"Cancel." The simple two words made Zhou Bi feel the resentment of the CEO, and also realized how important the CEO's wife is in the eyes of the CEO, so Zhou Bi didn't neglect anything, and stepped on the accelerator to move forward. Go straight.

Along the way, Liang Bi's expression was not very optimistic. As for the meeting, it can be cancelled. He will go out to protect his wife in person today. If anyone is so bold as to bully his wife, he will come out to protect her immediately, although he can call someone to come However, Liang Bi was going to do it herself.

The resentment in Mr. President's dark eyes was so overwhelming that everyone else was moved by his dark and terrifying side, and it exploded completely. Mr. President was completely angry because his wife was being bullied.

At this time, deep in Zhou Bi's heart, he was worried about the person who bullied the CEO's wife. Offending the CEO, he had a good life, and he could offend anyone, but he just wanted to offend the CEO. Yes, it seems that there will be a good show to watch later, and I don't know what the end of offending the CEO will be.

Murong Xue and Zhan Troubled are still at odds with each other. The police are dealing with it, but they don't have any clues for a while. They are asking witnesses and observing the surrounding situation. If there is no answer, they will call the nearby surveillance to investigate the matter. , Whether there is monitoring is also a big problem.

At this moment, Liang Bi appeared in the center of the auto show with an anxious expression on his face. His arrival attracted more people's attention, but it was a pity that the CEO only paid attention to one person, and this person was Murong Xue.

A domineering and mighty man with a deep and handsome face deeply attracts the attention of the crowd. This kind of scene is definitely a rare scene.

"Where is my wife?" Liang Bi who came here looked around with deep eyes, and the first thing he wanted to do was to find out where his wife was.

 When Murong Xue saw Liang Bi's appearance, her nervous and very angry little face suddenly relaxed a lot. His presence made Murong Xue's heart suddenly calm. With Liang Bi's appearance, Murong Xue felt that her sense of security was finally at last. Appeared.

Because of Liang Bi's appearance, Murong Xue glared at the man in front of her even more boldly: "Uncle policeman, I think he is extorting me, I didn't take his wallet."

"You don't want to spout blood. It's clear that the wallet is in your hands. My ten thousand cash disappeared. Not only did you refuse to admit it, but you even beat me up." No matter how Murong Xue tried to defend, Zhan Trouble still insisted, today Not only will it make her famous, but she can also make a small fortune.

"My wife said that you are blackmailing, that is blackmailing. The money I give her every month can be pulled by a car. She will take a fancy to your little money. You have to find the right person for extortion. Today I will let you I regret it." After Liang Bi saw Murong Xue, she immediately went to Murong Xue's side to shield her from the wind and rain.

The words of the CEO are not only domineering, but also very scary. The money can be pulled by a cart, and Zhan Trouble is a little cautious at this time, but he still insists: "Since you are her husband, and you are so rich, you My wife took my money, so you can lose money, not much more than 1 yuan, plus mental damage, the total is [-] yuan."

Blatantly asking for money, even the police are looking at the trouble, this guy is too crazy, he didn't understand what his husband said just now, his wife's money can be pulled by a car, and he will like it For your little money, it's incredible.

At this time, Murong Xue's beautiful little face was extremely relaxed, with the CEO here, she would not be afraid of anything.

A few small money, of course she doesn't like it, seeing so many bodyguards suddenly appearing in front of her, they are all here to help this beauty, who would say that she is doing it for a few small money, this is simply impossible, but in the current situation How to resolve it is the scene that everyone is most looking forward to.

Liang Bi looked at Zhan Trouble with resentment and said: "Bodyguard, slap him a few times first, since he dares to bully my wife, let him have a long memory."

What did he say, since he was going to beat him in front of the police, Zhan Trouble suddenly trembled, cold sweat swept over his body in an instant, and begged the police with a terrified expression: "Comrade police, since he rejected me, I don't want any cash anymore!" , I'll leave immediately, and I don't want the slap."

Zhan Trouble saw that the situation was not right, his only choice now was to run away, if he didn't leave, he would definitely have to walk around. In this situation, Murong Xue's husband is not an ordinary person, and his furious expression is extremely terrifying. If you don't leave, you will really be slapped in the face.

The president's handsome face turned to Zhan Trouble with a stern smile and said: "You slandered my wife, do you think you can leave? I mean, I won't let you leave if you want to. Bodyguard, slap me and serve him. "

"She stole my money. There are so many people who can testify. It's fine if you don't lose money. You want to hit someone publicly. You are so bold." Faced with the situation of retreating, Zhan Trouble had no choice but to insist. up.

"If you can prove that your wife didn't steal his money, we can arrest him. As for the slap, let's forget about it." One of the policemen immediately came forward to defuse him. If he didn't go out, the person next to him would definitely eat a big mouth.

"There's no problem with the evidence." Facing the police, the CEO changed a little bit. If he wants to vent, it depends on the occasion, but his eyes still cast a cold eye on Zhan Trouble. Today, he has to find out everything he says. I don't believe his wife will take his money at all. This is extortion.

"Bodyguard, show me the evidence." Liang Bi immediately waved his hand at the crowd, and one of the bodyguards handed the information to the police. They thought of many problems before they came.

If his wife was extorted, then there would naturally be a cause and effect. The wallet ran into his wife's bag for no reason. Someone must have tampered with it, so he sent someone to investigate the matter. My lord was really blackmailed by the other party.

The police took a closer look at the above matter, and immediately focused on Zhang Trouble: "You are involved in extortion and will arrest you now."

The scene suddenly turned [-] degrees. Now that the police have taken action against the man, it seems that the matter is really not that simple.

Of course, it is impossible to catch trouble for no reason, everyone's doubts will naturally be solved one by one, as for how to solve it, that is the police's business, Liang Bi has only one purpose now, which is to take Murong Xue out of this place, what should I do? Explanations will naturally be explained to the masses.

"Wife, let's go." Liang Bi took Murong Xue's little hand, and then left from the crowd. His wife was in trouble, he couldn't ignore it, he would always come out to protect her as soon as possible.

After Liang Bi and Murong Xue left, the police also began to have a satisfactory explanation for the matter. Without a clear explanation, it would be difficult to explain to the masses.

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