National Producer: Xiao Shaotian has no limit to pets

Chapter 107: Difficult to sleep at night

"Okay, Ai Ai, I'm very tired, go to sleep, I'll hold you, be good, okay?" Xiao Xingfu said so and hugged Gu Yunai tightly.

Xiao Xingfu wanted her to be more peaceful and not to move around. After all, he was really tired, and Gu Yunai was also very busy all the time. Isn't she tired?Still moving around here, hey, he really has nothing to do with her, he can only hug her tightly, Xiao Xingfu closed his eyes, and gently patted Gu Yunai's back, as if coaxing a child Also, I want her to fall asleep quickly, otherwise I'm afraid I'll turn into a panda again the next day, he smiled subconsciously thinking of this.

"Hmph, I'll just sleep. You must have a good dream. I don't want you to have nightmares." Gu Yunai raised her head to look at Xiao Xingfu, then pinched his cheek and said softly.

Gu Yunai knew that Xiao Xingfu was very tired, and she would not keep making trouble with him, but she was indeed not so sleepy now, but she was held in his arms, and she couldn't make too much movement, it seemed that she could only stare at him. He's gone, let's see when she can fall asleep, hey, if I knew it earlier, I shouldn't have come to see if he fell asleep, but now I can't even move!Gu Yunai let out a breath, stretched out her hand and scratched Xiao Xingfu's waist, trying to see if he was really asleep.

"Ai Ai, don't be naughty, go to bed quickly." Xiao Xingfu grabbed her hand and said helplessly.

This girl Gu Yunai is still not sleeping. If he is not really sleepy, he has to clean her up. She is really too naughty. How could he think she is quieter at first? He should have thought of her when he was a child Gu Yunai, who can play tricks on adults and make them make a fool of himself, will never have a quiet moment. He can only hold her, lest she do something unbelievable at night, Xiao Xingfu thinks so and grabs her hand. A little bit of strength.

"Hmph, you didn't fall asleep, don't grab me like this, how can I fall asleep?" Gu Yunai moved her body dissatisfied.

"Okay, okay, my little Ai, please be good, don't be naughty anymore, I won't be energetic tomorrow." Xiao Xingfu scratched Gu Yunai's nose and said softly.

"I know, good night, lucky, I'm in your dream!" Gu Yunai said so, gently pinched Xiao Xingfu's face, and then slowly closed her eyes.

It was very cool tonight, not as muggy as it was some time ago, so Gu Yunai could sleep soundly, especially with Xiao Xingxing by her side, she felt extraordinarily comfortable and at ease!If there is any unhappy matter, she has already thrown it out of the sky. Tomorrow, she still has to go to see the filming of "Legend of Dragon and Phoenix".

Although Wei Junlan has already photographed Mu Miaohua to watch, he is not very familiar with them after all. In Mu Miaohua's eyes, what Wei Junlan asked him to do was just a part of the job, and it was not even as good as the work that asked him to do. Shu Xin, when she saw Mu Miaohua's disapproving expression on the set, she knew roughly what he was thinking, but it's no wonder, after all, he was originally a manager, and he was asked to do some things that had nothing to do with his work. It's normal for him to be puzzled and dissatisfied with things, at worst, she'll have a good chat with him tomorrow to reassure him of his doubts, Gu Yunai thought so and rubbed against Xiao Xingfu's chest again.

When Gu Yunai woke up the next day, Xiao Xingfu had already left. He left a note for her saying that she should have a good breakfast. He left first to do business with the company.

Gu Yunai shook her head helplessly, then quickly got up, dressed and washed, then took the food that Xiao Xingfu made for her, and soon arrived at Xingyun Media, she still had a few meetings to hold today, before Ou Yutao's MV shoot When it was over, she answered a few announcements for her, and she had to arrange them on the ground, as well as the advertisements of Cheng Gong and Lin Wei, and she also had to arrange them. As for the announcements of other people, she also arranged and subdivided them. Thinking of this, he walked quickly.

"Mr. Gu." At this moment, Gu Yunai's assistant Lu Li walked up to her and called her out.

"Xiao Lu, ask everyone to come to the conference room for a meeting in 10 minutes." Gu Yunai walked into her office as she spoke.

Gu Yunai took down a few folders and looked through them. One of the notices was actually from the Leng Group. When did she sign it?She didn't even notice it herself, maybe she was too busy these days to get dizzy, so she ignored it, she saw that the above content was a perfume advertisement, she just wanted to arrange it for Xingyun's newcomers, after all, newcomers also need good ones For the job opportunity, she will ask Lu Li to arrange it. After all, she doesn't want any mistakes in the work. After reading the information and signing the documents, she puts away her things and walks into the meeting room. It's already full of people.

