This time, Gu Yanran really gambled big.

If she died like this, it would leave room for many people to imagine.

Although according to the current criminal investigation methods, the investigation can be very simple, did Gu Yue actually do anything to Gu Yanran?But when Gu Yanran committed suicide, only Gu Yue was in the office, and no one knew what happened to them.

No one knew why Gu Yanran went to Gu Yue with a knife, and this provided room for criticism.

I don't know how many people will criticize Gu Yue's behavior, but in the case of a dead person, Gu Yue has almost no way to refute.

This is the worst situation, Gu Yanran used her own life to make Gu Yue bear the infamy.

If Gu Yanran was rescued by the doctor, as long as Gu Yanran apologized in front of the public as a weak person, everyone would forget the Gu family's evil towards Gu Yue and let Gu Yue forgive Gu Yanran.

After that, Gu Yue will continue to fall into the nightmare that Gu Yanran caused her for a long time.

No matter what the result is, it is not what Gu Yue wants to happen.And every result seems to indicate that Gu Yanran will surely win the unfamiliar ending.

For a few seconds, Gu Yue almost suspected that someone beside Gu Yanran helped her carefully plan this situation.

But no matter what the truth of the matter is, she has no time to take care of it now, and the reporters flocking to the microphones and relentless questions are what she needs to solve urgently.

But Zhou Sicheng never let her down again, he pulled her into his arms, and then looked at the reporters coldly, "I have asked so many questions, can you give me time to answer them?"

The voice did not answer, and the tone was cold, but Zhou Sicheng's own kingly temperament made the noisy reporters gradually quiet down.

Seeing this scene, the policeman next to him, who had been trying to keep the reporter quiet, could only say that he didn't have the momentum of the other party at all!

Zhou Sicheng glanced at everyone one by one, but he didn't seem to stop at all, "Gu Yanran's suicide has nothing to do with my wife.

I hope that everyone will not wantonly use their power to report when they don't know the truth. If I find out that someone has reported false content, FZ will sue to the end. "

When the voice fell, all the reporters stared wide-eyed.

One must know that the reporters who arrived today combined almost all the mainstream media in City A, what would it be like to sue all the media to the court?

As a business tycoon, Zhou Sicheng would know that it would take a long time and cost a lot of money, but he said it so firmly, it is conceivable that he has made up his mind.

Think about the companies that were brought down by him before, which one had a speculative mentality when it didn't start?After many reporters glanced at each other, they dared not step forward to question Gu Yue.

Taking advantage of this time, they entered the office.

Zhou Sicheng's speech just now made the police stop telling him to leave. Instead, he routinely said some rules and regulations before asking, and then said, "Miss Gu, you need to make sure that what you said is the truth, otherwise you will be punished." personal adverse effects."

Gu Yue, who was sitting on the chair, nodded with a very indifferent expression, "Okay."

"Why did Gu Yanran appear in your office?" The first question is quite normal and also the most curious.

Not only was he asking, Zhou Sicheng didn't quite understand what was going on, so when Gu Yue was being questioned, he didn't intervene and quietly walked beside him, waiting for the answer.

Sitting there, Gu Yue pursed his lips and said, "Gu Yanran didn't know where she got the news. She thought I was looking into her old accounts with Gu's, so she called me to question me. I denied it, but she didn't believe it. In the end, she said You have to come to the company and make it clear to me, otherwise you will go to FZ to mess around, so I promised her to come and asked my assistant to pick her up."

After asking the person to record carefully, he asked again, "Then what happened after she came in?"

This is the key point of the inquiry. Gu Yue squinted his eyes, but did not hide anything, and explained in detail the dispute between them in the office.

Finally she said, "When she took out the knife, I thought she was going to attack me. I didn't expect that she would stab me in the heart. Besides..."

She bent her lips and showed an inexplicable smile, "You two should know something about the relationship between me and her? The relationship between us is not good. When she committed suicide in front of me, I really No reaction. On the one hand I was too surprised, on the other hand I really didn't feel sad."

This sentence is very straightforward, even with a bit of cold blood.

But the policeman, who is used to seeing all kinds of people and has learned a certain amount of psychology, saw the different emotions in her eyes, and said unexpectedly, "Miss Gu, sadness is for those who have truly loved themselves."

Gu Yue was stunned for a moment, then raised his eyes to look at the man.

But the other party had lowered his head, and at the same time reversed the transcript in his hand and pushed it in front of her, "See if there is any problem, if there is no signature."

Gu Yue browsed through it roughly, and there was no discrepancy in what he told her.She picked up the pen on the table and signed her name on the record.

"Is that enough?"

"Well," the man nodded, "That's fine for now. After Gu Yanran leaves the operating room, we will conduct a detailed investigation. If there is no discrepancy with what I told you, then we will not bother you again."

Gu Yue nodded, stood up, said goodbye, then turned to look at Zhou Sicheng, "Let's go."

Zhou Sicheng took her hand and walked out of the office side by side with her.

The two had just walked out, and one of the policemen said, "This style is really good."

"Nonsense, it's made of real money. His net worth is unimaginable in our lifetimes. If you lived in such an environment since you were a child, you might have more aura than him."

"Then there is no hope for me in this life."


The hospital is not a quiet place, so Gu Yue couldn't hear the voice behind him after walking a few steps.But in such a place full of noisy people, it made her feel calmer.

She turned her head to look at Zhou Sicheng, and suddenly asked, "Do you believe that I didn't attack Gu Yanran?"

Zhou Sicheng was slightly taken aback, then raised his hand and rubbed her head, "Of course I believe that you will not and have no interest in attacking her. As you said, if you really want to touch her, you don't need to do it yourself."

"But... She really committed suicide in my office, and she really wanted to sue me with death."

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