"Cao Xue, what products are you going to endorse today? Is it my preference?" After arriving at a company, Murong Xue immediately set her sights on Cao Xue, she really wanted to know about this endorsement project.

"There are four clothing endorsements, all of which are fashion women's clothing, and a cosmetics company." Cao Xue also said with a smile on her face. She has prepared everything, and it is the merchant's arrangement to endorse.

When Murong Xue heard this, she nodded all over her face. She could barely accept these two endorsements. After she nodded in satisfaction, the next time was to cooperate with the endorsement.

This morning, the endorsements were all in accordance with the client's requirements. Whether it was lines, posture, or cooperation in all aspects, all the endorsements with Cao Xue as the manager went very smoothly, and all of them received cash.

A few hours later, Murong Xue also finished the product endorsement, and then changed back to her own clothes. After doing some follow-up work, she left the company she endorsed. She has endorsed several products today, and the results are still good.

Murong Xue then drove away with Cao Xue. Along the way, she was still thinking about the scenes she had endorsed for her aunt, but she didn't know how Liang Hong's business was doing now.

In fact, Murong Xue didn't know the current situation at all. Liang Hong's business has been relatively stable since her endorsement, and the clothes she sold so far are completely within her plan.

The endorsement belongs to the endorsement. Murong Xue pays attention to the endorsement of the scene outside, and also thinks about the current development of her store, so she specifically asked: "Cao Xue, how is Shangguan Feixue doing recently? How is our business developing?" .”

"Everything is ready, the online store has also hired a web designer to handle it, and the art work in all aspects is also being strengthened. There are also some online orders that are cooperating with the express company. Shangguan Feixue and Cheapskate went out for their honeymoon. Due to business Well, I'll be back after a while."

This is how a good life comes about. Cao Xue was also full of envy for their honeymoon, and it was reasonable for her to see a prosperous business.

"Didn't the company arrange people for all the scenes? Why did they come back so soon after going on honeymoon?" The honeymoon is a perfect and perfect thing. Murong Xue also felt a little pity when she came back in a hurry. According to Cao Xue's tone, the business is getting better and better.

"Yes, the company needs to deal with a lot of things, and there are more and more orders. Although the president and Xiao Qigui have arranged a lot of people, the business is getting more and more popular, which makes us very busy during this time." Cao Xue said seriously. , Although she was a bit tired from such a hot business scene, it was worth it.

Murong Xue was also very moved by their hard work: "Thank you for your hard work and cooperation. I will go to the company to observe in the afternoon, and I will buy some fruit to comfort them."

Murong Xue also cared a lot for the people around her. With her words, Cao Xue was even more happy: "We appreciate the concern of the president's wife."

"We'll go buy fruit drinks and some food later on." Murong Xue had already decided to go to the company and buy some food. She drove through the endless traffic and went to the market to buy a lot of food. The side meticulously moved the food onto the car.

Cao Xue also agrees with Murong Xue's actions, and the full concern of the president's wife will also inspire the employees.

Murong Xue came to the online store company with a lot of food. Everyone saw this scene and thought it was full of concern that the wife of the president could treat them so well.

With a little encouragement, their enthusiasm for work has also increased a lot.

Shangguan Feixue was also tossing back and forth in the company, and Murong Xue also went out of her way to care for her: "Thanks for your hard work."

"It's not hard. It's normal to be busy when you see this kind of hot business scene. I also have my husband to help, so everything is not a problem." Shangguan Feixue Qiushui Yiren's eyes smiled, facing this scene of booming business She also can't wait.

"That's good. We will try our best to arrange some time to deal with it, send more employees in, and make a good plan for other aspects." Murong Xue also has a decision to plan the business model well.

"Okay." Shangguan Feixue didn't refuse, and she didn't know how to arrange the staff, so she let them do it.

Murong Xue didn't talk to Shangguan Feixue too much, but just dragged her to eat some fruit, and she had to eat some fruit first when she was busy, and deal with the rest of the matter later, it was not easy for Shangguan Feixue and the others just getting married.

Everyone had a lively afternoon tea. After eating, they all worked hard. The work was busy. Murong Xue would open the recent work situation from time to time to see if there was any room for improvement. I will improve accordingly. In a word, I must manage my small company well.

 Murong Xue checked some areas that needed improvement and innovation in the online store company, and at this moment, Fan Tong came into the online store from outside with a smile on his face.

 "President's Madam, I'm here to announce the good news to you today. Guess how many styles of clothes I sold today." Fan Tong came to Murong Xue with a folder, and smiled happily at him.

The appearance of Fan Tong must have brought great news. Judging from his expression, it can be seen that Fan Tong's sales promotion in the past two days has had a good effect.

"I'm waiting for your good news!" Murong Xue raised her eyebrows and looked at Fan Tong, expecting any news.

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