National Producer: Xiao Shaotian has no limit to pets

Chapter 11: Seeing the Sea of ​​Flowers in Provence, Mischievous Slipping

Gu Yunai was woken up the next day by the ringing of the alarm clock. She checked the time, and it was already past nine o'clock. She made an appointment with Xiao Xingxing to visit Provence!She didn't want to miss the appointment, it was already late, they had an appointment to meet at Champs Avenue at nine o'clock, and now it was almost too late.

Gu Yunai quickly got dressed, put on contact lenses after washing, put on a daily makeup, chose a small fragrant top, matched it with a pleated skirt, looked casual yet steady, well dressed After arriving, she opened the door of the hotel room, locked the door after walking out, and ran towards the Champs Elysees Avenue.

It's just that when Gu Yunai walked to the Champs Elysees Avenue, he didn't see Xiao Xingfu. Gu Yunai was a little puzzled. Could it be that Xiao Xingfu got up late too?She looked around again and found that there was no sign of him. Gu Yunai took out her mobile phone and planned to call Xiao Xingfu. The call was just connected, but no one answered.

At this moment, a nun who seemed to be in her 30s walked up to Gu Yunai, she patted Gu Yunai on the shoulder, and said a few words in French, roughly meaning that there was a fountain on the right side of the fountain through this road There will be surprises when you walk sideways.After saying this, the nun quickly turned around and left. Gu Yunai felt inexplicable, but she thought about it, maybe this was Xiao Xingfu's arrangement, so she walked a few steps in place, and then took a step towards the direction pointed by the nun. go.

Walking to the right side of the fountain that the nun said, Gu Yunai still didn't see Xiao Xingfu's figure, but she saw a figure not far away, Leng Rufeng, the president of the Leng Group, why is he here? But Gu Yunai thought It may be a coincidence, it is impossible that the nun was arranged by Leng Rufeng, and she was brought here specially! How is this possible, she and Leng Rufeng did not know each other, but they just met once before, he What is the reason for bringing her here?
But it's not important, she still has to find Xiao Xingfu as soon as possible, Gu Yunai raised her hand and looked at her watch, it was already almost eleven o'clock, she had to hurry to find Xiao Xingfu, why didn't Xiao Xingfu not answer the phone?Nothing will happen to him?Gu Yunai called Xiao Xingfu again with some worries.

At this time, Leng Rufeng walked up to Gu Yunai, he reached out and took Gu Yunai's cell phone, and held it in his hand, he smiled at Gu Yunai, Gu Yunai looked at Leng Rufeng, for a moment, It's not clear what he meant, but she was really anxious to find Xiao Xingfu, and she was still very angry when Leng Rufeng took her cell phone away for no reason.

"Mr. Leng, what are you doing, return the phone to me quickly." Gu Yunai said as she was about to grab her phone.

"Miss Gu, you" "Ai Ai, Ai Ai, why are you here? I've been looking for you for a long time, but I left my phone in the hotel, I'm sorry!" Leng Rufeng was about to say something when Xiao Xingfu quickly Running to Gu Yunai's side, he pursed his lips and apologized to Gu Yunai.

"It's okay, as long as you're fine, let's go then." Gu Yunai shook her head and said.

Since Xiao Xingfu is fine, she should go shopping here with Xiao Xingxing. It is true that she has not been to France for a long time. Although there are people and things here that make Gu Yunai upset, the scenery is really beautiful, and the climate here is very good. Especially the scenery of Provence, after she saw it once when she was a child, she will never forget it. This time, she must go to see it again. This season in France should be the season when flowers are in full bloom. Just enjoy it in the sea.

"Well, good." Xiao Xingfu didn't ask why Gu Yunai was here, he saw Leng Rufeng beside Gu Yunai, but he didn't pay attention to him, he didn't have time to understand people who were irrelevant.

"Mr. Leng, please return my mobile phone to me." When Gu Yunai was about to leave, she suddenly raised her hand and put it in front of Leng Rufeng, she said coldly.

"Okay." Leng Rufeng's eyes darkened, he put Gu Yunai's mobile phone in her palm, glanced at her and said.

Gu Yunai took back her phone and strode away without looking back. Xiao Xingfu also followed behind her. He caught up with Gu Yunai and asked suspiciously: "Ai Ai, do you know Leng Rufeng?"

"I don't know, I don't even know what kind of wind he has. If it wasn't on the street, I would have beaten him." Gu Yunai squeezed her fists as she said.

"Heh, why are you so violent as a girl?" Seeing Gu Yunai like this, Xiao Xingxing unconsciously joked.

"This is not violence! This is necessary for self-protection. If that Leng Rufeng is a bad guy or something, shouldn't I beat him?" Gu Yunai retorted.

"Yes, yes, what you said makes sense, so don't you be afraid, I'm a bad guy, how dare you come out with me to wander around alone?" Xiao Xingxing asked suspiciously.

Xiao Xingfu felt that Gu Yunai had no defense against him. Although this was what he wanted, he still wanted to know the reason. The current Gu Yunai probably didn't remember who he was, so why would he trust him so much and play with him alone? Woolen cloth?Isn't she afraid that he will be bad for her?

