A sentence sounds very light, without any ups and downs, but it is enough to make Mrs. Zhou feel the deterrent power of this sentence.

Cheng Yuang and Zhou Sining are not only cousins, but they also have the feud of killing their father?
After knowing this fact, how desperate is Zhou Sining in his heart?

Mrs. Zhou opened her mouth to say something, but couldn't say anything.I just feel that this incident has completely changed their lives, and it has been turned upside down.


Since Cheng Yuang was well-known, rumors about Zhou Sining and Cheng Yuang being together were very lively.

Of course, this so-called excitement is just a joke of countless people waiting to see it.

It's just that no one expected that they lost contact so quietly, and Cheng Yuang even changed his "playful" temperament, without changing girlfriends one after another.

You know, this has never happened before.

Mrs. Cheng, as a member of the Cheng family, soon discovered the strangeness.

She called Zhou Yunxi, "They broke up, can you think about being with my Xuan'er?"

Mrs. Cheng is looking forward to winning the help of the Zhou family.

Because she knew very well in her heart that with FZ's support, even if Cheng's father wanted to hand over the Cheng family to Cheng Yuang again, he would have to weigh it.

Zhou Yunxi looked out the window, and said in a calm voice, "You didn't even ask why they broke up, but came to talk to me about the two children, don't you think it's too hasty?"

"What's the haste? A swinger like Cheng Yuang is not suitable for starting a family."

"Really? According to my investigation, Cheng Yuxuan looks very elegant on the surface, but actually even worse on the inside?"

One sentence made Mrs. Cheng's complexion slightly ugly.

Of course she knew what kind of virtue her son was, but she didn't expect Zhou Yunxi to know it so clearly.

Mrs. Cheng smiled embarrassingly, "Isn't Xuan'er still young at that time? Now that he's grown up, he won't do that kind of thing again. And don't you believe me? If she marries in, I will be a daughter treated the same."


Mrs. Cheng was even more embarrassed.

This is just a scene, does Zhou Yunxi need to not save any face for her?
Just when she was feeling annoyed, Zhou Yunxi's voice sounded again, "It is impossible for Ning'er to have anything to do with any man from the Cheng family."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You really don't know why Cheng Yuang and Ning'er broke up?"

Mrs. Cheng was startled, and suddenly remembered that Cheng Yuang came back that day and asked to talk to Cheng's father.

As a result, within a few minutes of going to the study, Cheng Yuang rushed out angrily, and Cheng's father seemed to have aged a lot in an instant, with an indescribable emotion in his eyes.

At that time, she wanted to ask what happened, but Cheng's father didn't say anything.

Thinking of this, her brain began to run rapidly, "Didn't you want to say...you and Nianhong..."

"Don't guess, he and I are mortal enemies."

When she heard this sentence, Mrs. Cheng was really in a mess.

She has been cooperating with Zhou Yunxi all the time, and they each get what they need, but they never thought that such a relationship exists.

The fingers holding the phone were a little tighter, and her expression was a little stiff, "What do you mean?"

"The meaning is very clear. Cheng Nianhong and I are mortal enemies, and they are the kind that will never die."

"So your cooperation with me..."

"Is there any success in our cooperation?"

When asked by her, Mrs. Cheng was even more speechless.

After being quiet for a few seconds, Zhou Yunxi said directly, "Okay, there is no need to mention this matter. I will help you and help your son get Cheng's. As for my affairs, I will handle it myself."

After speaking, she hung up the phone directly.

After the accident that year, she studied the entire Cheng family in detail, and has been paying attention to the situation of the Cheng family over the years.

She knew Cheng Yuang's ability very well.

If Cheng Yuang became the top leader of the Cheng family, it would be too difficult to destroy the Cheng family, but if Cheng Yuxuan, things would not be so complicated.

So she will definitely help Cheng Yuxuan, but this gang is to make the Cheng family disappear completely!

And before the words, what she has to do is to win FZ.

Only with FZ can one truly confront Cheng.And all those who interfered with her obtaining FZ must be swept away, absolutely not kept!


Gu Yue is still living a pampered life, but because of Zhou Sining's matter, he has more concerns in his heart.

So when I have nothing to do, I will ask Zhou Yunxi to go out for a walk to relax.

It happened to be the Chinese New Year season, and shopping and shopping were bound to happen at this time, so it was normal for them to go out together.

It's just that after shopping for a short time, Zhou Sining suddenly said, "Mom mentioned you today."


Thinking of that banished fairy-like figure, Gu Yue always had a strange feeling for some reason, "What did Auntie say?"

"My mother said, why haven't you and my brother gone back for so long? She hasn't seen you except the day she came here."

Ever since Gu Yue and the Zhou family fell out, they seldom went back.

Zhou Yunxi had just arrived in City A from Liangcheng, so she was naturally not very clear about this.But what about this matter?

She pursed her lips slightly, considered her words and said, "Didn't you tell aunt what happened before?"

"Too many things have happened recently, and I don't want to talk about it."

"Well," Gu Yue nodded, and suddenly asked, "I remember my aunt said that she would take you away, is there nothing happening?"

Zhou Sining pulled the corners of his lips with a wry smile, "Is there any point in leaving now? Besides, I have to go back to the professor after the New Year, so don't make trouble."


Now that Zhou Sining and Cheng Yuang are no longer possible, it doesn't make much sense to let Zhou Sining return to Liangcheng.

Gu Yue nodded and asked again, "What about my aunt? Are you staying here for the New Year?"

Zhou Sining hesitated for a moment, but still nodded, "Probably, Mom never mentioned the matter of going back to Liangcheng. Grandma is very happy, studying the menu for the Chinese New Year every day."

Gu Yue understands Mrs. Zhou's excitement.

When she was in Liangcheng before, Zhou Yunxi basically stayed in the back house all the time, and she would not go to the front to have dinner with everyone during the Chinese New Year.

Now I came to City A to celebrate the New Year with everyone.

People like Mrs. Zhou are naturally very happy, after all, the real family reunion is when everyone is together.

But Gu Yue always felt that something was wrong. A person's personality is hard to change. How could Zhou Yunxi suddenly accept being with everyone?

She raised her eyebrows, and asked unconsciously, "Auntie is worried that you are in a bad mood, so she stays in city A to accompany you?"

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