Zhou Liqian spoke with arrogance, but Jiang Yue, who was curled up in Mrs. Jiang's arms, didn't say a word, but kept shaking, as if she was completely frightened.

But it is true that silence is better than sound at this time, and her reaction further proves that it was Gu Yue who pushed her into the swimming pool and frightened her.

"You are really vicious!" Zhou Liqian obviously complained for her good friend, as if she was so angry that she rushed towards Gu Yue, but this time she was tightly hugged by Mrs. Zhou.

There was chaos in the room.

"Have you had enough trouble?" Suddenly, a cold and stern voice sounded.

Mrs. Zhou came in with a gloomy face. She had already changed her clothes, but there was still a little moisture in her hair.

"Auntie, they bully people." Seeing Mrs. Zhou, Zhou Liqian immediately wanted to pounce.

However, Mrs. Zhou stepped aside slightly, causing Zhou Liqian to miss out. Then she looked at Mrs. Zhou coldly, and her eyes fell on Zhou Liqian again, "Are there any rules? Crying and crying in front of outsiders Come on, do you have evidence?"

As for whether there is any evidence, it is obvious that the "witness" created by Jiang Yuechu is pitiful, or Mrs. Zhou is on Gu Yue's side.

After being reprimanded like this, Zhou Liqian's body became stiff, and she knew in her heart that her drink had made her aunt suspicious.

"Take Qianqian back first, and let her think about it. How could she know the situation when she was so far away?" Mrs. Zhou said to Mrs. Zhou.

Then, she looked at the mother and daughter Jiang Yue who were sitting on the bed, "Mrs. Jiang, I'm sorry that this happened, but I remember that Ling Qianjin is not from the school swimming team? Why did you fall into the swimming pool and be so panicked?

Of course, if something like this happened outside the Zhou family, we will be responsible to the end.It's just that this kind of thing happened, and the elders in the family were a little frightened, so it's inconvenient to keep you. "

After a few words, Mrs. Zhou took Zhou Liqian and left, and Mrs. Jiang couldn't say anything more, so she took Jiang Yue away.

Mrs. Zhou took Gu Yue's hand and said, "Thank you for today's incident. If you hadn't done this, I'm afraid the Zhou family would lose face and make you wronged. That child Qianqian is spoiled and has no rules. , because outsiders are arguing and yelling at you."

Mrs. Zhou's words were sincere, and Gu Yue understood that the other party really felt wronged.

But she also understood that Mrs. Zhou didn't really understand what role Zhou Liqian played in this matter, she just felt that Zhou Liqian should not help outsiders.

Regarding Mrs. Zhou's problem, Gu Yue didn't want to say anything more.If you don't listen to what you said, why say it again?What's more, Mrs. Zhou treated her well, and she was not really wronged.

"Mom, I'm fine." Gu Yue smiled and asked again, "Is Grandma okay?"

Mr. Zhou doesn't like such things, and has been hiding in the study tossing his antiques.Mrs. Zhou naturally took Zhou Sining to show her face everywhere, so Gu Yue really didn't know what happened to Mrs. Zhou after this incident.

"It's okay. Although it happened suddenly, grandma has experienced a lot. She politely accompanied the guests and let them leave after comforting her. Finally, the face of this matter has been saved." Mrs. Zhou said.

Gu Yue nodded, then found a reason at random, and went up to the third floor.

After going up, she let out a long breath of relief.

I used to feel at ease when I was home, but after moving back to Zhou's old house, I suddenly felt at ease on the third floor.Sure enough, a home is not only a residence, but also a safe area.

Suddenly she really missed their small villa, and she didn't know what happened to Ruby, she suddenly missed Ruby so much... If Ruby was here, they would be scared to death!

Just when she was thinking wildly, she suddenly fell into a warm embrace, "What are you thinking about?"

"How can I leave you!" Gu Yue pushed him away!
"Don't think about things that are hopeless."

"I really want to beat you sometimes, Zhou Sicheng, do you know who this farce is aimed at today?" Gu Yue turned his head and stared at him.

"Didn't Qianqian target you?" Zhou Sicheng asked.

Gu Yue glanced at him, "Speaking of which, how did you become an older brother to make your cousin so disgusted? Your cousin hopes that you are gay, and that the two of us are forced to dink and never have children! "

Zhou Sicheng, "..."

He coughed dryly, "Well... Mom and Dad got married late, and they didn't have children for a long time after they got married. Grandma once wanted them to adopt my third uncle's eldest son, but just after she had this idea, I was here. So, she might listen When it came to similar words, I felt that I was blocking her way of making money."

Hearing this sentence, Gu Yue was almost dumbfounded.

After a long time, she said blankly, "Isn't that something that happened long before she was born? Don't say that there was no action at all. Even if you were there when you were ready to take action, it was more than 20 years ago. Are you still talking about it? "

Zhou Sicheng sighed helplessly, "It may be so for you, but for the third uncle's family, it has ruined a fortune, so this matter is often mentioned in their family until now."

Gu Yue, "..."

She is really convinced, they are all relatives.

It's fine if she wants to eat away at other people's assets, but she still thinks so blatantly, her eyes rolled slightly, and she suddenly thought of something, "Zhou Sicheng, have you ever thought that there may be such a possibility..."

She licked her lips, feeling that she was once again caught in a conspiracy theory, "Could it be that it wasn't my aunt who contacted those people at all, but some people pretended to be my aunt, and these people were..."

She didn't say the other person's name, but just gestured a three.

After thinking for a while, Zhou Sicheng said, "I can't say that there is no such possibility. However, evidence is still needed to verify it. Also, should you tell me what happened today, why did you push Jiang Yue into the water?"

After hearing this, Gu Yue shrugged his shoulders, "That cousin of yours called Mom away, saying she wanted Mom to have some snacks, but ended up giving Mom a glass of fruit juice. If I don't make such a big noise, Mom will be miserable. The Zhou family also lost face today."

"She spilled mother's juice?"

"I didn't see the specific picture, and my mother didn't elaborate. But judging from my mother's expression, I should think it was just an accident."

But Gu Yue didn't think it was such a coincidence, Jiang Yue just wanted to leave when such an accident happened, it was too outrageous a coincidence.

Where there is an abnormality, there must be a demon!
After a while, Zhou Sicheng said, "Neither Qianqian nor Jiang Yue has the guts to attack Mom. From what you've said, I think one person is more likely."


"Three aunts."

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