Regarding this point, Gu Yue couldn't deny it, nor could he comfort Zhou Sining.

After all, she is also a mother who is about to become a mother, and she has a daughter in her belly, so she naturally understands Mrs. Zhou's thoughts very well.

How anxious would she be if the daughter she had carefully taught was taken by such a butterfly?
Not only resenting the other party for pestering one's child, but also fearing that the child will be stuck in the mud and unable to extricate himself... It is indeed a very complicated problem.

Sighing helplessly, she said, "Ning'er, the reason why grandma is like this is because she is worried about you, so don't blame her."

"Sister-in-law, I don't mean to blame grandma."

Zhou Sining said with a serious face, "I know Brother Ang has been in love many times, and I also know that Grandma is worried that we will not be able to make it to the end. But who is with whom is not a gamble? Brother Ang and me are also betting on our own future. .”

Gu Yue, "..."

They all cared too much about Zhou Sining, so everything was considered from Zhou Sining's point of view.

Hearing what Zhou Sining said now, it seems that Cheng Yuang is also quite pitiful, and no one of them thinks about him at all.

Even Mrs. Cheng's first reaction was to worry that her grandson would harm other girls.

Thinking about it, there are so many calls for equality between men and women, but in some things, people's way of thinking has been solidified, and there is no real equality at all.

But she has never cared about these things, except for those who care, she doesn't mind being equal to anyone in the world.

But the premise of being equal to anyone is equality of strength.

Concentrating her thoughts, she nodded after thinking about the problem now, "Ning'er, it's good for you to think like this. But... can you always think like this?"

Zhou Sining blinked his eyes, as if he didn't quite understand what Gu Yue meant, "Sister-in-law, what do you mean by that...?"

"I mean, if one day you two are no longer together because of purely emotional issues, can you not resent him?"

The voice fell, and the whole living room fell silent.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Gu Yue felt that the aura around Zhou Sining was full of sadness at that moment.

She frowned, sweating suddenly at this relationship.

But before she finished thinking, Zhou Sining said, "Sister-in-law, I haven't thought too far ahead."

Speaking of this, she subconsciously thought, "It's not right to say that, in fact, I also thought about marrying him, just like you and my brother, a happy couple, and our own lovely baby.

But people, how can so many good things happen?When I first met Brother Ang, I didn't expect him to be my boyfriend, but...God gave me a chance.

We are together, I should take good care of it, shouldn't I?As for whether we will be separated in the future, no one knows.Now, don't let yourself be bothered. "

When he said these words, it could be seen that Zhou Sining's eyes were shining, as if they would glow, "However, I have seriously thought about it.

Both he and I are taking this relationship very seriously.But in many cases, if you don't take it seriously, you will have good results.If one day, he finds that he still can't fall in love with me, I will tell him. "

When hearing the last sentence, Gu Yue sighed deeply.

There was no need to ask any more, she knew very well that Zhou Sining had already fallen into it, and Cheng Yuang's character had not yet been determined.

How hard is it to find someone you love?

I remember an economics professor said that comparing all people to mung beans, you and the person who matches your soul are the only two red beans in these mung beans.

What is the probability that these two red beans meet?
is zero.

It sounds pessimistic. It seems that we will never meet the one and only person who matches our souls in this life.But it tells us from the side that everyone is not perfect, but we can make each other perfect.

Maybe the person around us is not the best fit, but it is the one we are most reluctant to let go of.

Thinking of this, she smiled, "Ning'er, if you can figure this out, then there is nothing to worry about or be afraid of. Try to enjoy this relationship. If..."

After a slight pause, under Zhou Sining's clear eyes, Gu Yue still said, "I mean, if there is such a day, I will listen to you cry."

"Okay, sister-in-law, don't think I'm ugly when the time comes." Zhou Sining replied with a smile.

I don't know if Mrs. Zhou has noticed, but Gu Yue thinks that after Zhou Sining and Cheng Yuang got together, there have been many good changes.

For example, she is no longer that soft and weak feeling, she has her own edges and corners.At the same time, the smile also changed, as if the whole person became more cheerful.

If this situation continues, they may not be unable to become a perfect couple.

Gu Yue smiled, and after drinking the milk in the glass, he said, "Ning'er, what's the matter with coming to see me so early?"

Zhou Sining suddenly smiled shyly, then lowered his head and said, "Sister-in-law, the day of the charity party is very important to me... I want you to take me to pick out a dress."

Gu Yue naturally understands girls' unique thoughts.

At the end of the year, these dinners are not only an excuse for everyone to get to know each other, but also to promote cooperation and exchanges.It is a kind of blind date in disguise. At that time, unmarried men and women will try their best to dress up to attract the person they like.

For a man like Cheng Yuang, there are many people he likes. Zhou Sining naturally doesn't want to be compared, so he wants to dress up well.

Regarding this point, Gu Yue did not have any opinion.

Girls, it's natural to like to dress up, and if you don't dress up in this season, when will you dress up?

So, without any rejection, she simply tidied up, called Lu Nan, and took Zhou Sining to buy a dress.

Of course, when girls go shopping, they don't just buy clothes.

She also took Zhou Sining to buy a lot of bags, jewelry and other accessories. Of course, there were also various skin care products.

Seeing the big and small parcels in the bodyguard's hands, Zhou Sining couldn't help but said, "It's almost there, sister-in-law, otherwise people would think we are here to empty the mall."

Gu Yue smiled, "If you want to move, you can move. Anyway, this shopping mall is opened by Sicheng, so you can move as you like."

Hearing what she said, Zhou Sining also laughed, "Sister-in-law, my brother is so lucky to marry you."

Gu Yue was stunned for a moment, and after going through the sentence in his mind, he suddenly asked, "Ning'er, did you say something wrong? I am very lucky to be able to marry your brother."

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