"We didn't see anything." Cao Xue waved her hands in panic.

Even Shangguan Feixue said: "Go on."

At this tense moment, Cao Xue led Shangguan Feixue away, not daring to turn her head, and rushed forward with all her strength, even if someone wanted to catch up, there was probably no way to catch up.

After being discovered, the one who blushed the most was naturally Murong Xue. She also left at this time. Liang Bi who was standing beside her was very worried. The scene in front of him also made him very embarrassed. , so Liang Bi didn't choose to chase her, and let her go outside alone to relieve her embarrassing emotions.

However, at the other end, Li Xue went directly to file a complaint. This time she did not go to Liang Yetian, but to Liang Bi's mother, Tian Wan. Li Xue is her own daughter-in-law. At this time, Li Xue made an appointment with Tian Wan, and she began to do superficial work.

"Xiaoxue, don't drink, it's bad for your health to be drunk." Tian Wan looked at Li Xue's aggrieved look with a distressed expression.

"Auntie, look at my face. It was Brother Liang who beat me. Since she beat me for a crazy woman." Li Xue looked very wronged, and even deliberately showed Tian Wan's face, which was regarded as complaining.

"Stop drinking. I'll take you home. Auntie will help you with this matter. Don't worry." Tian Wan was afraid that Li Xue might get drunk, so she tried to get rid of her.

"Auntie, I feel extremely uncomfortable. I confessed my love to Brother Liang 1 times today, but I was still rejected as expected. I was slammed by him in embarrassment. Auntie, you have to make the decision for me." Li Xue At this time, she pretended to be pitiful and lay in Tian Wan's arms, complaining softly.

Tian Wan, who had always loved Li Xue very much, heard this complaint, and immediately waved her hand, her eyes fell on Li Xue's face: "Come back with me later, wait for me at home, I must go to her Settle the bill and let my son marry you by the way."

Hearing these words, surprise flashed across Li Xue's eyes, and she gave another gentle smile: "Thank you auntie, I'll go back with you right now."

Li Xue was not drunk, but her disguise just happened to deceive Tian Wan. After sending Li Xue home, Tian Wan's face was extremely indifferent. Li Xue was slapped by Liang Bi. She couldn't pretend that nothing happened. We must go to her to settle accounts.

After finding out where Murongxue's family lives, Tian Wan is going to settle accounts with Murongxue, but Li Xue said some bad things about her. In Tian Wan's eyes, Murongxue is a green tea whore. She married her son.

Li Xue saw that her plan had succeeded, and her face was as cold as frost. Murong Xue was looking for death when she fought with her. Waiting for good news at Liang's house.

Li Xue spoke ill of Murong Xue in front of Tian Wan, met Liang Bi on the way home, and immediately walked towards him with a sullen face, her eyes were jealous and cold, and she said coldly to Liang Bi: "Son, you You can’t treat Li Xue like this, you really shouldn’t.”

Liang Bi still didn't know what was going on with her mother's questioning, so she couldn't help asking: "Mom, what's wrong with you today?"

Tian Wan clenched her teeth and said with a straight face: "I heard that today you beat Li Xue because of a green tea bitch. How could you beat her? She is your future wife."

Listening to his mother's tone, Liang Bi now understands what's going on. It must be Li Xue who came here to make a small report. In fact, Li Xue's small report is several times more powerful than he imagined.

Li Xue exaggerated at Tian Wan, saying Liang Bi, what, for a green tea whore, scolding her, scolding her was horrible, and even beat her, Lan Bi didn't scold her at all, Li Xue was trying to discredit Murong Xue She also said in front of Tian Wan that Murong Xue is a playful person, her life is not good at all, she came to win Liang Bi on purpose, she came to cheat Liang Bi of money, and she took the initiative to seduce Liang Bi, Liang Bi is now completely attracted by this Murong Xue, who didn't keep her duty, was confused.

Of course, Tian Wan clenched her fists for these words, she would never allow this kind of thing to happen, this time she must settle accounts with Liang Bi, and even Murong Xue.

Of course Liang Bi knew, but now he couldn't explain it clearly. Li Xue had already said all the good things. Staying like this would not do him any good. He turned around and left. His purpose of leaving was not only to give gifts to Murong Xue, but To protect her, Li Xue will definitely hurt Murong Xue by doing so, so he must protect her.

"Stop." Tian Wan didn't let Lan Bi leave at all, she was really going to explode today, after listening to Li Xue's words, now she is full of anger.

Liang Bi knew that his mother was upsetting him, and immediately whispered: "Things are not what you think, believe it or not." Of course Liang Bi knew the relationship between his mother and Li Xue, and there was no evidence for his explanation. He might not believe it, so he didn't want any explanation.

"Anyway, you shouldn't treat Li Xue like that. Choose an auspicious day for you to get married, so I won't worry about you." Tian Wan was still protecting Li Xue, and wanted them to get married more intentionally.

"This matter is Li Xue's fault. You are saying that I have never liked her, so I can't get married?" Liang Bi's tone was obviously Li Xue's fault, telling my mother not to believe Li Xue's one-sided words, and also expressing herself attitude, let alone marry Li Xue.

Seeing her son's attitude change, Tian Wan even nagged in front of him, "I don't care who you are right or wrong, anyway, you can't talk about Li Xue, and in the future, you can't associate with that green tea whore. clean?"

Tian Wan's mind is full of bad memories. Even if Li Xue didn't say that Murong Xue is like this, she would not agree to anyone Liang Bi marrying. Adding relatives will be of great help to their careers, and the most important thing is to promote the relationship between the two families.

Liang Bi has nothing to do now. As for Murong Xue being unclean, it must be Li Xue's slander. There is no need to explain here. As for the future, I will wait for my mother to calm down and make a conclusion.

"If you say she's good, she'll be fine. I have nothing to say." Liang Bi said helplessly, and she didn't want to get entangled with her mother, so she decided to leave.

Tian Wan still had the same attitude as before: "You can figure it out, if you let me see you together again in the future, I won't agree?"

Liang Bi shook her head and turned around to leave. She didn't want to talk back to her mother. Now that Li Xue had said too much, her mother's heart was also deceived. Now she has a reason and can't explain it. I will explain it when I have a chance. I wanted to go home. Liang Bi didn't even have the heart to go home.

"Stop for me." Tian Wan shouted angrily, trying to call Liang Bi to a stop, but Liang Bi walked straight forward with a gloomy face.

Seeing that her son was disobedient, Tian Wan had nothing to do with him. Since her son was unwilling to change his mind, she went to Murong Xue and strongly demanded that Murong Xue leave her son.


At this moment, Murong Xue was walking on the road with an embarrassing expression on her face. The embarrassing scene just now was not really relieved at all. The more shy she was, the more she walked straight forward. At this moment, someone appeared in her sight, and this person was Tian. Wan, today she came to settle accounts with Murong Xue.

Although Murong Xue didn't know her, she saw that this person was not kind, so Murong Xue remained vigilant.

When Tian Wan came here, she stared at Murong Xue and said, "Are you Murong Xue?"

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