"What did you say?" Gu Yue suddenly raised his head, staring at Lu Nan with extremely sharp eyes.

Lu Nan was frightened by her eyes, almost forgot what he said just now, and said after a few seconds, "I...ask you, do you think there is something wrong with these cooperation cases?"

"Not this one, but the next one."

"Most of them are big companies and shouldn't be a problem."

"It's still not right!"

Lu Nan was suddenly blessed, "There's also Mi's cooperation case!"

Gu Yue frowned, "Look, I want to see this cooperation case immediately."

After the words fell, she had already started to search, and Lu Nan naturally did not dare to be idle, and hurriedly searched.

Not long after, Lu Nan found the folder and handed it to Gu Yue, "Mr. Gu, this is it. Mie wants to build a factory, so he wants to cooperate with my company."

"Factory? Gu has never built a factory."

Gu's business is real estate, most of which are commercial buildings and residential buildings, or recreational facilities. He has never done any highly professional architectural design like a factory.

Lu Nan thought for a while and said, "Perhaps Mie thinks that the buildings are similar, so instead of handing them over to other companies, it is better to hand them over to our company. After all, the bosses of both companies are very familiar with each other."

Gu Yue smiled, but there was no warmth in his eyes, "Lu Nan, you don't think there's much difference. Giving this cooperation back to me is because Mi's employees are trying to curry favor with their bosses, right?"

"Isn't that understandable?"

"Yes, it's just such a big matter as the construction of a factory. It doesn't make sense that Mi Zihong personally presides over it. And if he wants to cooperate with me, will he tell me himself and hand over the cooperation case to me?"

Being asked this question, Lu Nan's eyes suddenly widened, "Mr. Gu, what do you mean...Mr. Mi doesn't know about this at all?"

"I'm afraid it's not just as simple as not knowing."

"What do you mean?"

"Mie's really built a factory, and it was indeed Mi Zihong who presided over it himself, but he didn't know that this cooperation project was sent to me." Gu Yue narrowed his eyes as he said, his eyes were as cool as water.

"But this cooperation case still has Mi Shao's autograph, so there should be no problem."

"If you want to get my signature, is it difficult?"

"..." Lu Nan was at a loss for words. As an assistant, especially a senior assistant, he knew very well that the boss was often so busy that he didn't even read the content carefully when signing.

If you want to take advantage of such a loophole, it is not difficult.

So basically when choosing an assistant, ability is often not the most important thing, the most important thing is trustworthiness.

He immediately said, "Mr. Gu, I have never done such a thing before, don't worry..."

"What's the rush, I didn't say you did it." Gu Yue raised his eyebrows, "Why, guilty conscience?"

Lu Nan, "..."

He just took this opportunity to show his loyalty, why did he become a guilty conscience?

If he is really labeled as a guilty conscience, Gu Yue will no longer use him, or find an excuse to fire him... Then how will he stay in City A in the future?
At that time, he might be charged with leaking company secrets, no one would dare to hire him, and spend his life poorly...

Looking at Lu Nan's wonderfully changed face, Gu Yue knew that he had already gone through a terrible life in Lu Nan's mind with one sentence.

Regarding this point, she didn't know how to evaluate it. She could only say that Lu Nan was really too sensitive.

In order to prevent him from thinking about it in a dark way, she quickly changed the subject, "Look through the documents with me, and find out if there are any problems. In addition, don't mention the Mie cooperation case to anyone."

"Yes!" Lu Nan, who was obviously worried, did not dare to hesitate after hearing the order, and immediately started to check.

After nearly two hours of sorting out, all cooperation cases have been reviewed.

Gu Yue pushed the absolutely no-problem cooperation case to Lu Nan, "Arrange people to talk to these companies and finalize these projects. In addition..."

She looked at the other piles that were obviously tricky, and then picked up the cooperation case submitted by Mie at the top, and the corner of her lips curled up, "Arrange to contact these two projects, but report to me anytime, anywhere."

"Yes," Lu Nan took the two stacks of folders, and pointed to the tallest stack on the table with his chin, "What about these?"

"The plan is good, but Mrs. Gu's appetite still can't eat so much, so pick the fattest one first."

"Well, then Mr. Gu has nothing else to do right now? I'm going out first."

Gu Yue nodded, and Lu Nan walked outside.

When he walked to the door, he suddenly turned around and said solemnly, "Mr. Gu, I really didn't ask you to sign for me, and I never did such a thing with Mr. Zhou, so you must trust me. "

Gu Yue, "..."

She was really a little dumbfounded, and she really felt that Lu Nan's brain circuit was really different.

If she had doubts about him, would she let her check these documents with him?Why don't you find a reason to kick him out?

However, she also knew that Lu Nan was easy to get into a corner when it came to certain issues, so she immediately said, "...Lu Nan, please use your brain, if I think you have a problem, the documents I hand over to you will be problematic documents, Will I still tell you so much?"

When Lu Nan heard this, a look of sudden realization appeared on his face.

Then he said embarrassingly, "Mr. Gu, thank you for your trust."

"Okay, okay, let's go to work."

"Yes, Mr. Gu!"

Seeing Lu Nan go out, Gu Yue couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.Why did you think Lu Nan was very imposing before?It's all an illusion, the illusion of being in front of people at all!

Thinking of glancing at the mobile phone on the table out of the corner of her eye, she picked it up and made a call.

Soon, the other side connected, "Miss Gu called me, did you find something?"

Gu Yue clicked his tongue lightly, "I knew that nothing could be hidden from you, an old fox. What's the situation on your side? Cooperating with me, do you still need this kind of oblique way?"

"It's really fast."

Yoniko Hong laughed softly, "I thought they would send the cooperation case over in a few days, but I didn't expect it to be so urgent. About this matter, I really don't know as much as you think, because... I power has been emptied."

Gu Yue's brows were raised, "Sky? Are you kidding me?"

It is impossible to do things like elevating the president's power quietly.

What's more, with Mi Zihong's ability, how could it be possible for him to watch himself being cheated without saying a word after his power was taken away.

After a few seconds of silence, he said softly, "He used my sister to make me choose between power and relatives."

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