So serious.

When hearing this sentence, Gu Yue's first reaction was that he was able to find out that there was a shortage of goods.She thought that the other party just opened two boxes of goods at will, and inspection was enough.

But this thought was just a change, and she suddenly understood something.

I'm afraid the box of goods they removed yesterday had a special mark, and this person came in but didn't find that box of goods.That's why they checked the quantity of goods and found that there was a box of goods missing?
After all, each warehouse has to check the quantity and then check the contents of the goods, which is really time-consuming.And to do such an inspection, it seems that there is no such need.

While she was thinking, Supervisor Liu had already asked Zhou Sicheng, "Mr. Zhou, can you explain this matter?"

Zhou Sicheng glanced at Xiao Chen meaningfully, and then said in a low voice, "You are very serious, even the quantity of the goods has been inspected so meticulously."

"This is my job."

Zhou Sicheng nodded, and then said to Lu Nan, "You and Miss Guan put the goods in the warehouse yesterday, didn't you?"

"Yes, Mr. Zhou."

"Then what is the specific situation, you and Miss Guan will explain it to Supervisor Liu."

"Okay." After Lu Nan nodded, he looked at Supervisor Liu and said, "Supervisor Liu, after Miss Guan delivered the goods yesterday, we closed the warehouse after counting and handed over the bill of lading to Miss Guan. There is nothing missing in quantity."

Supervisor Liu nodded, "Then why are there less of them now?"

Lu Nan turned his head to look at Guan Ziqing, "Miss Guan, is it you explaining or me?"

Guan Ziqing was confused, "Yesterday I delivered the goods, and I confirmed that the quantity was consistent with the quantity on the bill of lading. After signing, I left without showing up again. If there is a problem, shouldn't I ask you?"

"It seems that Miss Guan wants me to explain."

Lu Nan smiled slightly, and shifted his gaze, "Inspector Liu, this is what happened. It was almost eleven o'clock last night, and I received a call from Ms. Guan's assistant. She said that Ms. Guan was going to pick up a box of goods.

Because it was getting late at that time, I had already fallen asleep, so I asked her to come to the warehouse to pick up the goods by herself with the bill of lading.But she said that she wanted to pick up a certain box of goods, and she was afraid that the warehouse staff would embarrass her, so she must come over. "

Speaking of this, Lu Nan shrugged helplessly, "I have no choice but to rush over in the early morning, find the box of goods according to the request of the other party, and send it to Miss Guan's company."


As soon as Lu Nan finished speaking, Guan Ziqing's voice rang out sharply.

Of course she knew exactly what was in that box, and she also knew that the assistant hadn't asked the assistant to pick up the goods last night!So, Gu Yue is planning everything?
When her brain was running fast, Supervisor Liu had already said, "Has that box of goods been delivered to Miss Guan's company?"


"Yes, I sent it myself."

Facing Guan Ziqing's and Lu Nan's completely different answers, Supervisor Liu frowned, apparently feeling that there was something wrong with it.

At this time, Gu Yue deliberately said in a silly and sweet manner, "Ziqing, what made you deliver it to your company in the middle of the night? Could it be that you have learned some news in advance and think that the goods will continue to stay here?" Not safe?"

After finishing speaking, she seemed to sense something was wrong, and asked Zhou Sicheng in a low voice, "Sicheng, did I ask something I shouldn't ask?"

Zhou Sicheng reached out and rubbed her head, "No, it's really strange. I think, even if you don't ask, Supervisor Liu will ask."

Supervisor Liu nodded immediately, and then said, "Yes, I really want to ask why the goods were not kept here, but were sent out overnight. Is there something tricky about it?"

Guan Ziqing unconsciously grasped the handbag in his hand, but he couldn't say a word.

She said that there is nothing tricky, what if they want to go to the company to see the goods now?But if you talk about tricks, isn't that digging your own grave?

Just when she was pale and at a loss, Lu Nan said, "Inspector Liu, why don't you go there yourself, then you will know exactly what is in this box? And if there is something tricky , It can also show that it has nothing to do with our warehouse, but the owner of the goods wants to use our warehouse to tamper with."

This sentence can be regarded as puncturing everything.

Supervisor Liu is not stupid, so he naturally heard something wrong.

He could almost conclude that there was something wrong with that box of goods.Or in other words, Zhou Sicheng also discovered the problem, so he deliberately set up such a situation so that they could find out the problem.

Now, if you refuse, you will really offend FZ!

Thinking of this, Supervisor Liu immediately said, "Let's go, ask some people to come with me."

"Yes." The people under him nodded immediately, and then went to the side to greet people.

Supervisor Liu looked at Zhou Sicheng, "President Zhou, you..."

"I'll follow along to have a look. After all, it's the first time I've seen the transfer of goods in the middle of the night. If there is any problem, you can also ring the alarm for me." Zhou Sicheng said.

Supervisor Liu nodded, and raised his hand to signal Zhou Sicheng to leave with him.

Gu Yue shook Zhou Sicheng's hand, then took a few steps back, and said in a low voice to Lu Nan, "After we left last night, did you and Fengyu do it?"

Lu Nan nodded, "Mr. Zhou decided what to do today last night."

Sure enough, it was a move above chess.

She also thought that someone would definitely come to trouble FZ, but she didn't expect the other party to be so quick.The goods were just released yesterday, and people rushed to come over today.

Sure enough, he was impatient and couldn't eat hot tofu, and Zhou Sicheng really had two brushes.

Thinking to herself, she heard Guan Ziqing walking past her say, "Gu Yue, you are amazing!"

Obviously, when the matter came to this point, Guan Ziqing understood that it was pointless for him to continue pretending.The other party has already understood her strategy, and naturally knows her thoughts,

Hearing the voice almost gnashing teeth, Gu Yue said with a low smile, "Of course I'm good, but you are really not good. The warehouse is so empty, you dare to tell me that the warehouse can't be found, are you really Think I won't investigate?"

Guan Ziqing, "..."

She really underestimated Gu Yue. She thought that the other party had already regarded her as a friend, and she didn't have any doubts about her words.It is only now that I understand that all of Gu Yue's actions are bait.

Guan Ziqing thought he was catching the other party, but he never thought that he would unknowingly become the target of the other party's prey.

Seeing the other party's eyes full of anger, Gu Yue smiled and said in a particularly surprised tone, "Ziqing, who are you trying to contact? Are you going to transfer the goods? Is there really something wrong with it?"

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