The sound is not high, but it sounds very clear in a quiet environment.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice, only to find that it was not Zhou Sicheng who came to support Gu Yue, but a middle-aged man with an unattractive appearance.

The man didn't pay attention to anyone's gaze, and just walked over naturally after people made way.Then he walked to Gu Yue's side and said softly, "Mrs. Zhou, leave this matter to me to explain, is that okay?"

"Of course, Supervisor Liu." She smiled slightly.

Supervisor Liu nodded, stared coldly at Guan Ziqing, and then glanced at the crowd around him, "You are all famous people in City A, not many know me, I am just a supervisor of a small special department.

But today, someone framed Mr. Zhou and Mrs. Zhou so much, I think I need to stand up and say something fair for them!After all, their establishment of this foundation is a great thing that benefits the country and the people! "

Although he is unattractive, he is full of air when he speaks, especially his eyes are resolute, which makes people unconsciously convinced, "You may only see these so-called heroes in movies and TV dramas or hear about them in the news. I think everyone The feeling must not be as deep as mine, because my best brother in college died on the front line, he is an out-and-out hero..."

When he said this, his eyes were slightly red, "They are great, but due to various problems, their parents have lost their support, and they have no way to rely on them for old age.

The foundation established by Mr. Zhou and Mrs. Zhou is to hope that the parents of the heroes will be supported when they are old, and the children of the heroes will be supported when they are young. I am deeply moved and come to support it.Ladies and gentlemen, there must be no one who does not support it, right? "

When he said this, he glanced at the people around him, and then his eyes fell on Guan Ziqing, "As for the lowering of the dinner standard tonight, it is because they feel that since it is charity, there shouldn't be so many extravagant tricks. It is to deposit more of this money into the foundation. So half of the money for the preparation of the dinner was deposited into the foundation by them."

After saying this, everyone applauded.

Or we don't have that deep experience, but we can't help but respect such behavior.

But at such a passionate moment, Guan Ziqing felt ashamed, and wanted to slip away when everyone's attention was on Gu Yue.

However, Supervisor Liu never took his eyes off her. Seeing her move, he immediately said, "Guan Ziqing, you should apologize for framing Mr. Zhou and Mrs. Zhou like this?"

One sentence made everyone's attention fall on Guan Ziqing again, and it was impossible for her to leave again.

At the same time, various disgusting words came into her ears, "It's too hateful to spread such rumors."

"That's right, it's not just rumors, it's estimated that she transported the Gu poison detected last time, and she bribed an assistant to help her take the blame!"

"Such a person is too hateful!"


In such an environment, every mouthful of saliva can drown a person.

What's more, for someone like Guan Ziqing who has always thought highly of herself, how could she endure so many people's straightforward criticism, and she just fell to the ground with her eyes wide open.

The noble ladies around her groaned, and then moved away one after another, as if they thought she was something dirty and were afraid of getting themselves dirty.

Under such circumstances, Gu Yue had no choice but to ask the waiter to carry Guan Ziqing to the lounge.

Soon, the dinner party returned to its former excitement, and people's enthusiasm for donating money also increased significantly.

Gu Yue said with a smile, "Monitor Liu, I didn't expect you to be eloquent. This way the foundation has a lot of money, and it is estimated that more people in need of funding can be included."

Liu Jian, a man with strong bones, blushed, lowered his head and said, "I can't let you be framed for this kind of thing."

It was a very simple sentence, but it moved Gu Yue's heart indescribably.

At the same time, she also understood why Zhou Sicheng believed that Supervisor Liu would find out the truth so much.At this time, she also believed that Supervisor Liu would definitely find out the white rice noodles in the tea leaves.And when the time comes, the people hiding in the dark will surface.



When Guan Zi woke up quietly, she found herself lying on the sofa. She raised her hand to cover her face, and felt that everything just now was like a big dream.

She couldn't control her emotions at all, she tried to provoke Gu Yue even though she didn't have a perfect plan, and she was slapped in the face in the end.

How did she become like this?
When she was at a loss, a voice suddenly fell into her ears, "Are you awake?"

She thought she was the only one here, but she was startled by the solid sound, and after shivering, she saw that the person standing in front of the window was the Empress Dowager.

Guan Ziqing frowned, and said dissatisfiedly, "People scare people, scare people to death, don't you know?"

Gu Changhao smiled coolly, "If you are really scared to death, you will feel at ease."

"What do you mean?"

He turned around, looked at Guan Ziqing who had already sat up and said, "Do you think that after what happened tonight, who else in City A would think highly of you? Besides, the boss of your company won't be able to keep you anymore, right?" ? After all, you are the one who offended Gu Yue."

"So what? I can apply to other companies. Could it be that Gu Yue can make all the companies in City A refuse to hire me?"

Gu Changhao clicked his tongue softly and said, "Should I say you are stupid or naive? No need for Gu Yue to say anything, all companies in city A will not hire you again. Not to mention how many foundations you are spreading rumors about." People will donate, just saying that you offended the women in Zhousi City is enough to make half of the enterprises in City A reject you. Are you willing to go to the remaining enterprises?"

One sentence made Guan Ziqing's complexion turn pale.

Now, I'm afraid that the whole city A won't be able to accommodate her anymore.

There was obvious panic on her face, and she said with trembling lips, "What should I do? What should I do?"

He shook his head, and said in a very sympathetic tone, but with a very light expression, "I'm afraid there is nothing to do. After all, you have offended the person who should not be offended, and you have nowhere to go."

"No!" Guan Ziqing suddenly raised his head and looked at Gu Changhao, his face was as pale as paper, but his eyes were frighteningly bright, "I can go to Mi's, don't you hold a position in Mi's? You can definitely Let me enter Mie."

After Gu Changhao heard this sentence, he laughed outright, "Guan Ziqing, are you stupid? Why did the Mi family hire you when you were being beaten by everyone? And now you are no good to me. of any value."

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