"Today, I want to tell you about your work arrangements for the past few months." Gu Yunai asked Lu Li to show the documents to the artists in the conference room as she spoke.

The meeting lasted about an hour. After the meeting, Gu Yunai went back to the office to deal with some affairs. She felt a little tired, so she took out the Rubik's Cube and wanted to play and relax, but she was not an expert, and she couldn't do it after a long time. She didn't have all the colors assigned to them, but she was still patient, not impatient or angry, and she was still fiddling with the Rubik's Cube.

"Nowadays when I listen to music alone, I always feel lost. I hear you whispering softly in my ear, how gentle the night is, how much you love me. Now I always feel sad when I listen to music alone. Love is no longer here. The songs on the list are flowing with the past, now." "Hey, Jun Lan, what's wrong?" Just as Gu Yunai was about to get the last two sides done, her cell phone rang, and she took out the cell phone and asked said such a sentence.

"It's nothing, I just came to greet my dear little aunt after I'm done with work!" Wei Junlan said with a smile.

"Tsk tsk tsk, come on, you want to ask me about the situation on the set, you should ask me about Xingya's situation." Gu Yunai said with a blank look.

"Little aunt, don't call me like this. What if I care about my little aunt? Is there nothing else we can talk about except Xingya?" Wei Junlan said in a helpless tone.

In fact, Wei Junlan really just wanted to have a simple chat with Gu Yunai. After all, they haven't seen each other for a while, and he saw Gu Sisi and Du Yunbo in a restaurant a few days ago. They had a good chat, as if they were planning something It looked like he didn't know when Du Yunbo came to China, and Gu Yunai probably didn't know, otherwise he would have taken action long ago, so should he tell Gu Yunai what he saw?He was a little worried, but wanted to discuss it with her.

Although he has no hostility towards Gu Sisi and regards her as an elder, she is probably the third party between Du Yunbo and Ling Hui. Both the Wei family and Gu Yunai have been greatly hurt, is it necessary to let the tragedy repeat itself now?Wei Junlan really didn't want the matter to develop to this point, but what should he do? He thought that after Gu Sisi and Gu Yunai returned home, they would have nothing to do with Du Yunbo anymore, but he didn't expect Du Yunbo to return home so quietly , and only told Gu Sisi, he was really surprised and apprehensive, and now he said it or didn't say it, it was a bit of a dilemma.

"Of course it's ok, but what do you want to say to me, I'm very busy!" Gu Yunai said to Wei Junlan with a smile, twisting the Rubik's Cube in her hand.

"That's right, what will happen to you, little aunt, if one day you meet someone you don't want to see again?" Wei Junlan asked Gu Yunai tactfully.

"What, what, what will happen to me when I meet someone I don't want to see? The person I don't want to see is not in front of me, so it's possible, he, he has returned to China!" Gu Yunai was a little puzzled when she heard the words, but Then she came to her senses and immediately asked Wei Junlan this question.

Gu Yunai couldn't believe it. The ones she didn't want to see were of course Du Yunbo and Ling Hui. Ling Hui was not in good health, so she didn't think she would go back and forth in the country. Even if she wanted to see Wei Junlan, she would only let Wei Junlan go to France to see her company. She, what Wei Junlan meant was that he saw Du Yunbo!Where is he, but she hasn't seen him, if she sees him again, she, she doesn't know how she will react, she really doesn't want to see him again, because when she sees him, Gu Yunai will think of her childhood Painful experience, even if he and Gu Sisi had difficulties at that time, it doesn't mean she will forgive, so it's better not to see each other, so as not to be embarrassed and don't know how to speak.

"No, no, I'm just assuming, little aunt, don't be so excited, by the way, little aunt, has my aunt told you anything recently?" Wei Junlan immediately denied it with a smile, and then asked Gu Yunai again.

"My mother? She didn't say anything to me, and I was always busy in the dark, and she was asleep when I came back. I said Junlan, you just talk about it, why are you talking so much? It confuses me." After Gu Yunai put down the Rubik's Cube and answered Wei Junlan, she raised her volume again, wanting Wei Junlan to explain what was going on.

"It's okay, I haven't seen you for a long time, just ask, just ask, then little aunt, I will hang up first, we will make an appointment when you and Lucky are free, and we will talk about it in detail when we meet Go." Wei Junlan scratched his head as he said, a drop of sweat dripping down.

This Gu Yunai is too sensitive, he just asked a few casually, she can think of so much, it seems that he has to do something, before Gu Yunai sees Du Yunbo again, take some measures to prevent any accidents It happened, one was his grandfather, the other was his little aunt, he didn't want them to be angry, Wei Junlan squeezed his fingers thinking so, and listening to the sound of his fingers, his heart was a little confused.

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