Looking at Murong Tian, ​​Murong Xue smiled innocently: "Dad, Mom has always wanted to buy a small car. As a daughter, I plan to give her a Ferrari to blackmail her."

"Ferrari, it's Ferrari. How much money does your lord CEO have? To be precise, how much money does he give you?" Murong Tian exclaimed at Murong Xue with a strange expression on his face. It was a Ferrari as soon as he gave it away, and because of this, he was even more wondering how much money his son-in-law had.

Facing Murong Tian's exclamation, Murong Xue just smiled faintly: "I don't know how much money he has, but just give me a card, and I can spend more than I can spend in eight lifetimes."

"I always thought that my son-in-law was the richest man on the richest man list, but you said that his money is already more than the richest man on the richest man list. In this way, you gave me more than 300 million yuan to invest in the breeding farm, which is simply too little , invest at least 1000 million."

Murong Xue blinked her big watery eyes, shook her head and smiled at Murong Tian, ​​and said, "I'm just giving you a small investment to let you fulfill your wish. With such a large investment, Dad has to work hard, so I won't give it to you." You have more money, don't you want to push yourself?" Murong Xue has long wanted to enjoy the blessings of her parents, so naturally she won't let them worry about work so much.

Hearing these words, Murong Tian's face was sad, he couldn't believe that Murong Xue would reject so quickly last night, after a little loss of consciousness, he smiled heartily: "My daughter has become a big family now, I dare not go against you, you I'll take as much as you give."

"Dad, the investment in the farm has been decided like this, and the money has been finalized. As long as you have difficulties, the transformed daughter Murong Xue will also come to help you." Murong Xue playfully blinked her big beautiful eyes, His face also exudes a touch of joy.

"Okay, let's make a decision like this." Murongtian smiled from ear to ear. With a big money as his backing, he naturally has no worries and is interested in investing in his farm.

"I still have to take care of my mother's shop. I can handle it as I want." Murong Xue said to Murong Tian with a smile. She has to handle the matter of the tailor shop properly, and she doesn't want her mother to come in later. After starting a business, I must buy a house for my parents in the city, so that my parents can also travel in first-tier cities.

"Okay, I'm going to go to the old farming technology too." After Murongtian smiled, he entered the state of reading. Being rich, he can't wait to start a breeding farm right away.

Murong Xue left in a hurry, and the tailor shop was rented to open a shop. After her mother's accident, the tailor shop still had some clothes scattered outside the shop. Naturally, she was reluctant to throw them away. Even if Mr. President is rich, he was born in a poor family Naturally, Murong Xue would not be thrown away by these clothes.

She intends to give these clothes to friends, so she plans to close the tailor shop. She will do big business in the future.

Murong Xue didn't intend to ask for these clothes, so she called Cao Xue, Shangguan Feixue, and even some good friends to come. She wanted to give away all the clothes from the tailor shop, as long as they wanted them, she would give them all.

There are free clothes to get. Murong Xue's good friend and Shangguan Feixue are naturally here to get clothes. As long as the style is good, they can get as many clothes as they have, and they are as beautiful as they are. Murong Xue is now the wife of the president.

About half an hour later, Cao Xue also rummaged through the tailor shop of Murong Xue's home, and at the end she simply chose a few pieces, holding the clothes, she also shook her head and said: "Murong Xue, these styles of clothes are also different. It’s not very good-looking, and I’ve chosen two from far and wide, and since it’s free, I’m here to say thank you.” Cao Xue originally thought that she could get a lot today, but she didn’t take so much because the style was not good. Too much, otherwise she would definitely take it desperately.

Shangguan Feixue also chose several pieces. The two of them are somewhat picky about clothing styles. As for the other neighbors, they don't pick styles. The clothes are delivered, and all the clothes were delivered within half an hour.

Seeing this scene, Shangguan Feixue said in amazement: "I never expected that Murong Xue would suddenly become the wife of the president, we came here specially to congratulate the wife of the president, if there is any light, don't forget us. "

Murong Xue knew that Shangguan Feixue and Cao Xue were looking at her with admiration now. It seemed that the wife of the president was a status that everyone admired, a status that everyone wanted to get by surprise, but she was taken advantage of by Murong Xue inexplicably.

Now that everything has happened, Murong Xue can only admit that she is the wife of the president: "You guys don't feel back pain when you stand and talk, I have benefits, and you will naturally have benefits. I have a happy little life, don't you guys follow suit to reap the benefits. "

Murong Xue's tone was very sweet, Cao Xue heard these words, and then she lifted a piece of clothing in her hand to show Murong Xue, she was going to ask Murong Xue what benefits she could have: "This style of clothing is no longer popular, Mrs. President, as your best friend, just give me such a little benefit, do you want us to enjoy such a little glory?"

