"Eat first, and we'll talk after dinner." Liang Bi didn't consider his wife's invitation. He thought about eating first. He didn't want to affect his wife's meal during this period. This was not what he wanted to see.

 "Okay!" Murong Xue didn't say a word, she said after she had eaten her food first, and then asked her husband later, anyway, she is not in a hurry, her husband's attitude is firm, and she will have no results if she persists, choosing to eat is the best choice .

Liang Bi kept feeding Murong Xue with vegetables, and scenes of happiness were displayed in front of the couple. This scene was simply too happy.

 The husband loves his wife so much, he is afraid that she will be hungry, so he puts the best dishes for his wife, and he must pamper her in his heart.

 While Murong Xue was still eating, Liang Bi said lovingly: "Honey, what do you want to eat, my husband will cook it himself, if you don't know how to cook, my husband will learn it, it will definitely make you happy, and you can raise your baby with peace of mind. Rest well at home and remember to rest more."

 She was told not to work again, so Murong Xue shook her head helplessly and said, "For the time being, don't worry about my hard work. It's only been a few days. Don't be so anxious. You still have to work, and you have to go out for a walk. What's good at home."

Of course, Murong Xue's face is full of joy, with a husband who loves her so much, her whole face is full of smiles, she is less than a month pregnant, why can't she work, her husband is too fussy.

 "Honey, don't make so many excuses. My husband's job is to pamper you, to make you happy, to pamper you blindly, just because I don't want to let you suffer."

Liang Bi had no choice but to dote on Murong Xue directly, he wanted to give her a stable and worry-free life, he said forget it, even if his wife didn't like her, he would love her crazily and love her crazily for the rest of his life.

A wife is a favorite wife in the hands of a husband. Such a wife should be pampered forever, until the end of time.

 Liang Bi's attitude of pampering his wife will make everyone look at him with admiration. He is too domineering, and he is addicted to spoiling his wife. He is really addicted to spoiling his wife.

Murong Xue objected: "Husband, listen to me, the more pregnant you are, the more you need to go out and walk around. The doctor said that there is a great way to get more active and have a smooth delivery. I want to have a smooth delivery, so I have to go out often.”

 Murong Xue had a helpless expression on her face. She couldn't just make up for it. She worked when she needed to work, worked when she needed to work, and moved when she needed to do activities. She wanted to be free.

 She also learned a lot of information from the doctor. Her husband really made a big fuss, and now her work has no impact at all.

 Being spoiled by her husband like this, Murong Xue really couldn't bear it, she had to show her cards and make it clear, if after six months, she should pay attention to rest, the doctor would have told her this information.

Liang Bi smiled comfortingly at Murong Xue, and then Murong Xue was in her arms: "Honey, I love you, for your own good, you know, you can have sports, activities, and walks, but you can't work, the company I'll take care of it for you."

 Liang Bi still acted like he was doting on his wife, saying that his wife was his sweetheart, and he wanted to pamper her until they grew old together.

Men will never understand the pain of a woman's pregnancy. From the moment his wife is happy, Liang Bi has been promoted to be a father. He has indescribable excitement.

He wants to hold her husband in the palm of his hand and pamper her, love her well, and protect her. It's really not easy to conceive in October, so he wants to cover his beloved wife with all the love he can give.

"Then I'll do more activities, go around, let me endorse the products, it's okay!" Husband is too spoiled, Murong Xue has nothing to do with him, so if you have to compromise, just compromise.

 Facing her husband's pampering posture, Murong Xue was convinced and her face was full of happiness. He was the most spoiled and addicted CEO in this world. He was so spoiled that he could completely spoil his wife.

 "Yes, the endorsement time can't be too long, you have to rest assured to raise your baby, I will always guard my wife's side."

 Liang Bi agrees with his wife's idea, and sometimes gives her a little freedom, as long as the time is not too long, he approves.

When it was time to support his wife, Liang Bi would support her without hesitation. He didn't have any regrets, because that was his wife, and it was only natural for a husband to love his wife.

 With her husband's approval, Murong Xue was overjoyed: "My husband is really understanding."

 Whether the young couple flirted or had a happy honeymoon, none of this had anything to do with Liang Hong.

 When Liang Hong came among them, she focused on one question, and smiled at them, "Xiaoxue, is the baby a boy or a girl?"

 It doesn't matter whether Murong Xue is pregnant with a boy or a girl, Liang Bi doesn't have that kind of thought, Liang's family doesn't have a patriarchal attitude, Liang Hong just prepares what baby products she will give them in the future, so be prepared.

 Liang Hong's sudden appearance made Murong Xue startled. When she came back to her senses, she smiled and said, "I'm less than a month pregnant. I don't know if it's a boy or a girl. I'll tell you later."

 Facing Liang Hong's questioning, Liang Bi remained silent and ate in peace. Liang Hong arranged for the photographer to have dinner at the hotel, and she immediately came back to accompany Murong Xue. She is the protagonist today, and she dared not neglect.

