After everyone left, only Zhou Sicheng and Gu Yue were left in the ward.

He sat in front of the window and looked down at Gu Yue with complicated emotions.

All along, he felt that he was strong enough to protect her from the wind and rain.

But in fact, because of his identity, he caused a lot of unwarranted disasters for her. As for how much benefit he brought her, it is really not clear.

Holding her hand, I felt a slight chill.

He put her hand on her cheek and said softly, "Yueyue, were you scared? I was really scared.

When the waiter said that you were taken away by Xiang Li, my heart was disturbed.When I ran over, I saw that you were pushed to the corner, holding your stomach with your hands, and she had already raised the knife..."

Thinking of that scene, Zhou Sicheng felt his heart beating faster, and his whole state was on the verge of collapse.

Slightly pursing his lips, he continued to say after gathering his composure, "Since you knew me, you put yourself in danger just to keep me from danger.

How old were you then?A little girl who is only a few years old, but for me, she doesn't care about her own safety.Until now, you are still always thinking about me.Today, again for our children...

Yueyue, are you really not afraid?But I'm really scared.Can you promise me that no matter what happens in the future, you will protect yourself first? "

Zhou Sicheng's eyes became gentle as he spoke.

Then he buried his face in her soft palm, exposing his most vulnerable side to her.

When Gu Yue entered the operating room, his consciousness was not very clear.

However, due to surgical practice, she was not allowed out of the operating room until she was conscious and there was no problem with her whole body.

But her body was too tired, and after only a few minutes, she passed out.

She didn't know how long she slept before she faintly woke up.

But before she opened her eyes, she found that her hand seemed to be tightly held, and at the same time, warm liquid fell on her palm, which gave her an indescribable feeling.

In the next second, she heard Zhou Sicheng's whispering voice, "...I'm really afraid of losing you, don't leave me, okay?"

Hearing his words, she tried her best to open her eyes.

But the expected handsome face did not come into view, she was startled, and then waited until her eyes regained focus before realizing that he was lying on the side of the bed with his entire face buried in the palm of her hand.

At this time, she realized why his voice sounded so vague, and at the same time, she also knew what the warm liquid in the palm of her hand was.

Those were his tears...

After flashing this answer in her mind, she felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

She moved her fingers slowly, touched his cheek lightly, and then said softly, "Don't worry, I won't leave you. Not before, not in the future.

Now that we have a child, I want to stay by your side and be with you even more.You are absolutely not allowed to be separated from me, let alone be with other women and let her beat my child! "

When he heard someone talking, Zhou Sicheng thought he was hallucinating.

But at the end, he knew that, except for Gu Yue, no one would say such inappropriate words at this time.

He looked up with sorrow and joy, "Yueyue, are you awake?"

Only then did Gu Yue see his appearance clearly.

There were obvious traces of moisture in the black eyes, but if it wasn't for the moist feeling of his palms, it was really not so sure that he had cried.

But she didn't make a fuss about this point, but nodded and said, "Yeah, what else? Do you think I will really give you a chance to find a new mother for my baby and let someone beat her up?"

When she said this, she pouted her mouth, showing a very angry look.

Zhou Sicheng's mood full of fear was dissipated at that moment.

He held her hand tightly and couldn't help smiling.Then he leaned over and hugged her again, and said in a low voice, "Yueyue, please don't leave me, okay?"

This time Gu Yue didn't tease him again, but whispered in his ear, "Okay."

After getting this promise, he completely relaxed.


Originally, Gu Yue was about to give birth, so everything that needed to be prepared was ready.

Even the confinement lady has already been hired, so although the situation of childbirth is a bit special, after she gave birth safely, everything went according to the schedule, and there was no rush.

Since Gu Yue heard Zhou Sicheng's confession after waking up, he felt it was very sweet, so he named his daughter Tiantian, hoping that her life would be as sweet as honey.

Although Tiantian was put into the incubator when she was born, after she came out, everyone found that the little guy was full of vitality. When she cried, the whole corridor was filled with her voice, let alone the voices of other children.

In this regard, Liang Chen also commented, "There is a lot of potential to be a big sister."

Lin Lin glared at Liang Chen, "What do you know? This is called a loud voice, and you can become a singer in the future."

"Really? It seems that I didn't become a singer because I cried too little when I was a child."

"You can only make your voice hoarse from crying, how can you be a singer."


Gu Yue couldn't help laughing when he heard them singing together.

I used to think that Lin Lin's personality was very withdrawn, but now seeing her with Liang Chen, her face was full of smiles, and she talked more, only then did she feel that love is really a good way to heal the wounds in people's hearts.

Just as several people were chatting and laughing, the door of the ward opened, and it was Lu Nan who walked in.

Since Gu Yue recovered, Lu Nan hadn't been here, and this was the first time he actually came here.

However, Liang Chen even mentioned the situation where she fainted.

So Gu Yue knew very well how things would turn out in the end, and also knew that Xiang Li had been punished as he deserved.

More importantly, she knew that Lu Nan had heavy shackles in his heart.

After seeing him coming, Liang Chen and Lin Lin exchanged glances, said a reason casually, and left together.

Now, apart from Tian Tian who is sleeping soundly in the crib, there are only two people left, Lu Nan and Gu Yue.

Lu Nan looked more nervous than ever.

Just when Gu Yue was considering whether to break the silence, he said, "Madam, I heard that you gave birth, so I came here to see you."

Gu Yue, "..."

Obviously when she was in the operating room, Lu Nan had been waiting outside, why have you heard about it now?
She sighed softly in her heart, looked at Lu Nan and said with a smile, "Okay, let me tell the story. That matter has nothing to do with you, now she has been punished, you don't need to punish yourself .”

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