National Producer: Xiao Shaotian has no limit to pets

Chapter 120: The dinner breaks up unhappily, and the chat afterwards is temporarily relieved

"Hey, okay, I'll eat, you guys eat more, I've been preparing for a long time, if you don't eat it, it will be a waste!" Gu Sisi kept staring at Gu Yunai while saying this.

Gu Sisi knew that Gu Yunai was really angry this time, and Gu Yunai forgave her for everything that happened when she was a child, and Gu Yunai really treated her like a mother, cared about her and protected her, even though her love for Gu Yunai was still so lacking, she hadn't made up for it Gu Yunai, Gu Yunai still doesn't care about it, she still treats her so well, she really feels too ashamed, what should she do to make Gu Yunai not hate her so much?She really didn't want Gu Yunai to live with hatred for her all the time, she really missed how happily she was with Gu Yunai and Du Wenrui some time ago!
"I'm full, let's go first." Gu Yunai quickly took a few mouthfuls of food, then stood up and planned to leave.

"Sit down, we haven't finished eating yet, where are you going?" Du Yunbo said angrily when he saw this.

This Gu Yunai is really getting worse and worse. She likes to ignore her elders in front of her, but she still doesn't care about her when others treat her kindly, and now she wants to turn around and leave?Who gave her the courage, or was she spoiled by someone to do these daring things?He must investigate carefully, what happened during the ten years they haven't been together, he remembers that Gu Yunai was quite obedient when she was a child, why is she like this now?He was really dissatisfied. It seemed that it was time to teach her how to get along with her elders. Otherwise, if she married someone in the future, wouldn't she be ashamed to go to someone else's house? Du Yunbo thought so and gave Gu Yunai a glare.

"You guys continue to eat. It won't affect your meal if I leave." Gu Yunai also stared back at Du Yunbo as he spoke.

Gu Yunai really didn't understand why Du Yunbo insisted on her staying. She and Du Yunbo obviously looked at each other and hated each other. Du Yunbo didn't like her staring at her, so did she. Instead of creating such an embarrassing atmosphere, why not Wouldn't it be better to let her go, out of sight and out of mind?She really didn't understand what Du Yunbo wanted to do, she wouldn't take advantage of this meal to ease the relationship between them, but judging by his attitude, she didn't want to get along with her at all, and she wouldn't just because of eating with him After a meal, he would happily call him daddy. Did he think too much?

Gu Yunai felt that Du Yunbo was used to authoritarianism, and she didn't want others to resist him, and she had been at odds with him all the time, that's why she provoked him again and again. Rather than being upset with each other like this, it's better not to See you, it's good for everyone, isn't it?She really doesn't want to stay with Du Yunbo. As for Gu Sisi, since she has already chosen Du Yunbo, there is no need for her to live with her in the future. Du Yunbo will naturally help Gu Sisi arrange everything, and she doesn't need to worry about things .

Maybe her worrying is just a joke in Gu Sisi's eyes, a superfluous act!It's better for her not to do these thankless things, so as not to make people laugh, Gu Yunai thought about it and sneered.

"What are you laughing at? This is your attitude towards your elders. After you get married, you will also treat your in-laws with this attitude?" Du Yunbo became even more angry when he saw Gu Yunai like this, and his volume became much louder.

"Oh, Yunbo, don't be so mean to the child, we finally managed to sit down and have a meal, the child is still young!" Gu Yunai said and glanced at Du Yunbo.

"Why is she so young? I think she has grown up and her wings have stiffened a lot now. She may have to be served by others in the future. I don't know how she is so cute." Du Yunbo twitched the corners of his mouth, He glanced at Xiao Xunxing inadvertently.

"Mr. Du's words are a big mistake. Ai Ai is kind, considerate and considerate of others, and she is warm and gentle to everyone. I don't see anything wrong with her. Although you have a good relationship with Ai Ai, it is so It's still a little biased, it's not fair." Xiao Xingxing couldn't help standing up and holding Gu Yunai's hand when he heard the words, watching Du Yunbo say these few words.

Xiao Xingfu didn't want to say anything at first, because Gu Yunai didn't care about Du Yunbo, so he didn't care about anything, but hearing what Du Yunbo said, he really couldn't bear it, Gu Yunai was his life, how could he let outsiders talk about her, What about judging her?Even if this person is Gu Yunai's biological father, it's not okay, besides, Gu Yunai, Xiao Han, Liang Min, and Nangong Shui all get along so well, the relationship is very harmonious, harmonious like a family, there will be no such thing as Du Yunbo said Under the circumstances, he would absolutely not allow Gu Yunai to suffer a little grievance, even if it was only verbal, he would try his best to protect and protect Gu Yunai.

