She spoke very calmly, and her eyes fell directly on Mrs. Zhou's face, without any intention of avoiding it.

Seeing her appearance, Mrs. Zhou frowned, as if she was very dissatisfied with her reaction.

But without waiting for Mrs. Zhou to say anything else, Mrs. Zhou said, "Gu Yue, how dare you say that? If it weren't for the monitoring, we wouldn't know that you poured the cup of tea that Qianqian drank yesterday!"

Gu Yue was taken aback for a moment, then remembered.

She likes to drink water on weekdays, so wherever she goes, she also habitually pours herself a glass of water.After pouring herself a cup of tea yesterday, she poured Zhou Liqian another cup of tea.

But what's wrong with such a simple behavior?

She raised her eyebrows, "Third Aunt, I poured her a glass of water, what's the problem?"

Mrs. Wednesday sneered, "Are you admitting to pouring water for her?"

"Yes, on such an occasion, it's normal for me to pour water for her?"

"It's fine if you admit it, I'm just worried that you won't admit it!" Mrs. Zhou said, pointing to the coffee table again, "This is the cup you Qianqian used yesterday. We have checked it and it contains hallucinogenic ingredients!"

Following her gaze, she found that there was indeed a cup on the coffee table, which obviously belonged to the hotel yesterday.

And because Zhou Liqian picked up the cup and threw it at Liang Qirui, the cup fell to the ground with some broken corners, which looked very broken.

But just such a nearly smashed cup proves that Gu Yue drugged Zhou Liqian?

Hearing this, Gu Yue couldn't help but want to laugh, "Third Aunt, have you really checked it out? Did you see me drugging her in the surveillance?"

Mrs. Zhou was taken aback for a moment, as if she hadn't thought that Gu Yue would deny it at this point.

But it was only a few seconds, and she said immediately, "I did not see you taking the medicine from the surveillance, but you were the last to enter the private room, and the pot of tea was delivered after you entered!"

"So, this can prove that I did it?"

Gu Yue really didn't know whether to say that Mrs. Zhou was naive, or that they didn't even bother to look for evidence seriously in order to trouble her.

She looked at Mrs. Zhou who was sitting on the side, "If it is clearly shown on the surveillance that I took the medicine and that I harmed someone, then I will give you a respectful speech and I am willing to accept punishment. But if there is no relevant evidence, I will You can't be framed for nothing."

This sentence was said sonorously, and he ignored Mrs. Zhou who was on the side, and said it directly to Mrs. Zhou.

This shows that Gu Yue is really a little angry, and she really wants to investigate this matter thoroughly.

Because Zhou Liqian grew up beside Mrs. Zhou, and what happened, Mrs. Zhou felt very distressed.

But looking at Gu Yue's appearance, he also knew that there were a lot of tricks in it.

In fact, after thinking about it seriously, Gu Yue has absolutely no reason to trouble Zhou Liqian.After all, she's just the younger sister of the same family, so it's okay to get along well or not.

If it was true that Zhou Liqian was so ruthlessly attacked, it would be fine if she was not discovered, but if she really left any clues, it would be criticized if someone found out.

Thinking of this, and looking at Gu Yue's obviously angry appearance, Mrs. Zhou also knew that she had wronged her.

But after all, she is the oldest generation in the family, and with her outstanding descendants, she is always a sought-after character wherever she goes, but now she is reprimanded like this, it is clear that she is not giving her face.

Mrs. Zhou's face was a little uncomfortable.

She pursed her lips and said, "What's going on in this matter, you still have to investigate carefully to find out. Now you are all talking about your own reasons, and no one can tell."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Mrs. Wednesday again, "The monitoring only shows that Yueyue was the last to enter the private room, which doesn't explain anything."

Mrs. Zhou heard the meaning of Mrs. Zhou and Si Ni, and immediately said in a crying voice, "Old lady, how can it be so simple? Not only did I see from the surveillance that she was the last one to enter the private room, but she also deliberately transferred to the corridor monitoring, she had contact with the waiter!"

"Have you had contact with the waiter?"

"Yes, old lady, you said if she didn't want to harm Qianqian, how could she have anything to do with the waiter? With her status, she would never have a friend like a waiter, right?" She said very sharply, with great care Yue does not admit that letting the waiter drug him means that there is a possibility of cheating.

Seeing this situation, Gu Yue was annoyed again.

Just as he was about to say something, Zhou Sicheng grabbed his arm.

He said lightly, "Third Aunt thinks there is something wrong with having a friend like a waiter? As far as I know, when Chen Rong was studying abroad, she also worked as a waiter during a part-time work-study program. Zhou Yu not only made friends with her Boyfriend and girlfriend, and marry into the Zhou family."

One sentence completely blocked Mrs. Zhou Zhou.

Chen Rong's family background is ordinary, although personal conditions are very good, but Mrs. Zhou has never been in the eyes of Mrs. Zhou.

After Zhou Yu fought for a long time, Mrs. Zhou gave in and let them get married.But even so, Mrs. Zhou always felt that Chen Rong was not good enough for her precious son.

Now that Zhou Sicheng said that, his chest felt even more choked up.

But after all, he was a character on the scene, so he wouldn't really be speechless because of this sentence.What's more, Chen Rong's identity is there, she has long thought about the correct words.

It's just that Zhou Sicheng said it so suddenly that Mrs. Zhou forgot how to respond.

After a few seconds of silence, she said aloud, "Rong'er's family background is indeed not good enough, but she works hard for others, Sicheng, are you classifying people into high and low?"

"It's not me, it's what the third aunt said. Didn't you just say that there shouldn't be friends like waiters? Why did you change it? Or did the third aunt only allow state officials to set fires and not allow people to light lamps?" A double standard enforcer?" Zhou Sicheng said.

He has always been invincible at the negotiating table, and he is naturally able to deal with such an expensive wife as Mrs. Wednesday.

As he said those words, the air in the living room suddenly became quiet.

Apparently, Mrs. Wednesday was gagged.

It was wrong for her to admit it, and it was wrong not to admit it.

Just when she was at a loss, Zhou Yu's voice sounded from the door, "Mom, why did you come here so early in the morning?"

"Yu'er," Mrs. Zhou saw her son as if she had seen a support, tears streaming down her face, "What happened to your sister, how can I bear it as a mother? Naturally, I want to beg her You are fair! You came just in time, quickly ask them what they want!"

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