He obviously didn't say anything clearly, but it made Zhou Sining feel like a tsunami had occurred in his heart, and there was an earth-shaking change.

She had faintly sensed something in her heart, but she didn't want to and didn't allow herself to think about it that way.

Once what she thought in her heart came true, then she and Cheng Yuang really had no hope at all.

Taking a deep breath, she said with a trembling voice, "Mom, how can you accept Brother Ang?"


The slow but powerful five words tore up Zhou Sining's last hope.

She stood there in a daze, as if someone had poured a basin of ice water over her head, shivering from head to toe.

She knows her mother too well, she looks weak and easy to talk, but she is actually the most stubborn. There is never room for change in the things she has decided.

What's more, she has stated her position again and again, so there is no room for change in this matter.

In other words, it was impossible for Zhou Yunxi to accept Cheng Yuang.

After thinking about this matter, Zhou Sining's breathing gradually became smoother.

Now that this point has been reached, no amount of fear is meaningless.

She suddenly smiled, "Mom, you know, when I was a child, I always wanted to be a good girl in my mother's arms. Like other children, I leaned in my mother's arms and acted like a baby, but I didn't dare."

Zhou Sining sat down on the sofa as she spoke, as if she was too tired, and also as if she just wanted to take a rest and organize her thoughts by the way.

She looked at Zhou Yunxi with a very indifferent look. The fierce resistance just now seemed to have disappeared, and all that was left was years of helplessness and sorrow.

Frowning slightly, she recalled what happened a long time ago, "Actually, when I was young, I was very proud of my mother. Because in the eyes of outsiders, she was a fairy-like figure, unattainable.

But later I found out that fairies are not good, because children who are fairies cannot act like a baby.Every time I want to throw myself into my mother's arms and act like a baby, my grandma will say that it will make my mother unhappy.

How can I be willing to make my fairy mother unhappy?So when other children acted like a baby with their mother freely, I learned not to act like a baby, but to be independent and self-reliant. "

Speaking of this, the smile on her face became wider, but there was an unfathomable sadness in her eyes, "Now, I don't need to act like a baby in my mother's arms anymore."

Zhou Yunxi narrowed her eyes when she heard these words, "Ning'er, do you know what you're talking about?"

"Of course I know." Zhou Sining met her eyes, "Mom, all these years, everyone thinks that you are burdened by me and can only live in that small courtyard for the rest of your life. But is this really the case?"

"What do you want to say?"

"I want to say that you were there, never for me, but for yourself! With or without me, your life has not changed in essence."

"Is this your reason for resisting me in order to be with Cheng Yuang?"

"I don't want to resist you, but since you insist on going your own way, I can't do anything about it. I'm not like you, living alone in that small yard all my life and dying alone."

Zhou Sining said the last four words very lightly, but even so, Zhou Yunxi's complexion changed slightly.

When she returned to Zhou's house, she thought about her own outcome.

It's nothing more than spending her whole life in that small courtyard, but why is she willing?She wants to take revenge, for her own life, and even for her beloved.

It's just that after so many years, she hasn't succeeded yet.

Not only that, but the daughter who had been raised by her side dared to disobey her!
The hand that landed on the armrest of the wheelchair tightened unconsciously, and even the knuckles began to turn white, and her complexion became even more ugly, "You really think about it?"

"Yes, if this is a multiple-choice question, I decide to choose the person who will accompany me for the rest of my life. Of course, Mom, if you need me, I will come back to you at any time."

Zhou Yunxi laughed lowly, her voice full of mocking sarcasm, "Without the protection of the Zhou family, do you really think you can be with him? Don't be naive, there will be no results between you."

"Then I want to try it too."

"And make yourself bloody?"

"Mom," Zhou Sining said suddenly, "If you had listened to your grandpa and grandma back then, wouldn't you have become what you are now? But do you really regret your original decision, have you ever regretted leaving?"

One sentence made Zhou Yunxi's face change color in horror, and she looked at Zhou Sining with a bit of frightening coldness in her eyes.

But Zhou Sining didn't intend to back down at all, so he just confronted her like that.

I don't know how long this confrontation lasted, and it ended with Zhou Yunxi's sneer, "But don't forget, my parents are the old man and old lady of the Zhou family.

With them, let alone my broken legs, even if I am completely paralyzed, I can be well taken care of.what do you have?Once you've been hurt, what do you have? "

Zhou Sining lowered his eyelids slightly, and said softly, "Mom, I will take care of myself. You don't need to worry, and I will be happy."

After saying this, she lifted her foot and walked out of the bedroom.

After going out, she found Aunt Fu walking back and forth in the corridor.

When she was a child, she didn't understand what was going on, but later she knew that Mrs. Zhou was worried about their mother and daughter, so she specially arranged for Aunt Fu to watch here.

Thinking of this, Zhou Sining's heart warmed, and she said out loud, "Aunt Fu, my mother's legs and feet are inconvenient, so I will trouble you."

Aunt Fu agreed, and looked at Zhou Sining's bag, and asked, "Miss, where are you going?"

"Go to my brother's side. Aunt Fu, tell my grandma for me, and I won't tell her on purpose."


Originally, he wanted to stop her with words, but before she could finish speaking, Zhou Sining quickly walked down the stairs and went out.

Faced with such a situation, Aunt Fu had no choice but to report to Mrs. Zhou.

After hearing Aunt Fu's words, Mrs. Zhou sighed deeply, and asked Aunt Fu to arrange someone to take care of Zhou Yunxi, so she didn't say anything more.

Aunt Fu didn't understand what he meant, but seeing Mrs. Zhou's frowning, she didn't dare to ask any more questions, so she could only follow Mrs. Zhou's orders.

After Aunt Fu left, Mrs. Zhou picked up her mobile phone and called Zhou Sicheng.

The call was quickly connected, "Grandma."

"Sicheng, Ning'er said that she is going to your side, you can arrange it. Probably... She is not willing to go home in the near future."

Although they didn't ask, everyone knew why Zhou Sining left and why he chose Zhou Sicheng.

Zhou Sicheng responded, then changed the subject and asked, "Grandma, do you know why my aunt is so strongly against it?"

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