Upon hearing this, Gu Yue immediately put down the food in his hand, ran to Mrs. Zhou and hugged her shoulders to flatter her and said, "Sicheng listened to his mother's teaching and never let his daughter-in-law be wronged."

"You." Mrs. Zhou raised her hand and poked Gu Yue's forehead, her eyes were full of kindness.

Zhou Sining stood aside and watched their interaction, feeling in a daze that they really seemed to be a mother and daughter.And between her and Zhou Yunxi, although they are mother and daughter, they have never been really intimate...

Thinking of this, she felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

But she didn't have much time to think, Madam Zhou said softly, "Now he won't let his daughter-in-law be wronged, but what should he do if he comes to him?"

Gu Yue said with a smile, "Of course her daughter-in-law came forward to settle things."

"can you?"

"Are you sure, Mom, you have to have full confidence in me!" Gu Yue said and made a winning gesture, and then walked out.

Mrs. Zhou herself is not worried about Gu Yue's combat effectiveness.After all, when we first met, she was often bullied by Gu Yue, but Mrs. Zhou has always been unreasonable, so she was really worried about Gu Yue.

So after she walked out of the restaurant, she hurriedly got up and walked out.

When they went out, Mrs. Zhou was crying to Mrs. Zhou about how much Zhou Yu had cried when he was invited to drink tea, and Chen Rong, who was pregnant, was even more worried.

Those who tell the truth are sad, and those who listen are weeping.

Gu Yue immediately applauded, "It's so miserable, Third Aunt, since such tragic things have happened at home, why do you still have the heart to come here to chat with grandma?"

After saying a word, Mrs. Zhou was stunned.

She was stunned for a few seconds before she realized, "What are you talking about! Gu Yue, it's all because of you!"

As she spoke, she stood up, pointed at Gu Yue and yelled, "It's because Yu'er found out about your scandal that you deliberately designed her like this, Gu Yue, you vicious woman!"

Hearing the excitement of her scolding, Gu Yue's face showed no eagerness at all, instead he said casually, "Third Aunt, you are too excited, do you want to have a sip of tea and take a break before talking?"

Faced with Gu Yue's attitude, Mrs. Zhou almost got angry and passed away.

She turned her head to Mrs. Zhou and said, "Old lady, have you seen it? She is always like this in front of you, she has no respect, what is she like in private?

Now she is bullying her peers like this, and when our older generation is gone, who knows what she will do?The Zhou family cannot allow such a woman to be around! "

Gu Yue's eyes narrowed instantly.

Originally, she was already used to Mrs. Zhou's nonsense, thinking that she just came out to argue with her.It never occurred to her that Mrs. Zhou actually urged Mrs. Zhou to divorce Zhou Sicheng.

Anger arose from his heart, Gu Yue's complexion turned cold instantly, and there was an obvious coldness in his voice, "What did you say?"

Mrs. Zhou Zhou didn't notice Gu Yue's anger at all, "Get out of Zhou's house! A woman like you will only kill brothers and sisters in Tuos City! You have to get out..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a "pop" resounding through the living room.

This sound shocked everyone.

They had seen Gu Yue slap Zhou Liqian before.It's just that she and Zhou Liqian are of the same generation after all, and they are sister-in-laws, so it is reasonable to take a lesson.

But now, everyone in the living room was stunned. Obviously, no one thought that she would dare to attack Mrs. Wednesday.

Mrs. Zhou touched her face, and said after a few seconds, "You...how dare you hit me?"

"You're pushing our husband and wife to divorce, so what's the point of beating you? What I should do now is kick you out of the house!" Gu Yue replied directly.

Hearing this sentence, Mrs. Zhou stopped shouting at her, but turned around and continued to cry to Mrs. Zhou, "Old lady, you have seen it, heard it? She dared to treat me like this. No matter what , I am her elder, but she treats me like this. In the future, maybe I will treat your nephew..."

The more she talked, the louder she cried, and the complexion of Mrs. Zhou became more and more serious.

There was a commotion in the living room, and it was extremely chaotic.

Mr. Zhou, Zhou Bingkun and Zhou Sicheng who were playing chess in the study were naturally also alarmed.

When the three of them came out, they saw Mrs. Zhou and Zhou Sining standing at the door of the living room. Mrs. Zhou kept crying to Mrs. Zhou, while Gu Yue stood in front of Mrs. Zhou with a cold expression.

Zhou Sicheng frowned, walked up to Gu Yue quickly without any pause, looked her up and down, and asked aloud, "What happened? Are you okay?"

This is his love for his wife, originally it was just a very simple sentence, but Mrs. Zhou's hearing it was extremely harsh.

Before Gu Yue opened her mouth, she sneered and said, "What can you do with Zhou Sicheng's wife, the mistress of FZ? The ones who get beaten can only be us old and weak women and children, can she be a young man in the prime of her life?"

It is an exaggeration to say that Gu Yue is in the prime of life, and it is even more exaggeration to say that Mrs. Zhou is old, weak, women and children.

After all, Mrs. Zhou's physique is there, especially when she is with Gu Yue, she looks even more "strong".

But this is not the point for Zhou Sicheng, he just said lightly, "It's good not to be bullied, just come back to have a good meal, why is there a commotion at home again, don't you welcome us?"

Although he didn't say anything unpleasant, there were obvious hidden meanings in the words, which made it clear that he was dissatisfied with Mrs. Zhou's visit to complain.

It's just that by saying this at this time, it is considered that he didn't talk to Mrs. Zhou, and it was naturally offending Mrs. Zhou's face.

Mrs. Zhou's already gloomy complexion became even uglier. She looked at Zhou Bingkun coldly, "Did you see? This is your good son!"

No matter what, always give your old mother a little bit of thin face.

Zhou Bingkun looked at Zhou Sicheng, "Sicheng."

Zhou Sicheng looked back at Zhou Bingkun, and the father and son looked at each other, exchanging information unknown to others.

Zhou Sicheng lowered his head and did not speak.

Zhou Bingkun walked over and said in a tone as gentle as possible, "Mom, it's normal for Sicheng to protect his wife. And it's really inappropriate for siblings to come home and cry one after another, right?"

The words are gentle, but they clearly explain that Mrs. Zhou cried too many times, and the Zhou family has dealt with too many things for them, and they never know how to be grateful.

Mrs. Zhou understood the meaning of these words, looked at her son, and also understood that some things would lead to revenge if she managed too much.

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