"Aunt from Sicheng?" Mrs. Gu frowned, "Is that Zhou Sining's mother?"

Regarding Zhou Yunxi, Mrs. Gu had only heard of this person's name at all, and she had no idea what kind of existence the other person was.

Gu Yue nodded, "Yes, that's her. She was actually quite pitiful before. She didn't know what she went through. It was inferred that her lover disappeared and she only had one daughter. So she has been reclusive all these years. Seldom see her."

The old lady Gu responded, "I have heard some rumors about Zhou Yunxi, but there are many versions, and I don't know which is true and which is not. She is not allowed to be with Ning'er and Yu Ang because she was injured. ?"

"do not know."

"do not know?"

"Yes, I don't know."

Gu Yue shrugged helplessly, "Actually, I never thought of asking my aunt about this matter from the beginning. Because she never cared about these trivial matters, and Ning'er and Cheng Shao haven't reached the point of discussing marriage.

So no one would want to inform her of this matter, but she didn't know where she got the news, so she flew directly from Liangcheng by plane.The first sentence is that they are not allowed to be together, and they are still forced to die. "

Speaking of the words Zhou Yunxi said when she appeared, Gu Yue really felt weird.

He is a person who is indifferent to everything, but suddenly rushed over without notice because of this incident, and still forced him to die, which is really incomprehensible.

When she was recalling, Mrs. Gu's voice sounded, "Is it because of Yu Ang's gossip?"

Being asked this question, Gu Yue's expression became even more helpless, "If it's because of this, then I understand, but it's not like that at all. And she knows the Cheng family's affairs very well, and even knows that Cheng Yuang is not illegitimate child."

"What?" Mrs. Gu's complexion changed significantly.

Such a situation made Gu Yue startled, "Grandma, is there something wrong?"

The old lady Gu frowned tightly, "Yu Ang's parents divorced not long after they got married, and there was no wedding, so not many people knew about it.

Zhou Yunxi... has been living in Liangcheng, right?How could she know what happened in City A, and how many years ago it happened, how old was she then? "

Facing each of these questions, Gu Yue was completely incapable of answering them.

But a title suddenly appeared in her mind - Cheng Yuang's third uncle.

When Cheng Yuang mentioned this person, Zhou Yunxi's complexion changed obviously, and Zhou Sicheng also said that Cheng Yuang's third uncle died young.

Thinking of this, her bad premonition resurfaced again.

After pressing down forcibly, she asked aloud, "Grandma, how much do you know about the third uncle of the Cheng family?"

The old lady Gu's complexion became even weirder, obviously she didn't expect Gu Yue to ask such a question.

She frowned and looked at Gu Yue, "Why did you ask this question?"

Gu Yue thought for a few seconds, but decided to tell the truth, "Cheng Shao said that he saw a photo of his aunt in his grandma's photo, and the one taking a photo with his aunt is his third uncle!"

Hearing these words, Mrs. Gu's complexion became even more complicated.

Under such circumstances, Gu Yue didn't dare to say much, and just waited quietly.

But she knew in her heart that nine out of ten old lady Gu knew what was going on here.

After a long while, the old lady Gu let out a long breath, "Sin, I didn't expect to meet again after so many years. But at that time..."

Pursing her lips slightly, she didn't continue to ask, but changed her words, "Yueyue, are you sure Yu Ang is right? The person in the photo is really Sicheng's aunt?"

Faced with Mrs. Gu's question, Gu Yue showed embarrassment, "Grandma, I haven't seen the photos, so I can't give you affirmation.

But it's hard to admit that someone like my aunt is wrong, because she herself feels like a banished fairy.Once you see it, it is hard to forget, so I think there is a high probability that Cheng Shao will not admit his mistake. "

What's more, if Cheng Yuang can recognize the wrong person just by looking at the photos, how did he escape the assassination of the current Cheng family's head matriarch all these years?

So after much deliberation, the possibility of Cheng Yuang mistaking the person in the photo is very slim.

After hearing this sentence, Mrs. Gu let out a long breath, and said after a long while, "That's really an injustice."

"Grandma, what's going on? Don't say that, it makes me nervous."

"Are you nervous? I'm really nervous!" She said and shook her head, "Why? I've seen that child Ning'er before. Her eyebrows and eyes are normal, and she doesn't look alike at all..."

Listening to the old lady Gu muttering to herself, Gu Yue also became a little nervous.

She could tell that Mrs. Gu meant that she had met Zhou Sining's parents, but they didn't know Zhou Sining's mother, how could Mrs. Gu have met?
The more she thought about it, the more she wanted the answer, but she didn't dare to think that way.

After she collected herself, she said aloud, "Grandma, are you sure...?"

There was obvious tremor in her voice, and Mrs. Gu ignored her at all, but asked aloud, "Yueyue, how similar is Ning'er to her mother?"

Faced with such a question, Gu Yue blinked, and then began to compare.

Zhou Yunxi's aura of exiled immortals cannot be imitated by others, and it is also unforgettable after just one glance.

And Zhou Sining... the little girl's tutor is very good, and her facial features are also very agile, but if compared with Zhou Yunxi...

If others hadn't talked about their relationship, they probably wouldn't have thought that they were mother and daughter.

After all, they not only have different facial features, but also have completely different temperaments.

Before, they all took it for granted that Zhou Sining was like her father, so they didn't get too entangled in this issue.

But now when the old lady Gu asked about it, Gu Yue suddenly felt that this question was really a problem.

Just as she was thinking, the old lady Gu said suddenly, "Do you have a photo of Aunt Sicheng? Show me one."

A photo of Zhou Yunxi?

This is really embarrassing, she really didn't.

But she is an actionist, so she immediately got up and went to the study to find Zhou Sicheng.

Zhou Sicheng himself doesn't like to take pictures, and since he hasn't returned to Liangcheng for many years, how could he have pictures with Zhou Yunxi?
Just when Gu Yue was at a loss, Zhou Sicheng suddenly got up and took out a photo album, "This is my photo album from childhood to adulthood, there should be photos of my aunt when she was young."

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