National Producer: Xiao Shaotian has no limit to pets

Chapter 110: The idea has not yet been implemented, threatening to make trouble for the cat

Why does Xiao Xingfu always treat her so cautiously? She is not a porcelain doll that will break when touched, and she is not a narrow-minded person. He can treat her more casually, so that there will be more friendship between them. There is no distance anymore, every time she sees him anxious for fear of her getting angry, she is anxious and wants to laugh.

How is Xiao Xingxing so good?It made her feel very happy, she wanted to hug him very much, but now it was agreed to punish him, he had to accept the punishment first, Gu Yunai thought of this with an unknown smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Then I don't know how my little Ai Ai will punish me? Don't be too serious, I will be scared." Seeing Gu Yun Ai's smile, Xiao Xun Xing felt relieved and asked Gu Yun Ai pretending to be panicked.

Xiao Xingfu knew that Gu Yunai was just talking, she was so kind and treated him so well, how could she really punish him, but he really wanted to know what the punishment Gu Yunai was talking about, if it was just some small fun, then he would Very happy to cooperate, he thought so and held Gu Yunai's little hand.

"Hmph, I haven't made up my mind yet, you can drive first, we'll talk about it when we get back." Gu Yunai raised her head as she spoke.

"Okay, okay, you naughty little mischievous." Xiao Xingfu scratched Gu Yunai's nose, and then started the car.

Xiao Xingfu thought about how Gu Yunai would punish him, but in the end it might turn around and become him punishing her. After all, Gu Yunai is a cutie, she definitely won't bear it, and then he can take advantage of her when she can't bear it , took the opportunity to "bully" her, but the consequences of bullying her might be very tragic, he still had to think about it carefully, he couldn't help shaking his body when he thought about it, and a smile appeared on his face, as if he was thinking about something.

"What are you thinking! You're not thinking about how to deal with me!" Gu Yunai looked at Xiao Xingfu's appearance, she leaned back and asked worriedly.

Although Gu Yunai knows that Xiao Xingfu treats her very well and will not do anything to hurt her, but who knows if he will have any bad ideas to tease her, she just wait and see, if he plays tricks, she will Let Xiao Ai and Mimi scratch him together.

"I was thinking about how cute you are, little Ai Ai, what should I do to you." Saying so, Xiao Xingfu went up a ramp and stopped in front of his house.

Gu Yunai was dragged into the room by Xiao Xingxing. She turned on the light and found that the room was in a mess, the sofa and cushions were scratched, the table was also a mess, and there were very dirty marks on the floor.

Gu Yunai felt very strange, did something happen to Xiao Xingfu's family?But his family has servants, even if someone makes the house dirty, someone will clean it up, how could it be like this?Could it be that there was a thief, so the servants didn't have time to clean it up, but this place is so remote, and the security measures are very good, how could a thief come in here?Gu Yunai couldn't believe it!

"Wow, luckily, what happened to your house, was it stolen, or did you encounter some aliens who ransacked your house!" Gu Yunai said in surprise.

"It's little Ai, it didn't know what happened early this morning, and it started to scratch and wreak havoc. I have asked the servants to clean it up many times, but it was useless. Anyway, as long as it is done, it won't take long. Xiao Ai will come to destroy it again, so I just want to bring you back to see if it will be better." Xiao Xingfu pursed his lips and replied helplessly.

Xiao Xingfu didn't know what happened to Xiao Ai. Although he said he was not very good before and often scratched him, he was not as abnormal as today. He also asked people to take Xiao Ai to see a doctor again, but The veterinarian also said that it is very healthy and can't find anything wrong with it.

Xiao Xingfu thought, maybe Xiao Xiaoai was like the previous few times, she couldn't see Gu Yunai anymore, she wanted to see her, so she did this, he was really convinced, it seems that it is really good He likes Gu Yunai, he has nothing to do, he can only call Gu Yunai, see if she can do anything to make Xiao Xiaoai behave better, otherwise, he can't figure out what kind of trouble his family will have, see Now Xiao Xiaoai is staying in the cat house, he has locked the door, but he can still hear the sound of scratching, if he suddenly heard this sound in the middle of the night, he might think that something supernatural happened, Xiao Xing Thinking of this, he smiled, but his expression was very helpless.

"Ah? How could Xiaoxiao be like this? Is it sick?" Gu Yunai asked worriedly upon hearing the words.

Although Xiao Xiaoai has always been very naughty, she has never been so mischievous before. She has made Xiao Xingfu's house like this. If she is not sick, she really has to spank her little butt. How can a kitten be so mischievous, she has to take good care of it, Gu Yunai clenched her fists thinking this way, with a trace of dissatisfaction in her eyes, as if she had some plans.

"Uh, Ai, Ai, Xiao Ai is fine, but I look at your expression, as if something is going to happen, Ai, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me!" Xiao Xingfu said unconsciously. I swallowed my saliva.

