Faced with such a situation, Gu Yue didn't dare to be born again for a while.

It's not that she is worried about being reprimanded, but that she is also a person who is about to be promoted to a mother, and she knows how much a mother cares about her children.

If there was no accident, where would a mother say that?
But recalling what happened last night, and thinking about Zhou Liqian's reaction this morning, Gu Yue felt that he had been deceived.

Zhou Liqian's reaction was normal all the time, without any appearance of being stimulated.

While she was thinking about it, Mrs. Zhou cried and said, "Old lady, Qianqian has been insulted like this, this matter must not be left alone! Otherwise, how will she see people in the future!"

Mrs. Zhou glanced at Mrs. Zhou Zhou, and then looked at Zhou Liqian with a look of surprise.

But even so, her expression remained calm, "Qianqian, tell me, what's going on!"

Zhou Liqian didn't speak, but cried even more after being questioned.

Faced with such a situation, Mrs. Zhou said, "Old lady, she is a girl, how could she have the nerve to say such a thing? If I didn't find out that something was wrong, she would even hide it from me, a mother."

The more I talked about it, the more mysterious it seemed, as if something really happened.

But Mrs. Zhou was not affected in any way, "I'm sorry to say, how to deal with this matter? Only by telling the truth about the matter can it be resolved!"

After Mrs. Zhou said this, Mrs. Zhou seemed to have found the exit, nodded and said, "What the old lady said is true, then I can only say it. But for the sake of Qianqian's reputation, I hope that today's matter will Everyone must keep their mouths shut.”

"You, the third one, don't worry about that. As long as you two don't spread the word everywhere, I guarantee that this matter will never be publicized."

After being so teased, Mrs. Zhou's complexion changed again, but she still nodded and said, "With your words, I feel relieved."

As she spoke, she glanced at Zhou Liqian, then sighed and said, "You all know what happened at home recently, I don't care about Guan Qianqian at all, and focus on Yu'er's affairs.

Last night, when I found out that she wasn't at home, I was anxious to search everywhere. Finally, Aunt Fu called and found out that she was here. I was relieved and didn't worry about it.Who would have thought..."

Speaking of this, Mrs. Zhou suddenly burst into tears, her face full of uncontrollable grief and grievance.

Mrs. Zhou herself did not believe what happened.

However, in the face of Mrs. Zhou's speech that was so appetizing, he had some doubts. At this time, he said angrily, "If you want to say it, say it, otherwise you will cry first, and then say it after crying!"

Obviously, Mrs. Zhou was really angry.

Mrs. Zhou could see that she didn't dare to continue to put on airs, and immediately said in a crying voice, "When Qianqian went back this morning, she was not in a good condition.

I was worried, so I followed her upstairs, and found that her body was covered with scars, and at first glance, it seemed that someone... I asked for a while, only to find out that she was here yesterday, and Cheng Yuang... spoiled her! "

Hearing this, everyone was dumbfounded.

How Zhou Liqian was caught and how she was driven away, they all saw clearly, why did she suddenly have marks on her body?

Just as they were asking questions, Mrs. Zhou cried and said, "Old lady, such a big thing happened, you have to let Qianqian decide."

Mrs. Zhou's face sank like water, she looked at Zhou Liqian and said, "Tell me, what's going on, and when did it all happen!"

Faced with Mrs. Zhou's question, Zhou Liqian lowered her head and wept, "It was just last night, before you and your aunt went in..."

"Then why didn't you say it then?"

"You don't believe me..."


Before she could finish speaking, Zhou Sining stood up, "Yesterday, after you yelled, we all passed by. Brother Ang was still in a coma at that time, and you seemed to be fine at all!"

Zhou Liqian raised her head, causing Zhou Sining's eyes to widen, and Zhou Liqian continued, "Do you still dare to say that I'm fine? It's just that you look at me alone, so easy to bully!"

At this time, Zhou Liqian was completely different from last night, her left cheek was swollen, and there were obvious slap marks on it.This kind of mark cannot be dropped.

That's all.

She is wearing a high neck neck, but when she moves slightly, you can see the ambiguous traces of blue and purple.

Those present are all experienced people, of course they can see what it is.

In an instant, the whole living room entered a deathly silence, and no one spoke.

But Gu Yue knew in his heart that he had been calculated.

Although she didn't know what happened after Zhou Liqian left Zhou's house, she knew very well that Zhou Liqian was unharmed when she left.

Looking at it now, it is obvious that she has been ruined by hot hands, which is quite different from before. It is no wonder that Mrs. Zhou came to him so resentfully.

But where did the problem occur, and when did it happen?

When various questions were circling in her mind, Zhou Sining had already opened her mouth, "Zhou Liqian, you mean that Brother Ang raped you last night, right?"

Zhou Liqian smiled wryly, "Isn't it obvious enough? I know you like him, but the fact is like this, how can you deny it?"

When she said this, she could clearly see that Zhou Liqian's hands on her knees were constantly tightening, and her knuckles began to turn white a little bit, which showed how much effort she had to calm herself down.

After taking a few deep breaths, Zhou Sining said, "Okay, since he raped you, then pay respects and go to the hospital for an examination!"

what? !

Mrs. Zhou and Zhou Liqian both looked at Zhou Sining in surprise, never expecting that she would say such a thing.

Zhou Sining's expression was indifferent, without the slightest change, "Is there any problem? Now that technology is advanced, what happened just now will definitely leave traces.

As long as it is identified that he did it, I believe grandma will never let him go, and send him to jail immediately to give Qianqian a clean slate.but……"

She paused for a moment, then squinted at Zhou Liqian, "If it turns out that the comparison with his gene is unsuccessful, it cannot be proved that he did it. Then we have to study what is going on."

These words were very cruel, not only to Zhou Liqian, but also to Cheng Yuang.

Zhou Liqian opened her eyes wide, "What are you talking about? How can you send him to jail? He loves you so much and treats you so well, you can't do this? As long as... as long as he is willing to marry me, this matter will be written off .”

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