Since Gu Yue became pregnant, he has thoroughly enjoyed the treatment of a queen.

Whether at their own home or at the company, everyone took care of her carefully, for fear of causing any unnecessary trouble if they met her.

At the same time, as long as it is what she wants to eat, someone must prepare it immediately.

She lived a carefree and comfortable life, but Chen Rong, who was also pregnant, was not so happy.

There is still more than a month until the due date. Chen Rong's body is already very clumsy, and she can't do squats at all.

Of course, she didn't need to do anything with servants taking care of her at home, but psychologically, she felt that she was suffering.

Since that night, during the time spent alone, Zhou Yu has not spoken a single word to her.

The cold violence made her in a bad state, and Mrs. Wednesday seemed to treat her very well, but in fact it was just superficial work, and everything was for the child in her womb.

Zhou Liqian was careless. Although she didn't like Chen Rong before, after Chen Rong married in, she didn't do anything she shouldn't do.

After Chen Rong became pregnant, she took care of her even more carefully, obviously looking forward to the birth of the baby.

It never occurred to Chen Rong that the person who gave her warmth in the whole Zhou family turned out to be this sister-in-law who was always used as a gunman.

She looked at Zhou Liqian who was peeling an apple for herself, and asked out of concern, "Qianqian, it seems that you are either going to school or at home recently, don't you go out to play?"

"Hey, Yueyue is an intern. She is very busy every day. If you have nothing to do, play with me."

The first reaction in Chen Rong's mind was Gu Yue. After hearing the words clearly, she realized that Zhou Liqian was talking about Jiang Yue.

Thinking of Jiang Yue, Chen Rong narrowed her eyes.

The last time I met Gu Yue by chance, someone who came out of nowhere pushed Gu Yue directly, making Gu Yue rush towards his stomach...

In the end, there was no danger, but thinking of the situation at that time, Chen Rong still had infinite fear.And according to the analysis of what happened afterwards, that incident must have something to do with Jiang Yue.

The point is that this Jiang Yue seems to be very busy on weekdays, and she is always the first to come out whenever the Zhou family has something to do.

It is really hard to be convincing to say that everything has nothing to do with her.

Zhou Liqian was pure-hearted and didn't know what Chen Rong was thinking. She just peeled the apple and handed it over, "Sister-in-law, eat an apple and supplement with vitamins. After the baby is born, the skin will definitely be supple and tender."

Chen Rong accepted it with a smile, and then said, "Okay, with an aunt as beautiful as you, his skin must not be bad."

"That's a must!" Zhou Liqian proudly raised her head.

Seeing Zhou Liqian's appearance, Chen Rong couldn't bear it, and said with a bit of persuasion, "Qianqian, since she is so busy, then you should make some new friends."

"Sister-in-law, are you joking? Why do you say that you have friends? Besides, Yue Yue and I have known each other for so many years, and we know each other very well. Where can we find friends who know me so well?"

Obviously, Zhou Liqian did not understand the meaning of Chen Rong's words.

She frowned slightly, and when she was about to say something, she heard Zhou Liqian ask, "Sister-in-law, what can't a pregnant woman eat? What will make the child in her stomach lose weight?"

One sentence shocked Zhou Liqian so much that she almost dropped the apple in her hand to the ground.

It took a few seconds for her to realize that Zhou Liqian's question was not aimed at her, but for other purposes.

I don't know why, but I suddenly remembered Gu Yue who I met in the hospital that day. Could it be that Zhou Liqian was going to attack Gu Yue?

Thinking of this, she immediately said, "Qianqian, don't mess around, if something really happens to Gu Yue, even grandma won't protect you!"

"Sister-in-law, what are you thinking? Even if I do something, how can I let them know?"

This sentence made Chen Rong's heart skip a beat, she knew that Zhou Liqian was thinking about attacking Gu Yue!
Just as she was about to persuade her, Zhou Liqian continued, "Grandma wanted my uncle to be aggressive with my brother back then, but at that time there was Zhou Sicheng. Thinking about it makes me angry! Now we have a baby at home, and Zhou Sicheng also has a child. They It was on purpose!"

As she said that, she narrowed her eyes, "If Gu Yue's child is lost, and there will be no more children, Zhou Sicheng will not divorce because of the importance he attaches to Gu Yue, right? At that time, grandma will want to adopt her little nephew. right?"

When the child was three months old, Mrs. Zhou took Chen Rong for a check-up, so everyone knew about the child in her stomach.

And Chen Rong has always only thought about the safe birth of the child, and never thought about letting the child fight for anything.

But I have to say, when Zhou Liqian said that, she was still moved.If Gu Yue really can't give birth again, the child in her womb is the future hope of the Zhou family.

Mrs. Zhou had the idea of ​​letting Zhou Yu be adopted back then, and now she naturally wants to let the child in her womb be adopted.

What's more, if this matter is really carried out, Zhou Yu's attitude towards her will no longer be so cold, right?

Thinking of this, her eyes even sparkled a little, and the thought of persuasion just now disappeared without a trace.

However, after this matter is completed, the Zhou family must not let any discovery be made.Maybe this matter can be blamed on Jiang Yue, and Jiang Yue can be pushed into prison, so as not to let her continue to use Zhou Liqian!
Chen Rong made up her mind and said, "Qianqian, this is a big deal, don't take it for granted! If you don't do it well, our whole family will be in trouble!"

"Don't worry, sister-in-law, I've made up my mind. Once I'm found out, I'll insist that the child in Gu Yue's belly belongs to the waiter. Grandma will naturally protect me then."

"Then have you thought about Zhou Sicheng's reaction?"

Hearing the word Zhou Sicheng, Zhou Liqian visibly flinched.

For that cousin who is obviously not a few years older than herself, Zhou Liqian has inner fear, and always feels that he has an aura that makes her uneasy.

After realizing her panic, Chen Rong was relieved a little, knowing that there was room for change in this matter, "Grandma may believe you at that time, but Zhou Sicheng will not only not believe it, but will also cause trouble for you. So do this One thing must be done without everyone's knowledge."

"Is it possible?" Zhou Liqian blinked her big eyes, obviously not sure what Chen Rong said.

Chen Rong smiled, touched the child in her belly and said, "Of course it can be done, as long as you don't do it yourself, this matter will never be found on your head."

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