"Young man, how dare you speak to me like this, aren't you afraid that I will be unfavorable to you and your family?" Du Yunbo stared at Xiao Xingxing and said this in a playful manner.

"You don't need to threaten me. I'm not afraid. Misty is everything to me. If I can't even protect her, how can I protect the Xiao family? Besides, although the Xiao family is not as rich as the Du family, its power should not be underestimated." Yes, the so-called strong dragon does not overwhelm the local snake, no matter how powerful Mr. Du's reputation is, he may not be able to shake the foundation of the Xiao family!" Xiao Xingfu also watched Du Yunbo and said these few words to him.

"Young man, you are really courageous. You dare to threaten me. I want to see how capable you are. There is nothing I can't do." Du Yunbo also stood up after saying this , approaching Xiao Xingfu step by step.

Although Du Yunbo said so, he was actually very happy in his heart. He didn't expect that Gu Yunai, a girl with such a weird personality, could find such an excellent partner as Xiao Xingfu. Xiao Xingfu is serious about Gu Yunai, not just for fun, but he has to investigate the specific situation carefully. His Du family already has romantic genes like him and Wei Junlan, so Du Yunbo has no confidence in the descendants of wealthy families. , and don't believe that they will have a long-term relationship with a woman.

Although Xiao Xingfu is so determined now, who knows if he will change his mind in the future? Du Yunbo really wants to see if Xiao Xingfu, who is so infatuated with Gu Yunai, can withstand his various tests. , he would betroth Gu Yunai to Xiao Xingfu, otherwise he would not even think about it, Gu Yunai does not recognize her now, but who is sure that she will not change her mind in the future?He must seize every opportunity to get along with Gu Yunai, so that he can understand her better and give her everything she wants.

"Whether I'm capable or not, we'll have to wait and see in the future." Xiao Xingxing smiled and watched Du Yunbo and said to him.

I don't know why, but Xiao Xingfu always felt that Du Yunbo was a little weird. Although his expressions and words were tingly, which made people feel uneasy, but the words seemed to contain another layer of meaning, as if there was something in the words, and Du Yunbo Some inadvertent expressions of Xiao Xunfu also made Xiao Xunfu feel that things were not as simple as he and Gu Yunai saw, and there must be something hidden in it.

He didn't know about what happened more than 20 years ago and he didn't participate in it. He could only do his best to make Gu Yunai happy, but Xiao Xingfu knew in his heart that Gu Yunai still longed for the company and love of his family and relatives. Although she said on the surface that she didn't forgive Du Yunbo and Gu Sisi, but in fact, she should have forgiven the two of them a long time ago. It's just that she has been stubborn and refused to admit it. Maybe she doesn't know it herself. It may not be so easy for her, but it doesn't matter, he will always be with Gu Yunai and help her eliminate all worries.

"You're not young, but your tone is not small, I think" "Okay, lucky, why are you telling him so much? Let's go quickly." Du Yunbo nodded, and just after he said a few words, Gu Yunai pulled Live Xiao Xingfu to go out the door.

What's the matter with Xiao Xingfu, how come he chatted with Du Yunbo so well, doesn't he know that she is very awkward and uncomfortable here? Everyone is willing to communicate with him, but he also has points. For an autocratic and overbearing person like Du Yunbo, there is no need to talk about it. Anyway, Du Yunbo still has his own inherent thinking, and it is useless to say it. Said, that's why she didn't want to talk to Du Yunbo, Gu Yunai clenched her fist thinking so.

"Oh, you still have a bad temper, you go, I don't want to see your bad face." Du Yunbo sat down and patted the table and said.

"I don't want to see you yet. You asked me to stay. It's boring." Gu Yunai pouted as she spoke, and dragged Xiao Xingfu to the door.

"Yunbo, why did you do this? This will only make Xiaomai hate you even more!" Gu Sisi walked to Du Yunbo and asked in confusion.

"I don't know either. I really don't know what to do with her. I really want to get along with her and enjoy the family happiness, but when I see her, I blurt out hurtful words. I really control her." I can't help myself." Du Yunbo answered Gu Sisi with a sigh.

"Hey, no matter, this is not something that can be done in a day or two, Yun Bo, if you really miss Xiao Ai, you can secretly send someone to follow her, or you can give her some small things, anyway, girls It's easy to coax, she's your daughter after all, don't be so fierce to her in the future." Gu Sisi said and thumped Du Yunbo's shoulder.

"Okay, I promise you, I will try my best to control my emotions." Du Yunbo said to Gu Sisi with a smile.

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