The most popular daughter: Emperor Shao Duo is addicted to kisses

Chapter 929 From Your Aunt's Handwriting

Zhou Sining stared blankly at Gu Yue, as if he didn't understand what she meant, "Destroy it?"

"Yes," Gu Yue nodded, with a smile on his lips, "If my aunt and the Cheng family don't have so many ties, then those things about you are just dirty water."

Dirty water.

Is it dirty water?

In fact, Zhou Sining was quite uncertain, if Cheng Yuang was really her cousin, would she be able to give up on him?

Actually, no.

Even after knowing that they were cousins, she never let him go in her heart.

But now, knowing that they are not related by blood, she is not as relaxed as she imagined, and instead feels that her brain is in a mess.

Even, she didn't know how to face all this at all.

Originally, she was an illegitimate daughter, the daughter of Miss Zhou's family who didn't know what life she had with.Now, she suddenly became an orphan, an orphan whose parents were unknown.

Under such circumstances, which situation is worse?
She didn't know, she just pursed her lips tightly and stared blankly ahead.I want to cry, but my eyes hurt and I can't shed tears.

Gu Yue glanced at her, sighed silently, and then said aloud, "Ning'er, don't think about anything now, take a good rest. I will accompany you to the hospital for an appraisal early tomorrow morning. It will be resolved soon."

Zhou Sining looked at her, "Do you really think it will be resolved?"


It has to be said that she was speechless after being kissed.Because she also felt that it was not so easy to solve this matter.

But judging from Zhou Yunxi's reaction, this will be a protracted event.

But things have come to this, what else?
Pulling her lips, a smile appeared on her face, "Ning'er, the day when everything will be resolved is just a matter of time, trust me, okay?"

Zhou Sining looked at her in a daze, not knowing whether to believe it or not.

But Gu Yue didn't give her more time, "You are really tired now, go and have a good rest?"

Cheng Yuang next to him also said, "I'll take you back."

I thought Zhou Sining would refuse, but I didn't want her to be lifted up by Cheng Yuang obediently without saying anything, and then went back to the room.

Seeing their figures disappear in the living room, and hearing their footsteps gradually disappearing, and finally the sound of the door closing, Gu Yue let out a long breath of relief.

Zhou Sicheng looked at her like this, raised his brows slightly, "Why do I think there's something wrong here?"

Gu Yue didn't look at him, closed his eyes and shook his head and said, "There must be something, and it's a big deal!"


"You haven't seen Mrs. Cheng's attitude. But Auntie's intentions are obvious. She can let Ning'er marry Cheng Yuang, but Cheng Yuang has to attack his father!"

Speaking of this, Gu Yue shook his head and said, "Grandma Cheng won't allow such a thing to happen, the battle between her and my aunt has to be fought."

"Among them?"

Since Mrs. Cheng was about to leave when Zhou Sicheng came back, she didn't know what happened before.

While sorting out his thoughts, Gu Yue narrated what happened after Mrs. Cheng came.

Finally, she shook her head and said, "As you can imagine, the death of a young man was not easy."

"...You mean, not only Cheng Nianhong was involved in this matter?"

"Now I even feel that Cheng Nianhong's participation is not the point. It may be my aunt who really caused the consequences."

At the end, Gu Yue's voice became softer and softer, and a feeling of fear came to his heart.

How does it feel to kill the person you love the most?That is far more painful than the so-called parting of life and death, because that kind of torture is enough to make people crazy.

Suddenly, Gu Yue seemed to understand Zhou Yunxi's reactions and behaviors that were different from ordinary people.

She frowned and continued, "Sicheng, it seems that my aunt's revenge is not only for the Cheng family."

When her eyes fell on Zhou Sicheng's face, there was no expression on his handsome face, but his eyes were as deep as ink, making it impossible to see any changes.

He stood up, leaned over and picked her up horizontally, and said while walking upstairs, "You are tired after tossing around for so long, don't think too much, take a good rest."

Gu Yue raised his eyebrows slightly, and wanted to say something, but after meeting his eyes, he chose to remain silent.

Regarding Zhou Yunxi, if she could think of it, he would certainly be able to.

Therefore, there is no need for her to say too much at this time.

What's more, there are some things that he knows better than her, so she doesn't need to say more.

Sighing silently, she put her arms around his neck and leaned her head on his shoulder, "Sicheng, I really hope that Ning'er is happy, and I also hope that my aunt can let me go."

"Don't worry, everything will be fine."



When Cheng Yuang went in, Zhou Sicheng was standing by the window looking out.

At this time, the sun had already set, and the lights in the room were not turned on, making it very dim.

Cheng Yuang walked in, sat on the sofa, raised his head and pressed his eyebrows and said, "This matter finally shows signs of being resolved."

Zhou Sicheng didn't look back, but asked coolly, "Do you really think this matter needs to be resolved?"

"Isn't it? Your aunt is relieved, Ning'er and I don't have any blood relationship issues, and other things can be solved much easier."

"Don't forget, in my aunt's request for you to marry Ning'er, she asked you to attack your father."

"That's not the point. As long as we're not related by blood, we won't have that much psychological pressure to be together. The big deal... let's elope."

When talking about elopement, he was smiling and relaxed.

Zhou Sicheng looked back at him with a bit of dissatisfaction on his face, "Cheng Yuang, can you be sober? Regardless of whether Ning'er and my aunt are related by blood, the relationship between mother and daughter for more than 20 years is not a sentence of no blood relationship. It can be cut."

"This is really impossible." Cheng Yuang looked up at Zhou Sicheng calmly and said calmly, "Then if you add it, she raised Ning'er for revenge?"

A question caused Zhou Sicheng's thin lips to form a straight line, and there was a bit of coldness in his black eyes.

Cheng Yuang shrugged, still looking indifferent, "Don't look at me like this. It's not that I want to give Ning'er some thoughts that she shouldn't have. She is so smart, how could she not think of it?
Although I don't know how your aunt designed it in the first place, but from the design that Ning'er and I slept together, to the media blaming us for incest... You don't know that it was written by your aunt, right? "

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