfu can take advantage of it, she is not so stupid, Xiao Xingfu has always been a ghost, but she also She is not a simple and easy-to-deceive little girl, if he is really playing tricks, she can see it, but Gu Yunai doesn't want this kind of thing to happen, she hopes that Xiao Xingfu will have nothing to hide from her, just like she did to him Same, unreserved belief, without any deceit or concealment, Gu Yunai twitched her lips thinking about it, and also had some small calculations in her heart.

"I see, my little Ai Ai really likes to be long-winded. I guarantee that as soon as I find the report, I will hand it to you with both hands, okay? My little Ai Ai can rest assured now, okay, anyway, now If you can't see my report, let's go to Xingya first, how about my little Ai Ai?" Xiao Xing Xing said and kissed Gu Yun Ai's cheek.

"If you think I'm long-winded, I'll just leave it alone. You're a real guy. You're always so out of shape. There are still outsiders here!" Gu Yunai gave Xiao Xingfu a stare and said to him.

Why is Xiao Xingfu always like this? Isn't he ashamed?Kissing her in front of the doctor and Wei Junlan, she really has nothing to do with him, but at first he even said that she was nagging, hmph, she was nagging because she was worried about him, why didn't he know how to accept it happily, and even despise her Get up, well, she won't care about him anymore, let's see him cry alone, what about this guy who doesn't know what to do, Gu Yunai clenched his fist and waved secretly as he thought so.

It's just that when she raised her head, she found that Wei Junlan and the doctor were covering their eyes, but their fingers were indeed open. She snorted coldly and stared at them with crossed arms. Then they put their hands down at the same time and put them behind their backs. Seeing their appearance, I felt very funny in my heart. Wei Junlan and this doctor may not be brothers who have been separated for many years. No matter how their movements and expressions are so in harmony, she and Wei Junlan have such a good relationship, and they can't be so synchronized. She thought Maybe Wei Junlan really has something special to do with this doctor, she needs to find some time to explore, otherwise she won't be able to satisfy her curiosity, Gu Yunai thought so and looked at Wei Junlan and the doctor again.

"Hey, little aunt, why are you looking at me like that? I don't have any special thoughts about you. Besides, you are already lucky, so you can't be foolish. This is not good, and I will never." "No It's your size, no, what nonsense you are talking about again, don't give me a convulsion, or I will beat you up, since we can't get the inspection report now, let's go and see Xingya, I really I'm very worried about her!" Before Wei Junlan finished speaking, Gu Yunai hit him on the head, and then said these words slowly.

Wei Junlan was afraid that she had taken the wrong medicine, but she was really drunk to make such a joke on her, but since they have a good relationship, she didn't care about him, the most urgent thing is to go and see Jiang Xingya , I don’t know how she was injured. Because Gu Yunai had something to do before, I didn’t ask Jiang Mingchuan’s specific situation on the phone at that time, but now that she is in the hospital, she can ask what happened on the set at that time. What happened, why did the prop sword turn into a real sword? Someone should have checked it before the filming started, but no one from the production team found out?Gu Yunai really couldn't figure it out, she had to hurry over to have a look now, Gu Yunai was thinking so much and grabbed Xiao Xingfu's hand and was about to go out.

"You little Ami is easy to get impatient. We are in the hospital. It doesn't matter if you walk slowly. I feel a little dizzy now. Do you want me to faint again?" Xiao Xingxing took Gu Yunai's little hand Said helplessly.

"Ah? Then let's go slowly, you have to get better soon, otherwise I have to worry all the time, you have to be good, and take good care of your injuries, so that we can be happy, I am now Worrying about you, I don't have the mind to do other things at all!" Gu Yunai said and touched Xiao Xingfu's forehead.

"Wow, don't you guys show your affection in the hospital? I'm really convinced by you. Can you control it a little bit? After all, this is a public place. You can do whatever you want at home. Don't do it here. I know I'm handsome, but if I get noticed because of your love, wouldn't I die unjustly? I don't want to be like this, so please, please control it , after we finish watching Xingya, you can go home and love each other to your heart's content, absolutely no one will say anything about you, hehe!" Wei Junlan sneered a few times as he said this.

"Show off your size, hurry up, you brat!" Gu Yunai slapped Wei Junlan again upon hearing this.

This Wei Junlan is getting more and more good at teasing her and Xiao Xingfu, and I don't know where he learned it from. This dead guy, after she has dealt with the matter at hand, she must take care of him, otherwise he may not know the severity Well, that's not what she wants to see. After all, Wei Junlan wants to pursue Jiang Xingya. He has no seriousness and always likes to tease people. How can he win Jiang Xingya's liking?If it weren't for too many things recently, she has no time to take care of other things, she must educate Wei Junlan well, only when he shows an upright and polite appearance, can a good girl like Jiang Xingya like him, his Every word and deed is very important, a slight deviation may make Jiang Xingya's impression of him extremely bad, and he doesn't think about it, how hard it is for him to make Jiang Xingya's impression of him slowly If it turns out well, he should cherish it to be true. Chase Jiang Xingya first. As for whether his parents and relatives disagree, let's talk about it later. She believes that Wei Junlan can handle it well. If he can't If you deal with it, then she will try her best to help him. He and Jiang Xingya are her closest relatives, so why would she ignore them?Gu Yunai smiled thinking about it.

"Oh, little aunt, take it easy, I'll probably be beaten to death when I die one day," Wei Junlan said in pain, covering his chest.

Wei Junlan felt that Gu Yunai's strength was really great. She just hit him like this, and he felt pain. He really underestimated Gu Yunai. He didn't expect that Gu Yunai was not very tall, but his skills were really good. If you go to any fighting competition, you must sign up for Gu Yunai, otherwise wouldn't it be a waste of her good martial arts?
"Haha." Xiao Xingfu couldn't help laughing when he heard this sentence.

"Lucky, what are you laughing at?" Wei Junlan looked at Xiao Xingfu and asked suspiciously.

"I'm laughing. Not long ago, I said the same thing to Ai Ai. Ai Ai, you see, I'm not the only one. Even Jun Lan thinks you are very strong. How can you Put away your little fist, so as not to accidentally injure other people!" Xiao Xingfu couldn't help laughing a few times after saying this.

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