"That's right, that's right, Murong Xue is now the president's wife. As your good girlfriends, we must have some benefits. Otherwise, if we say that there is such a rich man as the president's wife, who will believe us?" Shangguan Feixue also said Congratulations to Murong Xue, the two of them privately decided to hang out with Murong Xue, today they asked for benefits, and asked the president's wife to take her and make a fortune with her.

Murong Xue felt uncomfortable at their tone, so she said loudly: "You are here to find fault on purpose. Although I am the wife of the president, I can't give you things like cars and villas."

"It's not to find fault, it's to let you make us rich. I dare not accept such an expensive gift." Cao Xue smiled slightly. She really didn't mean to talk about Murong Xue. She has already expressed her attitude now. As for what is expensive to give They will not accept gifts, and they must have backbone even if they are poor.

"I appreciate your kindness, but we don't know how to do business, and we don't have much eloquence. How can we make you rich? If you really want to make a fortune, you can go to the president. I can help lead the way, and he will give me face to help you Give me a hand." Of course Murong Xue wants to help her good friend, should she share the troubles with the blessings, but in the current situation, she is powerless to help, since she wants to help, she can help, and the President will give her face Go help Cao Xue and the others.

With Murong Xue's statement, Shangguan Feixue knew that she wanted to help them, so she felt happy in her heart. It seems that she and Cao Xue didn't make a trip in vain today. As for how to tell Murong Xue the following, it is natural It's Cao Xue's business.

"Murong Xue, don't you just want to open an online store to sell clothes? Now that you have money, people, and backing, these three advantages, it would be a pity if you don't invest."

Of the three advantages Cao Xue mentioned, she and Shangguan Feixue had one advantage. They were human beings who helped Murong Xue.

Needless to say, the advantage of money, the CEO has plenty of money. This kind of advantage can make them a lot of money. As for the backing, it is naturally the CEO. The CEO is their backer. Can they not get rich?

Cao Xue has been involved in business for several years. As for the scene just now, she didn't say clearly that they wanted to invest with Murong Xue. The investment was not money, but a strategy.

"So you want me to invest in online stores, you join the chain, and work with me." Murong Xue can see their intentions, with the backing of the president, if you really want to invest with yourself, it will be a sure profit. Here Murong Xue was suddenly amused, their wishful thinking was pretty good.

"We don't join, we don't invest a penny, we don't have any money, open the skylight and tell the truth, we want to cooperate with you and help you out with strategies, the money we earn, the two of us can get 5.00%, 90.00% The fifth is your income." Cao Xue said bluntly, now that she has reached this point, she can only tell the truth, according to the strength of the CEO, the two of them will still make a lot of money even if they get 50.00%.

"I have always wanted to open an online store to sell clothes. Happiness came too suddenly. Please allow me to think about it." Murong Xue did not refuse, but just wanted to think about it, and then made a decision whether to open an online store, Murong Xue Although I want to open an online store, but I don't know how to operate it at all. It is impossible to spend money like this, so I must think twice.

"Don't worry about this. You need to be mentally prepared to open an online store. We will wait for your consideration." Cao Xue blinked and smiled. They did not come here in vain today.

"Murongxue, we have already thought about the plan. As long as you think it through carefully, we can open an online store anytime and anywhere." Shangguan Feixue also had a smile on his face. With the president's wife driving the way, the future will definitely be bright .

"Don't make any preparations. The president's wife's online store already exists. As soon as the president's wife takes over, it can be started." Xiao Qigui also came to the tailor shop at this time, and when he came to the tailor shop, he had a respectful smile on his face. road.

It didn't take long for him and Zhou Bi to figure out what Murong Xue likes, what he likes to drink,...etc.

Opening an online store to sell clothes is also a career that Murong Xue has always wanted to do. Now that the President has learned that he must unconditionally support Murong Xue, the President has already bought the largest clothing online store in K City and gave it to Murong Xue.

"Stingy ghost, what are you doing here? There are all kinds of online stores. Why can't I understand what you're talking about!" Facing Xiao Qigui's appearance, Murong Xue hadn't recovered before she was picked up by Cao Xue.

"Stingy Ghost" is the nickname Cao Xue customized for Xiao Qigui.

Zhou Bi didn't come with Xiao Qigui this time, he went to buy the Ferris Wheel Paradise as a present for Murong Xue, the Ferris Wheel Paradise was Murong Xue's favorite thing since childhood, as long as Murong Xue likes it, the President must give it to Murong Xue.

The President loves the President's wife in every possible way. As long as it is something Murong Xue likes, it will be delivered immediately. The President loves her in every possible way, which makes Zhou Bi look at her with admiration. Zhou Bi also knows in his heart that he will follow the President's order to buy Skyscrapers. Lun Paradise, he probably will take another trip when he comes back.

"You mean, Mr. President already has an online store, and he wants to give it to me." Murong Xue reacted the fastest, and immediately thought of the purpose of Xiao Qigui's trip, and asked with a look of surprise.

 However, among the people here, one person's eyes fell on the male god, her eyes were fixed on Xiao Qigui, and she didn't even turn her dark eyes.

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