It is Zhou Sicheng.

That gentle voice would definitely not come from another person.

Before Gu Yue opened his eyes, he subconsciously threw himself into his arms, "It's your daughter who is too sleepy and always wants me to accompany her."

After muttering, she felt his gentle hand resting on her stomach and brushing gently, "Baby, it's time to get up, you can't sleep like this forever."

It seemed that with her waking up, the baby in her stomach also woke up, and she kicked it lightly twice as if she was very cooperative with Zhou Sicheng's speech.

Zhou Sicheng became interested, leaned on Gu Yue's stomach, and began to chat with his unborn little princess.

Seeing such a situation, Gu Yue laughed, but couldn't help but said, "Zhou Sicheng, you dote on your daughter so much, do you want me to stand aside?"

"Yueyue, you are so jealous of your daughter, what will she think of you in the future?"

"Hmph, aren't you too partial?"

"Don't worry, my heart will always be on your side."

"Forget you can talk." Gu Yue stretched his waist as he spoke, and slowly sat up and looked out the window, only to realize that the sky had not completely darkened yet, "Hey, why did you come back so early today?"

"I heard that you got into a fight with someone today? And you got slapped?"

There are various news circulating in City A every day, and Zhou Sicheng naturally doesn't pay attention to every one of them.But he would never miss anything related to Gu Yue.

Hearing his question, she nodded generously, "Yes, someone wants to murder your little princess, so I will vent my anger on you! Don't worry, your little princess is fine, and I will protect her. "

Zhou Sicheng looked at Gu Yue with a half-smile, "Is it that simple?"

"Huh? Or else?"

"I've read all the reports on the Internet. Did she trip you?"

"Yeah, otherwise how could I be so angry?"

"Are you angry, is it really just because she tripped you?"

Looking at Zhou Sicheng's black eyes, Gu Yue knew that he couldn't hide anything from him.

She shrugged slightly, recounted what happened in the dress shop before, and then said aloud, "At that time, Cheng Yuxuan looked at Ning'er with obvious surprise.

Who knows if he has other thoughts?Instead of letting him have such thoughts and causing trouble for Ning'er, it's better for me to kill him from the beginning.Let the relationship between the two become bad, so that it is impossible for them. "

Zhou Sicheng shook his head with a smile, "Why? What did Cheng Yuxuan do to make you think they are so inappropriate?"

"Do you think they are suitable?" Gu Yue gave him a blank look, "What kind of person is the mother of the Cheng family, how can she accommodate an illegitimate child?

However, Cheng Yuang not only gained a firm foothold in the Cheng family, but also firmly entered the center of power. Such a person is not an ordinary person.Sooner or later, the Cheng family will be messed up by him, and Ning'er must not be with Cheng Yuxuan. "

"Then what if the person Ning'er likes is Cheng Yuang?"

"..." Gu Yue stared and did not speak.

"According to the calculation, their backgrounds are similar, and they are likely to sign up for the group to keep warm. And I saw Cheng Yuang, this person looks talented, and his intelligence is nothing to say..."

Before Zhou Sicheng finished speaking, Gu Yue made a pause gesture, "That's right, this Cheng Yuang is outstanding in everything, and it doesn't matter where he comes from, but his character is not good."


"Do you know how old he is? He's only 28 years old, and he has already had countless experiences in love. That's fine. Every time we break up, the other party is reluctant to part with him."

Gu Yue began to shake his head as he spoke, "Such a person is a master in love, a playboy, and a simple girl like Ning'er is not his match at all."

"Have you ever thought about it? He can retreat unscathed every time. One is that he is not tempted, and the other is that the other party was not hurt by him."

One sentence made Gu Yue speechless.

She pursed her lips and said, "Then how are you sure that Ning'er won't be tempted by him?"

"Moving is moving. It is also a good thing to have an unforgettable love in a lifetime, even if we are not together."

Regarding this point, Gu Yue was noncommittal.

After all, she didn't have that kind of experience, so she couldn't comment on good or bad.

After a few seconds of silence, she said, "Ning'er is your sister, have you ever thought so? Our expectation should be that she is healthy and safe. Being with such a ruthless radish, she will be cheated." of."

"What if she just likes carrots?"

"Zhou Sicheng!"

"Okay, okay, pretend I didn't say it." Zhou Sicheng obviously didn't want to affect the couple's relationship because of such a thing.

He didn't continue this question, but helped Gu Yue go to the bathroom, and simply washed up.

After going downstairs, Gu Yue suddenly said, "Zhou Sicheng, is it easy for a girl like Ning'er to be attracted to a man like Cheng Yuang?"

Gu Yue looked at Cheng Yu Ang's photo, he was a good-looking talent, and he really had the capital to make people fall in love at first sight.What's more, the capital that makes people sink in mud and refuse to look back is indeed beautiful.

And he's the standard gentle scum type.

With handsome features and a personable demeanor, his academic qualifications and experience are all remarkable. In addition, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, he is a model of gentle scum.

So the only shortcoming in him is his background, which is meaningless compared with his advantages.

Zhou Sicheng looked at Gu Yue's frowning and smiled, "Okay, don't worry so much, Ning'er is not a child anymore, she will have her own choice."

"But I always feel that she is not deeply involved in the world..."

"Perhaps you are the one who is really new to the world."

Gu Yue suddenly felt that there was something in Zhou Sicheng's words.

After rolling her eyes around, she looked Zhou Sicheng up and down, "Ning'er... is there anything special about it?"

"I haven't found it yet, but the children my aunt teaches will definitely not be simple-minded."

"I heard that Ning'er was brought up by her grandparents."

"Do you think grandparents will take their children to waste?"

Isn't Zhou Liqian abolished?

But thinking about it, Mrs. Zhou taught Zhou Liqian like that in order to win favor, so Mrs. Zhou must be different when teaching Zhou Sining.

At least Zhou Sining was smarter than Zhou Liqian in his attitude towards her, not at 01:30.

However, how Zhou Sining viewed this matter in his heart was indeed hard to tell for a while.

Pursing her lips slightly, she glanced at Zhou Sicheng, and then said, "Sicheng, why do I think your attitude towards Ning'er..."

She considered the language before saying, "It's very changeable."

Zhou Sicheng helped her to sit on the dining table, and after sitting next to her, he said, "Many things are unclear now, but no matter what the result is, I don't want you to be hurt."

In an instant, Gu Yue understood that he was worried that he would feel sad because he had invested too much affection for Zhou Sining and found something in the end.

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