"I'm fine, I want to take good care of my little Ai, you can let it out!" Gu Yunai said to Xiao Xingfu by pulling the corners of her mouth.

At the beginning, Gu Yunai was worried about what happened to Xiao Xiaomai, and she was a little worried about what kind of illness she had, but Xiao Xingfu said that it was not sick at all, so it seemed that it was deliberately messing around. Have you been turned upside down?Xiao Xingfu is willing to take in Xiao Xiaoai because she loves her, and she will not throw it away or send it away even if Xiao Xiaomai messes around. Then she really has the responsibility to discipline Xiao Xiaomai, at least to make her conscious. Realizing that I was wrong, I can't let it continue to mess around.

"Meow, meow, meow, meow!" Xiao Xingxing shook his head helplessly. He released Xiaoxiao from the cat house. As soon as Xiaoxiao got free, she started running around and screaming. stand up.

"Xiao Xiaoai, Xiao Xiaoai, stop yelling, don't be naughty, Mummy is here, come to Mummy quickly." Gu Yunai walked to Xiao Xiaoai's side, she clapped her hands and said to it.

"Yeah, meow, meow." Hearing Gu Yunai's voice, Xiao Xiaomai became excited again. It jumped onto Gu Yunai's body and kept calling, as if it was talking to Gu Yunai.

"Little Ai, what's wrong with you, how could you be so misbehaving and make Daddy's house like this? Are you sure there is no little Ai?" Gu Yunai picked up Xiao Ai and asked it in a slightly louder voice.

"Meow meow!" Xiao Xiaoai yelled twice indifferently, and raised her head arrogantly.

"Little Ai, if you continue to be so misbehaving, Mommy will send you away, and tell Daddy if you know your mistake, and confess to Daddy quickly." Seeing this, Gu Yunai raised her voice a little more angrily.

What's the matter with this little Ai, she was very obedient before, why is she so abnormal today, she didn't even listen to her words, and even made a smug expression, as if she had nothing wrong with her, this really made her Gu Yunai was very angry and very puzzled. She felt that this little girl might be going against the heavens. With this appearance, do I want to be sent away by her and go to other places to become the king?Gu Yunai really didn't dare to think about it!

"Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow." Little Ai immediately lowered her head when she heard the words. It lay on Gu Yunai's bed and rubbed its head against her neck. It looked so pitiful that Gu Yunai felt a little My heart softened.

"Do you not want to be sent away by me? If so, call three times." Gu Yunai picked up Xiao Xiaoai again, and asked it with a serious face.

"Meow, meow, meow." Xiao Xiaomai called out three times obediently, and fell into Gu Yunai's arms again.

"Then you are not allowed to be naughty in the future, and you are not allowed to make Daddy's house like this. Did you hear that, if you do this again, Mommy won't like you and will throw you away immediately." Gu Yunai said and turned her eyes away Zhu Zi, she said the last two sentences on purpose to frighten Xiao Xiaoai.

"Meow, meow." Xiao Xiaoai flinched, touched Gu Yunai's face with her paw, and called softly.

"This is good, this is Mommy's good little Ai, go play, don't make trouble anymore." Gu Yunai said happily while grabbing Xiao Xiaoai's little paw, and then put it on the ground.

"Ai Ai, you still have the ability. You see, little Ai becomes obedient as soon as you come here. If I were here alone, I would definitely be helpless. Ai Ai, you are really amazing." Xiao Xingfu said and hugged Gu Yunai.

"You, you know how to coax me with nice words. I just try to reason with little Ai Xiaozhi. Although little Ai Xiao is very naughty, she is still very obedient. You raise it every day, and it must be with you. The relationship is very good, it's just that you don't tease it often and make it feel left out, so it wants to do something to attract your attention." Gu Yunai hugged Xiao Xingfu and analyzed in this way.

Gu Yunai felt that Xiao Xiaomai had been taken care of by Xiao Xingfu for so long, so she had to be a little emotional anyway, she only came to see Xiao Xiaomai occasionally, and he liked her so much, obediently listened to her, if Xiao Xingfu would be willing to treat her like this Little Ai speaks softly, maybe little Ai will often rush into his arms and touch Xiao Xingfu with her little paws!

"Really? But I feel that little Ai doesn't like me. It must be angry that I'm with you, so it keeps making troubles, but I won't be afraid. If it does this again, Ai, I will Spank it." After Xiao Xingfu asked in disbelief, he began to say the next thing.

"Lucky, why don't you communicate with Xiaoxiao first, hug it more, let it feel that you love it, try it first, in case Xiaoxiao likes your arms very much, and then have a relationship with you It’s harmonious, isn’t that very good? If you say it’s not OK without trying it, then you have too little confidence in yourself.” Gu Yunai said and patted Xiao Xingfu’s back vigorously, wanting him to experience her With the power of the "Tathagata God's Palm", who made him have a bad relationship with Xiao Xiaoai all the time.

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