"I'm not afraid, you won't be a bad person! You are Mingchuan's good friend and the music director of "The Legend of Dragon and Phoenix". You have cooperated with me and Jun Lan. If you play tricks, you will definitely treat me You have had a bad influence yourself, and, I believe in you, I regard you as a good friend, you are definitely a good person." Gu Yunai raised her head and said to Xiao Xingfu.

In fact, Gu Yunai didn't know why she believed in Xiao Xingfu so much, she just felt that Xiao Xingfu was very familiar, as if she had known Xiao Xingfu a long time ago, but how could this be possible?She doesn't have the impression of knowing someone like Xiao Xingfu, but it doesn't matter, she and Xiao Xingfu are considered to be friends now, and they have become friends. Xiao Xingfu is a music producer and is very famous. If there is a chance to cooperate, she doesn't want to offend her partner, and what's more, she speaks from her heart.

"Then I would like to thank Ai Ai for giving me a good impression. By the way, let's go to Provence now. The weather is sunny and sunny today, which is the most suitable for viewing the scenery." Xiao Xingxing said happily.

"Okay, let's go." Gu Yunai replied very happily when she heard the words.

Xiao Xingfu pulled Gu Yunai into his car. He opened the car window a little so that Gu Yunai could breathe in fresh air. By the way, he had a look at the scenery along the road. The climate in France is still relatively high, not compared to domestic ones. I’m afraid I’ll catch a cold if I wear such thin clothes, but not here, it’s warm everywhere, there’s no biting cold wind, and no heavy rain, and there’s just endless beautiful scenery and special features gourmet food.

Because of this, Xiao Xingfu likes France quite a lot, especially here he also met the love of his life, and now he and her are back here again, Xiao Xingfu really feels that fate is indeed a wonderful thing, and now He will also take good care of this hard-won fate.

"Ah, it's here, stop quickly." After driving for about an hour and a half, Gu Yunai and Xiao Xingfu arrived in Provence, Gu Yunai yelled loudly.

Xiao Xingxing shook his head, he parked the car at the edge of the open space next to the flower garden, and then got out of the car with Gu Yunai.Gu Yunai rushed to the sea of ​​flowers as soon as she got off the car. The lavender in Provence blooms very well, but other flowers are also extremely beautiful.

Gu Yunai ran and rushed into the flowers, wandering among the purple, white, and red flowers, running and jumping, who would believe that she was depressed yesterday, running to vent her emotions, today she came to such a beautiful world, enjoying this beauty The unhappiness of yesterday has completely dissipated at this moment. She doesn't want to think about anything now, she just wants to dance and wander in this sea of ​​flowers. No matter what she has experienced before, at this moment, she just wants to immerse herself in this sea of ​​flowers. A beautiful inside, so that she can relax.

Xiao Xingfu took out his camera from the car, and took several photos of Gu Yunai happily wandering in the sea of ​​flowers. Xiao Xingfu felt that Gu Yunai was really lively, but he was very serious at work, as if There are two faces!

"Slow down, don't fall." Xiao Xingfu, who was standing by the seaside of flowers and taking pictures of Gu Yunai, looked at the innocent smiling Gu Yunai, and reminded him with a smile.

In fact, this sea of ​​flowers was planted by Xiao Xingfu specially for Gu Yunai. He knew that Gu Yunai especially liked flowers and brightly colored things, so he chose this land and selected dozens of people who had experience in cultivating flowers and plants. Gardener, come to take care of and water these flowers, so these flowers bloom so well. This is not only the hard work of the gardeners, but also his careful thought. He hopes that Gu Yunai can forget all his troubles in this place, and with him by his side in the future, She will not think of unhappy things, so he will be satisfied.

"I won't fall! Oops!" Gu Yunai said as she squatted down on purpose, making herself completely hidden in the sea of ​​flowers.

"Ai Ai, Ai Ai, are you alright? Ai Ai, speak up!" Xiao Xingfu was a little anxious when he realized that Gu Yunai had disappeared suddenly. He quickly put the camera aside and ran among the flowers, calling and looking for her. The trace of Gu Yunai.

Gu Yunai heard Xiao Xingfu's voice, she squatted down and moved slowly, and walked in front of Xiao Xingfu, because Xiao Xingfu was eager to find Gu Yunai, so he didn't pay attention to his feet, Gu Yunai suddenly stood up to scare Xiao Xingfu, But he didn't expect that she accidentally tripped Xiao Xingfu. Xiao Xingfu didn't notice for a while, and fell straight forward. He found that Gu Yunai was in front of him, and he quickly stretched out his hand to protect Gu Yunai's little head. They were like this After rolling a few times among the flowers, Gu Yunai and Xiao Xingfu finally stabilized their bodies. They stopped, and Gu Yunai happened to be lying on Xiao Xingfu's right shoulder. She wanted to stand up, but she didn't know that she had stepped on it. What, her foot slipped, and her lips just brushed Xiao Xingfu's cheek.

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