Liang Shao is addicted to spoiling his wife

Chapter 92 This is a check for 5

"Nonsense, if you don't call the police and blackmail you, that's what a fool will do." Murong Xue was about to call the police with her mobile phone, but Lan Rong immediately waved her hand to stop Murong Xue from calling the police: "You dare to call the police, no, you can just lose money, otherwise .”

However, when the two sides were arguing with red eyes, Fan Tong appeared at this moment: "You want 500 million, don't you? I will compensate you. Please don't make the president's wife angry."

"Idiot." Lan Rong yelled at the man who appeared. She knew that someone wanted to pay 500 million yuan. This is definitely an idiot, or her head has been flooded. Lan Rong currently thinks so.

" Jing, how do you know my name is Fan Tong? I'm so sorry. I don't like you. You can go home. If you want money, I can compensate you, but you can't like me." Fan Tong's words are a bit hurtful, But this is his style, a majestic master in the bragging world, it is his honor to blow the opponent down.

Shangguan Feixue saw that Fan Tong's appearance could help Murong Xue fix this guy, and she was also full of joy. As for Murong Xue, Fan Tong also looked at Fan Tong with admiration. It could be seen that Fan Tong's appearance was here to help her, and she wanted to see it very much. Fan Tong, a master of bragging, how could he vent his anger on her behalf.

Hearing Fan Tong's words, Lan Rong's heart suddenly felt creepy. She seemed to have met someone who just came out of the mental hospital. Her real target was Murong Xue, so naturally she would not take care of him: "Murong Xue, today's How to solve the problem."

Although Lan Rong looked at Murong Xue right, Fan Tong wanted to stand out: "What nonsense are you talking about? You ruined the CEO's wife's clothes. They don't ask you to pay, but you ask them to pay instead. If a good man doesn’t fight with you, I will pay you money, and I advise you to leave our sight immediately, or I will call the police.”

Fan Tong wanted to stand out, Lan Rong blushed and his neck was thickened by this scene, and then angrily shouted at Fan Tong: "Then I want to see how you pay me."

"This is a check for 500 million. You can marry in any bank. You can marry. The password is not allowed. Take the money and leave immediately." Fan Tong boasted solemnly.

In this scene, Murong Xue was confused by Fan Tong, but now she is dizzy, this guy is too funny, yes, that's it, after treating her stubborn illness well, Murong Xue couldn't help but snicker.

After being told by Fan Tong, Lan Rong was also impatient now, especially when he heard those three words, he scolded himself as..., then glared and said, "Crazy, I want cash."

Lan Rong's mentality is that she thinks that the other party is a lunatic who can't give out so much money, and that's why she has such a tone. Her real goal is Murong Xue.

Fan Tong really wanted to help Murong Xue. As for how many tricks he had, it was the easiest way to bully her, Lan Rong, mentally handicapped: "Here is a piece of 500 million cash, you take the money and leave, or I will leave if you don't." Crazy."

Seeing a banknote flying over, Lan Rong gritted her teeth and said angrily, "Crazy."

A piece of 500 million, everyone thought of a lot of questions, Fan Tong's trick is too good, Murong Xue saw Lan Rong's expression, she couldn't help laughing, everyone is familiar with this piece of money, can't be here cooked.

"I've already given you the money, and those rotten clothes are mine."

Of course, Fan Tong knew that she was pestering Murong Xue tonight, and the trump card of pestering Murong Xue was those few clothes, so he simply took them away, let's see how arrogant you are.

The clothes in Lan Rong's hand were taken away by Fan Tong, she also felt uneasy in her heart, she is a smart beauty, how could she be defeated by an idiot today, she really couldn't figure out what was going on.

"You have been compensated, you can get out." Murong Xue's words penetrated deeply into Lan Rong's heart. Without the rotten clothes in her hands, Murong Xue will naturally not be afraid of her tampering, and she will not say anything today Afraid of her.

Lan Rong was about to explode with Murong Xue's anger, but Lan Rong didn't dare to act rashly because he didn't have a handle. This was his territory, so she had no choice but to stop.

"Forget you." Lan Rong put down a cruel word and left. Her departure does not mean that she has surrendered. She will make a comeback. Next time she will not let Murong Xue have such good luck. As for today's The failure was completely an accident. As far as Lan Rong was concerned, she would continue to attack Murong Xue.

She pestered Murong Xue for a long time, if it wasn't for Fan Tong's appearance, Murong Xue really didn't know how it would end.

Murong Xue looked at Fan Tong, so she also smiled at him, "Thank you Fan Tong for your help."

The wife of the president thanked Fan Tong, he was stunned seeing this scene, he was the one who offended the wife of the president before, so he was unlucky for a while, now he dare not offend the wife of the president, so he was afraid that he would not be able to bear the thanks Qi Qi: "Madam President, don't be so polite, it's all as it should be."

Fan Tong is actually not bad at heart, but he likes to be greedy for petty gains, so he chose to agree to Li Xue's request when he had no choice.

When he learned that confessing to the CEO's wife was a dead end, he finally reined in the precipice. As for helping Murong Xue today, on the one hand, it was to resolve their previous misunderstanding, and to draw closer to each other through this matter.

He can make money only by getting close to him. If he doesn't make a fortune with the CEO's wife, or with the CEO, he won't be called Fan Tong, but a rice bucket.

"I'm busy, so I don't have time to greet you. I'll treat you to dinner when I'm free." Since Murong Xue was busy, she didn't have time to take care of Fan Tong's appearance.

"Madam President, I still have to go to the mental hospital to recuperate for a few days. When I come out, treat me to dinner."

Fan Tong turned around and left. As for the invitation to dinner from the CEO's wife, he directly agreed.

As for the mental hospital that Fan Tong mentioned, Murong Xue and Shangguan Feixue were very puzzled. With a perfect eloquence, it must be abnormal for a normal person to go to a mental hospital. No one knows what it means for Fan Tong to go to a mental hospital. Did not ask.

Fan Tong did go to a mental hospital. There was no way he was not sick, but someone said he was sick, so he went to that place.

After Lan Rong left in despair, Murong Xue finished her work here and was ready to go home for dinner, but at this moment Murong Xue's call came.

"The betrothal gift has arrived at your door, my wife, please come down and sign for it." Liang Bi prepared the betrothal gift at home, and made a phone call in advance before coming to Murong Xue's house.

This kind of situation also made Murong Xue mentally prepared, so that she could come to accept the dowry gift. This time the dowry gift was not a scene that most people would think of. Liang Bi had notified Murong Xue in advance.

Murong Xue was also taken aback when she received the call. She really didn't expect the CEO's dowry to arrive so quickly. The long motorcade had already arrived at the door of her house. With so many motorcades, it seemed that there were quite a lot of dowry gifts this time. Seeing the scene in front of her, Murong Xue became a little dazed for a moment.

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