When it came to the end, Zhou Yunxi was completely screaming.

A pair of eyes are almost red, and the eyes looking at Mrs. Cheng are full of resentment.

At this moment, all the so-called exile aura in her body disappeared, and some only had resentment and resentment all over her body.

Gu Yue's eyelids twitched unconsciously.

Not only because she had never seen Zhou Yunxi like this, but more importantly, she knew that the truth of what happened back then would definitely be revealed today.

However, Zhou Yunxi's emotions were too agitated, and if she was stimulated by anything, she would faint easily.

Once something unexpected happens, this is the Zhou family!

She collected herself and said aloud, "Auntie, no matter what happened that year, it's been so long. Ning'er is not only your daughter, but also uncle's daughter. Uncle definitely doesn't want you to target the Cheng family like this."

When the words fell, Zhou Yunxi's eyes fell on her.

Zhou Yunxi's eyeballs were as black as ink, as if condensed, they fell on Gu Yue's body faintly, giving people a feeling of fear.

If there were not so many people in the hall, Gu Yue was really worried that he would want to leave.

Sitting on the sofa, she twitched the corners of her lips, "Auntie, if you really start a fight with the Cheng family, Uncle would feel uneasy even thinking about it underground."

These words successfully made Zhou Yunxi's breathing a little short, and her eyes slightly turned away.

Obviously, Cheng Youngqing was still enough to disturb her mind.

Taking advantage of this vacancy, Gu Yue started to slide his fingers on the phone, and sent Zhou Sicheng a message with garbled codes.

If the matter involved Zhou Yunxi, it would be better for Zhou Sicheng to come back and deal with it.

Otherwise, if there is any dispute, it will come to Mrs. Zhou, and I am afraid that Gu Yue will be recorded again.

Zhou Yunxi lowered her head slightly, and smiled lowly, "Cheng Youngqing... If he is really disturbed, why hasn't he come to see me for so many years? Didn't he even let me dream of him?"

One sentence expresses her unwillingness and resentment, and moreover, there is an unspeakable sadness.

Sitting there, Gu Yue suddenly realized that this matter was not only about resentment, but also about the relationship between Zhou Yunxi and Cheng Nianqing back then. How could it be clear in a few sentences, and how could it be simple to explain right and wrong?
She collected herself and turned to look at Mrs. Cheng, "Madam, we really don't know what happened in Nian. But I believe that my aunt must love him very much, otherwise she wouldn't have lived alone for so many years. This , you can't deny it, can you?"

Madam Cheng didn't speak, just looked at Gu Yue quietly.

Gu Yue also looked at him calmly, "Since it cannot be denied, no matter what the truth was back then, I hope Cheng Nianqing and Mr. Cheng would not want my aunt to be hurt."

All along, Mrs. Cheng's complexion hasn't changed much.

Even if there is sadness and sadness, it is all within a controllable range.

But at this moment, there was a bit of astonishment in her eyes, and her whole body began to be lost in thought. That look... It seemed that she was remembering something.

After nearly a minute, Mrs. Cheng let out a long breath, "I have no intention of pursuing what happened back then."

She turned to look at Zhou Yunxi as she said, "Zhou Yunxi, as long as you don't embarrass these two children anymore, I will rot everything in my stomach."

After she finished speaking, she didn't give Zhou Yunxi time to answer, so she stood up and said, "Okay, Mrs. Zhou, I've been bothering you for a long time today, so I'll be leaving first.

But my patience is limited. If the matter about Yu Ang and Ning Er is not clarified within 24 hours, then I can only make some things public. "


Gu Yue raised his eyebrows, and his first reaction was to turn back.

But this idea just passed in my mind for a while, and it didn't really take shape.After all, Mrs. Cheng's behavior is not aimed at herself, and it seems to be very reasonable for them?
When her mind was spinning rapidly, Mrs. Zhou had already turned and walked outside.

Gu Yue didn't move.

But it was a coincidence that Mrs. Cheng just walked to the entrance of the entrance, and the door was opened by Zhou Sicheng outside.

It's just that not only Zhou Sicheng stood at the door, but also Cheng Yuang.

The two of them obviously came back in a hurry, with a look of anxiety on their faces. When they saw Mrs. Cheng, there was a flash of surprise in their eyes.

Especially Cheng Yuang stepped forward, "Grandma, why are you here?"

Mrs. Cheng glanced at him, "What if I don't come? You little bastard made such a big noise. If I don't come again, do you want you to directly ruin your reputation?"


"Okay, I promise you will marry a beautiful wife, and you will inherit the family business obediently. Now..." Mrs. Cheng paused, "I'll go back first."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Cheng Yuang's bewildered expression, and walked past him directly.

Cheng Yuang didn't react until Mrs. Cheng left, and turned to look at Zhou Sicheng, "My grandma...what did you mean just now?"

Zhou Sicheng just glanced at him and strode into the living room without answering.

After entering the living room, he scanned the surroundings, and then his eyes fell directly on Gu Yue. After confirming that she was fine, he let out a long sigh of relief.

Walking over with long legs, he asked in a low voice, "What happened?"

Gu Yue, "..."

She really wanted to know what happened.

I thought I could get a shocking secret from Mrs. Cheng, but Zhou Yunxi's sudden appearance made this idea come to naught.

More importantly, following Mrs. Cheng's threat, it was basically certain that Zhou Sining was not Cheng Nianqing's daughter.

Not only is it not Cheng Nianqing's daughter, but even Zhou Yunxi's daughter?
When this idea flashed in her mind, her nerves were throbbing again.

Pursing her lips slightly, she thought about her words before saying, "Now, I don't know what happened. Maybe only my aunt knows about this."

As she said that, her eyes fell on Zhou Yunxi's face, and even Zhou Sicheng looked over.

Zhou Yunxi didn't look at them, she stared at Cheng Yuang in a trance.

Cheng Yuang's eyes fell on Zhou Sining's face, and he wanted to see some emotional changes on her face, but there was no change except that she had been staring at Zhou Yunxi.

Finally, when he couldn't help but want to speak, Zhou Yunxi unexpectedly jumped ahead, "Cheng Yuang, do you really want to marry Ning'er? No matter what price you pay?"

She looked over as she spoke, with mockery in her eyes, "Would you be willing to be pointed out by Wan Fu?"

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