"You said you were Fan Tong, you really are Fan Tong, you waited for me all night, don't you know that I am famous?" Murong Xue was not moved by Fan Tong's devotion, but disgusted, could it be that he I really don't know how thick-skinned, my husband moved out yesterday, since he is still obsessed with obsession, his dedication is called being self-indulgent, and no one will be moved.

Murong Xue didn't care about Fan Tong's dislike at all, and then said with a smile on his face, "I really like you. As for what you have, I don't care at all. I'm here to confess my love to you once."

Since the President is so kind to her, if Murong Xue wants to marry, she will choose the President Liang Bi first, and she will not like Fan Tong. Looking at Fan Tong: "Go further away, even if you give me your heart, I don't like you either."

 "I really like you, you have to be careful, and I'll give you the money at worst." Fan Tong smiled slightly, pursuing Murong Xue with a face of caring.

Hearing these words, Murong Xue's whole body was throbbing, and she wanted to slap him, Fan Tong was Fan Tong, and Murong Xue looked at it with resentment, to deal with this kind of person, she should use her trump card to deal with him , so I want to put down a cruel sentence for him: "If you don't leave my sight, I will make you unable to eat and walk around, you will regret it."

"I won't leave, and I won't die until I reach the Yellow River." Fan Tong still refused to leave, still with a stalking attitude.

Seeing this scene, Murong Xue gritted her teeth and said, "Uncle, I beg you, you leave me quickly, what makes you like me, can I change it?"

As soon as the uncle was mentioned, Fan Tong's face immediately became very ferocious, and his whole face immediately changed.

Fan Tong's emotions exploded in an instant: "I hate people calling me uncle the most."

 Seeing that Fan Tong had an emotional reaction, Murong Xue immediately fixed her eyes on him, and didn't rub his pain. He thought of herself as a soft persimmon: "You look like an uncle, and you are old-fashioned. Who would like you? You and me?" My confession just terrifies me, uncle, you are so naive, since you want old cows to eat young grass." Of course Murong Xue knew where Fan Tong's weakness was, and this time it was just to make him lose face, so he didn't dare to pester herself.

Hearing this, the emotions in Fan Tong's heart kept beating again, and he almost died in a mouthful. That ferocious expression made people shy away.

However, the more Murong Xue saw this expression, the more she added fuel to the fire: "I won't fall in love with uncle, hurry up, old-fashioned uncle!"

"Murong Xue, you can't call me uncle anymore, you have to call me handsome." Fan Tong looked unwilling, but he also wanted to say something softly to Murong Xue, hoping she wouldn't call him old.

"Everyone, come and see, come and see, the uncle confessed to the beauty." Murong Xue saw that he was unrepentant, and shouted very loudly, wanting to use this method to attack Fan Tong.

The sound is so loud, it will definitely cause neighbors, this makes Fan Tong's scalp shudder, I really didn't expect, Murong Xue snarled, if he doesn't run away, I guess he will really become an uncle in a while: "I'll go, please Don't call again."

Fan Tong had no choice but to leave aggrieved. Murong Xue watched Fan Tong leave with aggrieved face and then said with a smirk, "Uncle, go slowly. Uncle confessed his failure, you go slowly."

"Pfft." Murong Xue called Uncle again, and Fan Tong almost fell to the ground. If he didn't leave, he would be pissed off by Murong Xue, running faster than a rabbit.

"Uncle wanted old cows to eat tender grass, but he didn't eat it, and now he's gone in disgrace." Murong Xue attacked again. She wanted Fan Tong to never stand up again. She didn't like Fan Tong, and this time she wanted to make him completely Give up.

"Pfft." Fan Tong was so angry that he vomited on the spot, his expression was a bit like a TV drama's magic operation.

"Old man, don't be so sad when you fail to confess your love. Why bother? The object of your confession is not a green beauty, but an experienced old lady." Dare to confess to her.

Confessing to the old lady, Fan Tong had the urge to jump from the first floor to the fourth floor at this time, he was calling him uncle, he was about to cry, now it seems that Murong Xue said he was worthless, if he does not admit defeat, he will It is no longer possible to mix in the bragging world.

Fan Tong picked up the stick with a ferocious face, and lifted his clothes high, with a pitiful expression: "Murong Xue, I was wrong, I was wrong, I shouldn't have confessed to you, it is mine Wrong, please let me go, okay?"

Seeing Fan Tong admit defeat, Murong Xue straightened her attitude: "Not only must I admit my mistake, but I must also promise not to confess my love to me in the future."

"I, Fan Tong, swear that I will never confess my love to you again. If I confess my love to you, I can only find the old lady."

"Okay, then you will disappear in front of me immediately." Murong Xue gave Fan Tong a look of contempt. Fan Tong saw this scene and only the dumb man slipped away eating Coptis chinensis. He also made up his mind that he would never confess to Murong Xue again. .

 He is not leaving now, Murong Xue will definitely embarrass him and run away like a big bad wolf.

After seeing Fan Tong leave, Murong Xue felt relieved for a while, and finally drove this guy away. He left, and someone took a picture of their scene just now.

As for the scene of being photographed, Murong Xue didn't know about it, and Murong Xue didn't even know that Liang Bi secretly sent bodyguards to protect her. Naturally, the bodyguards would report the scene just now to Liang Bi.


