When he asked this sentence, Zhou Sining felt that the blood in his whole body was cold.

There is such a thing between the Cheng family and the Zhou family, there is no possibility between them.

She suddenly understood the meaning of her mother's words, but she still didn't want to be careful that her father's death had something to do with Cheng Yuang's father.

It wasn't just that the brothers of the Cheng family fought against the wall, it was even more bloody and bloody for her!
Thinking of this, her body trembled uncontrollably, while Cheng Yuang, who was sitting in the driver's seat, just closed his eyes in pain, but said nothing.

In other words, the matter has come to this point, and it is meaningless to say anything.

Zhou Sining thought that he would not be surprised anymore, and had already confirmed the truth of the year.

But at this moment, she really hoped that Cheng Yuang would deny it, and that everything would turn around...

But life is never a novel.

In other words, she is not the protagonist, and she cannot be saved from desperation every time.

When she reaches a desperate situation, she may have to stay in a desperate situation forever.

Zhou Sining closed his eyes and said in a trembling voice, "That's it, we will never meet again..."


Cheng Yuang didn't seem to expect that she would say such words at all, his eyes widened, "How could you do this to me?"

"Otherwise?" She smiled sadly.

She looked towards the driver's seat to see his appearance clearly, but due to too many tears pouring out, everything was too blurry, and she couldn't see anything.

Presumably this is how they end up?Destined to be strangers.

Blinking his eyes lightly, he let the tears fall unscrupulously, "It's clear what kind of relationship we have. Not only are we separated by the bloody feud of killing our father, but you are still my brother... ..."

The last two words were very light, but Zhou Sining exhausted all his strength.

At this moment, they had to face this fact.

No matter how Cheng Nianqing died, as Cheng Nianqing's daughter, Zhou Sining and Cheng Yuang were cousins.

It is impossible for such blood relatives to be together anyway.

Cheng Yuang glanced at her, wanted to say something, but couldn't say anything.

Silence spread between the two of them, rendering the space with a sense of sadness.

It's just that it doesn't make any sense to Zhou Sining anymore, she doesn't have any emotions to speak of.

Cheng Yuang still wanted to make the last effort, but he didn't know how to talk about it. Should she bear the charge of incest with him and leave here?
What's more, she is so beautiful, how could he be willing to let her bear those curses?

After all, you can only choose to let go.

Maybe he has been too dissolute these years, even God can't stand it anymore, that's why he arranged such a bloody plot, so that his relationship was completely ruined.

Although the future is long, he understands it.

In this life, no one will be able to warm his heart, and the girl hidden in his heart will always be a secret that cannot be revealed.

For the peace of her life, for her not to be judged by everyone... He has no choice but to leave.

Taking a long breath of relief, he smiled self-deprecatingly, "Okay, it's getting late, I should take you home. It's not safe for single girls to hang around outside at this late hour."

When he said these words, he seemed to have regained his unrestrained attitude of a playboy before, and his pair of peach blossom eyes looked extraordinarily affectionate under the dim light.

When Zhou Sining saw him like this before, he was always afraid in his heart, worried that he would suddenly give up on him one day.

Now she didn't have such worries, but suddenly found that he was not promiscuous, it was just his protective color.

After pursing her lips slightly, she lowered her head and said softly, "Don't do this in the future, find a girl, get married and have children, you deserve it."

This sentence made Cheng Yuang startled, and then he said with a self-deprecating smile, "It's still not suitable for a playboy like me to be hanged on a tree, God is not willing to part with it."

"Brother Ang..."

"Okay, where are you going, I will take you back."

After being interrupted by him, Zhou Sining was stunned, but he didn't know where he should go back, or where could she go?

Before, she and Zhou Yunxi hid out of anger, but when they went to Zhou Sicheng, they found a more cruel reality.

Now... where else could she go?
Looking at the blankness on her face, Cheng Yuang also guessed her current situation, "They should be waiting for you in Sicheng. If you don't mind, I'll take you back. If you don't mind, I'll take you to the hotel first."


When she heard the word "hotel" from him before, she always felt blushing.

After all, he is a playboy in everyone's mouth, who knows what will happen when he goes to the hotel?
But from beginning to end, he was in love with courtesy.

She felt lucky before that she could stay until their wedding night.Now, she suddenly regretted if they had already had a relationship.

Is it also a memorial service?Maybe a child, then she would have nothing more to ask for in this life.

Thinking of this, she suddenly understood the significance of Zhou Yunxi living alone for so many years.

Is it because of her existence?

Because of her, Zhou Yunxi didn't want to bring up what happened back then, and didn't want to get involved in the entanglement of hatred again...

Zhou Sining opened his eyes slightly, and said suddenly, "Take me home, to the Zhou family's old house."

Cheng Yuang gave her a strange look, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, I'm going back now to see my mother."

I don't know what she thought of, but seeing the extremely firm expression on her face, he didn't say much, but after saying yes, he turned the car and drove towards Zhou's old house.

Since it was very late and the road conditions were good, there were almost no cars along the way, and there were not even a few red lights.

So even though this section of the road is not close, it is very fast to walk.

In other words, this fastness is not a judgment on the time of preparation, but a psychological feeling?
After all, the two of them knew very well that such a quiet time belonged to each other, and there would never be another time in the future.

After tonight, they will not see each other again.

Even if we meet again, the relationship will become different, and even become enemies.

When the car stopped at Zhou's old house, Zhou Sining was startled. She wanted to turn her head to take a look at Cheng Yuang, but she was worried that this glance would ruin all her determination.

Hardened, she raised her hand and grabbed the doorknob, trying to keep her voice normal without crying, "I'm leaving, goodbye."

Goodbye, never see you again?

Cheng Yuang's heart fluttered, and he suddenly reached out and grabbed her wrist, saying at the same time, "Ning'er!"

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