The lethality of this sentence is enormous.

Although such things as illegitimate children are quite normal in the upper class, there are many people who are more fun than Cheng Yuang, and it is an open secret.

But when things get so big, the situation is different.

People in the upper class have always cared about face issues.

Cheng Yuang was so accused, and his parallelism was so poor, which family could stand him?So no matter what his achievements are in the future, most people dare not easily marry their daughters to him.

However, in the face of such a situation, the expression on his face did not change at all. To be precise, the smile on his face remained unchanged from the beginning to the end.

Standing there, he glanced lightly at Lu Ting's face, but said to Cheng Yuxuan, "Second Young Master Cheng, do you think I will handle this matter or you?"

"Big brother..."

"Don't shout so kindly," Cheng Yuang interrupted him with a smile, but the coldness in his eyes was chilling to the bone marrow, "Everyone here basically knows what kind of relationship we have. .”

This sentence is true.

You may not know the details of the Cheng family's housework.

But everyone is very clear about the struggle between Cheng Yuang and Cheng Yuxuan.

Especially with the appearance of Zhou Sining, the competition between the brothers became even more intense.Many people even made private bets on who would have the last laugh.

Now that Cheng Yuang said this, there was a grass-like existence among the spectators around him.

"That's right. Speaking of which, the relationship between the Cheng brothers and sisters is not harmonious. Maybe they deliberately found Lu Ting to frame Cheng Yuang."

"No way? I heard that Lu Ting's career is developing well, and she debuted as a girl. She accuses Cheng Yuang with such a big belly, so she doesn't have to think about being in the entertainment circle in the future."

"I don't know about that, but the entertainment industry has always been very chaotic. It is said that she is a jade girl who debuted, is she really a jade girl? I'm afraid no one can tell what the relationship is in private."


All kinds of speeches were said as if no one else was there, coupled with the intricate internal relations of the Cheng family, the original one-sided speeches suddenly became problematic.

Looking at it now, it seemed that Cheng Yuxuan and Cheng Siyu were trying to frame her.

If this situation continues to spread, it will be bad!
Cheng Siyu was very flustered, but how can he reverse the current situation?You know, she thought that as soon as Lu Ting appeared, everyone would accuse Cheng Yuang overwhelmingly.

Coupled with Zhou Sining's crying, everything will develop in the direction she expects...

But unexpectedly, Zhou Sining was too calm, not only didn't say anything, Cheng Yuang would also speak for herself, making the situation far beyond her expectations.

What should I do?
Just when she was full of melancholy, her eyes flashed suddenly, and she thought of the things in her mobile phone.

She strode over and said aloud, "Brother, it's okay for you to fight with us at home on weekdays, but now, why are you still like this? Are you really disregarding the face of the Cheng family?"

Cheng Yuang took a sip of his wine, and the coolness in his eyes deepened, "Hasn't the Cheng family's face been lost by you a long time ago?"


"Which sentence did I say wrong? Just want to frame me with a big belly, do you really think I'm a child who doesn't understand anything? If you really want to do this kind of frame, it's more convincing to get a paternity test .”

Everyone nodded vigorously.

After all, people in the upper class have money, and it has almost become a habit to mess around outside, so it is inevitable that someone with a big belly will come to the door.

Although it is not publicized, people know to take it for inspection.

If it is necessary to keep the child's family, it is natural to keep the child and drive away the mother.If there is no need to leave a child in the family, what will happen to the mother and son, only God knows.

So when everyone looked at Lu Ting's way of framing her, they really didn't believe it.

Seeing the victory they created just now, it was reversed in a few words.

Cheng Siyu narrowed his eyes and said suddenly, "Brother, we didn't do a paternity test, not because we couldn't do it, but because we never thought that you would deny your own flesh and blood!"

Having said that, she blinked and tears fell.

Where there are many people, there are always soft-hearted people.

As she cried like this, many people began to sympathize with her and said, "No matter what, we are all one family. Is it necessary to make such a big fuss?"

"That's right, isn't it a joke for people to make a fuss like this?"

Seeing the different opinions, Cheng Siyu said in a timely manner, "Brother, but considering what you did to the Zhou family before, what you did today is reasonable."

In a word, the whispering voices around were quieted down.

At the same time, everyone's eyes were unconsciously cast on Zhou Sicheng's family.

But the Zhou family is not easy to mess with. Although everyone's eyes kept drifting, they didn't dare to say anything.

Zhou Sicheng stood there, looked at Cheng Siyu coldly, without saying a word.

It was Mrs. Zhou who said, "Miss Cheng, what do you mean by that? When did your Cheng family get involved with my Zhou family?"

Cheng Siyu was waiting for this opportunity!

Now that Gu Yue is gone, she must firmly grasp the opportunity and perform well in front of Mrs. Zhou, so that she will have a great chance of being with Zhou Sicheng.

Making up her mind, she bowed to Mrs. Zhou with tears in her eyes, and then said with a choked voice, "Grandma Zhou, speaking of this, I really feel guilty. It is our Cheng family who is sorry for your Zhou family... "

"Miss Cheng."

Mrs. Zhou interrupted her words lightly, and said without any ups and downs in her tone, "It's hard to say what kind of relationship the Cheng family has with the Zhou family. Besides, it's not appropriate for you to call me Mrs. Zhou." people."

Obviously, although Mrs. Zhou is old, she is like a bright mirror in her heart.

She knew exactly what Cheng Siyu had in mind.

In this way, it is just a title on the surface, but it is warning Cheng Siyu not to make impossible delusions.

Cheng Siyu originally wanted to increase his favorability, but he didn't expect to be slapped over without saying anything.

She couldn't hear the discussions around her, but she also understood that many people were laughing at her, trying to climb the dragon and the phoenix but fell off.

Her temper wanted to explode on the spot, but after thinking about the situation at this time, she still endured it.I just thought that when I entered Zhou's house, I would definitely not make the old woman feel better!
After calming down, she said again, "Mrs. Zhou, Mrs. Zhou's disappearance is related to my elder brother!"

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