Everyone in the Liang family thought that Murong Xue was happy, and everyone got their wish. Liang Hong was also looking forward to this scene, and now she was a little impatient.

 When Murong Xue gave her an unsatisfactory answer, she smiled embarrassedly. She ignored for a while how long Murong Xue and Liang Bi had been married, and the results of everything cannot be seen. Whether the child is a boy or a girl will not be known until three months later. I know, this is what she has experienced as a mother.

There is no response at present, and we must wait until three months before there will be a perfect result. This result is what everyone likes very much.

 Because of this, Liang Hong smiled embarrassedly and said, "Xiaoxue is an aunt who is too impatient. She can only know if she is a man or a woman after three months of pregnancy."

"Auntie, it doesn't matter." Murong Xue smiled. She would not blame Liang Hong for this situation, and there was no embarrassment in their attitude. It was a civilized chat without any influence.

 Liang Hong followed the silence, Liang Bi was here, they were no longer able to discuss the endorsement matter, and I don't know if Murong Xue invited Liang Bi to endorse products with her just now, the rest depends on Murong Xue's masterpiece.

Murong Xue also ate about the same. Seeing Liang Hong's impatient attitude, she could see that she was blushing, and then waved her hand and smiled at Liang Bi, "My husband invited you to participate in the endorsement. How are you thinking?"

Facing Murong Xue's questioning again, Liang Bi said to her with concern: "It's time to rest today, rest first, and come back tomorrow. I want to speak for you and I will accompany you tomorrow."

Liang Bi's tone already proved that he agreed to Murong Xue, she looked at Liang Bi affirmatively: "Okay, but..."

 Murong Xue turned her attention to Liang Hong, Liang Bi asked to come back tomorrow, and Liang Hong wanted to endorse tonight, she now had to see Liang Hong's attitude.

Liang Bi didn't object, but he couldn't make his wife too tired. Today has been the endorsement for a day, and she must rest well. The sky will fall and it will wait until tomorrow. Liang Bi loves his wife, Liang Hong is also surprised, and finally She has to accept the fact.

 Liang Hong looked calm, she would not understand what Liang Bi was thinking, and then she smiled at Murong Xue: "Of course, rest when it's time to rest, for the next endorsement, I have to memorize a few lines, come back tomorrow afternoon to speak, tomorrow Master your lines in the morning."

Of course, Liang Hong planned to let Murong Xue rest tonight, so that's good, she also had time to prepare for the next scene. Looking at Liang Bi, she was nervous. She could have let Murong Xue master her lines at night, and then she could master her lines tomorrow morning.

 However, Liang Bi asked Murong Xue to rest, and she didn't dare to let Murong Xue master her lines tonight, only tomorrow morning, and she will come to speak in the afternoon.

"In this case, give me the lines, I will definitely master the lines well." Murong Xue has no choice but to decide this way, who told her to have such a husband who loves her and spoils her.

"I don't have any lines in my hand yet. I have to wait for me to write them. I will send them to you after they are finished." Liang Hong is also full of worry. If she gives her lines now, in case she doesn't rest at night She is proficient in her lines, which is against Liang Bi's intention, so she can only use this trick. She has prepared her lines long ago, but she dare not show them.

There was something wrong with Liang Hong's expression, Murong Xue muttered with a puzzled face, she could tell that Liang Hong's heart was on her husband's side, forget it, it's nothing to care about, Murong Xue certainly cared about her. I see.

 "Hmm." The matter has come to this point, what else can she do, so it's decided.

"Since my wife is like this, we should go back." Liang Bi made up his mind to send Murong Xue back to rest. Seeing this, Liang Hong's eyes turned green. She is too spoiled. Liang Bi really spoils his wife too much. Faced with such a situation In one scene, she also expressed helplessness.

 "Well, okay, let's go back now." In this situation, Murong Xue could only be sure in this way, An Xin and her husband went home.

 The two bid farewell to Liang Hong in this way, and Liang Hong specially sent them off for a while. This young couple is so loving, she was taken aback for a while.

In this way, Murong Xue followed Liang Bi back, and they each drove home. Murong Xue, who returned home, really had nothing to do.

All the housework in the house was done by the servants, not only the servants on the day shift, but also the servants on the night shift, Murong Xue didn't want to do any housework anymore.

 Bored, she could only walk around the swimming pool in Blue Heart Lake, and even play badminton with the servants. That was the arrangement for one night.

Early the next morning, Liang Hong sent out the lines to be used in the afternoon. One morning was enough for Murong Xue to be proficient. To be precise, she must be able to recite these lines and speak the lines that must be spoken in the endorsement.

It took a whole morning, and Murong Xue memorized those lines easily, and after lunch, she and her husband endorsed clothes together. This time, she was accompanied by her husband to speak for her, and the president personally came out to welcome the endorsement. lively.

As long as Liang Hong's side is ready, they can speak for them at any time. Today is a husband and wife endorsement for the clothing style, which is considered perfect. This time, many of the lines are from the CEO.

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