"Fan Tong, Fan Tong, tell me you are Fan Tong, you are really Fan Tong, she is my wife, if you break ground on Tai Sui, I will let you be Fan Tong once." Liang Bi was clearly angry in the office building Yes, that's her wife. Since Fan Tong dared to confess his love, one time is not enough to pay twice. If I don't clean up you today, I won't be the CEO.

 "President, please calm down. The wife of the president rejected Fan Tong's fancy confession, so there is no need for you to be jealous." Xiao Qigui comforted him with a smile on the side. The jar of jealousy of the president has been overturned. Something happened.

Liang Bi yelled at Xiao Qigui angrily: "Call that Fan Tong to my office immediately, if you don't come back, I'll let you wash the toilet in the building for three days."

Hearing this, Xiao Qigui almost didn't hit the wall with tofu. The CEO is jealous and he will be responsible. What does this have to do with him? , he was about to speak, Liang Bi then said

 : "If you don't call, you will have to wash the toilet for ten days when you come back."

 Xiao Qigui was directly stunned by the majesty of the CEO, and immediately smiled and said: "Mr President, I will do it right away."

Xiao Qigui had an attitude of respect rather than obedience. After leaving the office, he rolled his eyes at Liang Bi: "What's wrong with me, I was shot while lying down."

Thinking about the fact that there are at least 1000 restrooms in the building, if he is really asked to wash, Xiao Qigui is covered in cold sweat when he thinks of this, and then he says grimly: "I don't want to take this blame, I must invite Fan Tong here."

 Although Xiao Qigui is Liang Bi's secretary, his strength is not trivial, so it shouldn't be difficult for him to hire someone.

 Xiao Qigui quickly took a group of bodyguards, got into a luxury car to look for Fan Tong, and at the same time passed some information about Fan Tong to Liang Bi.

"I have confessed my love to girls I know many times. Although I failed every time, I lost a complete defeat today." Fan Tong, who left Murong Xue, found a place where there was no one and started complaining.

"It's not a failure, it's a success. You have successfully offended the President, and the President welcomes you."

When Fan Tong heard the sound, he looked back immediately, and then asked in surprise, "Who are you? I hid in the mountain, and you can find them?" Fan Tong saw that these people's clothes were not simple, So speak politely.

 Xiao Qigui immediately looked at Fan Tong, and then shouted: "Who gave you the courage, since you dare to poach the corner of Mr. President, so Mr. President invites you to sit down."

"I'm not going." Fan Tong heard that there was something in the words, Mr. President, and he began to feel nervous, and then explained: "Who is Mr. President, how dare I poach his corner, even though I treat many girls Confession, I can guarantee that I didn't poach the CEO's corner!"

 This guy is in trouble, and he is still so pissed, is he showing off how many times he has confessed his love to him? Since you want to get her idea, you just confessed your love to the president's wife, so you won't forget it."

 Hearing Murong Xue, Fan Tong turned pale with shock, and was speechless. He confessed to Murong Xue in less than half an hour, and the speed of these people was too fast, so he was even more nervous, and every confession would stab him. Hornet's nest, Fan Tong started to get nervous.

After being stunned for a moment, Fan Tong smiled aggrievedly: "Big brothers, although I confessed my love to Murong Xue just now, I will not confess my love to Murong Xue just now, and I promise you that I will never confess my love to the president's wife again." As for Murong Xue Fan Tong was afraid of the matter, and he also disregarded the relationship just now, so he is innocent.

"It's too late for you to regret it. You overturned Mr. President's jealousy. If you don't take responsibility, do you want me to take the blame for you?" Xiao Qigui showed his vicious scene, and he has already expressed his attitude. Fan Tong can't do it if he doesn't go.

"It's all my Fan Tong's fault. I have other options besides going to see the President. I can apologize or make amends. In short, I just don't go to see the President." Of course Fan Tong knows that if he goes to see the President, he will definitely not After a good time, he naturally wouldn't choose to go, but facing so many people, he had no choice but to think of other ways.

"Go to see the president and I'll give you 250 yuan to take him away." Xiao Qigui looked angry. He was going to take Fan Tong away. As for giving him [-] yuan, he just believed that Fan Tong was a [-] yuan, so he wouldn't be in trouble. Wash the toilet.

Faced with this posture, Fan Tong was nervous and afraid, but he was a braggart, and he could get away even if he saw Mr. President.

Fan Tong followed Xiao Qigui and the others like this. In fact, he was also nervous and afraid. If he did not return this time, he would be at a great loss. Fan Tong who was walking on the road was afraid: "Isn't it just a confession? The beauty confessed her love and gave her life away, so it's not that she died and was wronged."

As soon as he said this, Fan Tong started to break out in a cold sweat. It is said that the CEOs in the novel are all ruthless. Once he leaves, there will be no return. With the cold sweat, he began to twitch.

Fan Tong, who was in fear, thought of sending Murong Xue a message: "Murong Xue, it's all my fault, I shouldn't have confessed to you, just because I confessed to you, the President will take me to the execution ground, I really didn't expect I have been smart and confused all my life, since I failed in confessing, I want to ask you, give me a chance to change, at worst, I will not confess to girls in the future, please help me."

After the message was sent, Fan Tong relaxed a little from his fear. Murong Xue was also his old friend, and she would not just watch him sacrifice to confess his love.

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