Hearing this question, Gu Yanran was stunned.

She didn't understand what Gu Yue meant by asking this question at all. She looked at Gu Yue's back suspiciously, "Why are you crazy? Gu Yue, don't you want to tell me about our childhood feelings?"

Gu Yue laughed lowly, and said softly, "Our childhoods were different, so where are the feelings?"

"Then what are you asking?"

Gu Yue turned around, and his gaze fell straight on Gu Yanran, "I just want to ask if you still remember the first time you saw me, what you said, and what you did."

Although she didn't understand the other party's meaning at all, Gu Yanran's brain structure itself was very simple, so she really followed Gu Yue's thinking.

When they met for the first time, both of them were between six and seven years old.

At that time, Gu Yanran was told by Mrs. Gu that a young lady was coming to the house and asked her to be polite.At that time, Gu Yanran was still very young and didn't have much mind.

In addition, she wanted to have a little sister since she was a child, so that she could play with her.

So when she heard the news, she was very excited.She specially chose her most beautiful dress to wear, and also took her favorite rabbit toy to play with Gu Yue.

When Gu Yue appeared, Gu Yanran tilted her head and said innocently, "Wow, this young lady is so beautiful. Will grandma only like young lady and not me?"

Because Gu Congshan and his wife wanted to please Mrs. Gu, they kept allowing Gu Yanran to get close to Mrs. Gu.And Mrs. Gu is not a mean grandma, she is also very kind to Gu Yanran.

So her asking this question was just an instinctive reaction, and she didn't have any other thoughts at all, but such a simple question made Gu Congshan and his wife have different thoughts in their hearts.

It's just that at that time, no one thought that the old lady Gu rubbed Gu Yanran's head, and said lovingly, "How could it be? You and Miss Sister are granddaughters of grandma, and Grandma likes you. Didn't you prepare toys for Miss Sister?" ? Give it to her."

Gu Yanran nodded, and happily handed over her rabbit toy, "Miss, do you like rabbits? Let's play together in the future, shall we?"

Since it is Gu Yanran's favorite toy, she often holds it in her arms, and it doesn't look so new now.

For Gu Yue, who has lost his memory and is unfamiliar with everything around him, it is simply a humiliation.She even thought that the other party was giving her unwanted garbage, but she didn't dare to resist at the time, she just said thank you in a low voice, and took the rabbit over.

At that time, Gu Yanran didn't notice the problem, instead she took Gu Yue to play in the yard.

Mrs. Gu didn't care too much, and let the two children get in touch with each other by themselves.But she didn't want Sun Xian to design Gu Yanran to fall, scolded Gu Yue when Gu Yanran was crying, and said to Gu Yanran, "Yanran, did you see that? This is a wild child, don't get in touch with her from now on!"

Gu Yue was deeply hurt by this sentence, and the unhappiness of being framed made her throw the rabbit doll in her hand to the ground, "Who cares!"

Gu Yanran originally just felt that the fall was painful, and it would be fine to cry a few times and be coaxed, but when she saw her beloved rabbit being thrown into the mud, she couldn't control herself and burst into tears.

Afterwards, Sun Xian even loudly reprimanded Gu Yue for being rude and told Gu Yanran to stay away from her. Since then, her hatred for Gu Yue has taken root in Gu Yanran...

Later, Gu Yue thought more than once, if she hadn't been so sensitive at the time, and Gu Yanran didn't have such a calculating mother like Sun Xian, would the relationship between them not have changed like this, and the Gu family would not have changed. become like today?

When she was lost in memories, Gu Yanran sneered, "At that time, grandma knew your identity and brought you home, right? If I had known, I shouldn't have let you grow up then."


How could the little girl who greeted her warmly at that time become like this?Gu Yue didn't know, but she also understood that the past cannot be traced, and no one can go back to the past.

She pursed her lips, ignored the ridicule in Gu Yanran's words, but said out loud, "Gu Yanran, I don't know why you came to me, but since you've come to my place, why don't you listen to my thoughts first. "

It cannot be denied that Gu Yue has a leadership temperament that cannot be ignored.Even though Gu Yanran had always wanted to be right with her, there was no way to refuse in this situation.

She turned and sat down on the sofa, "Speak."

"Okay." Gu Yue was still standing in front of the window, and said in a very calm tone, "Anyway, you are Gu Congshan's daughter, a child of the Gu family, and I am a cousin. If nothing happens, I will I don't want to kill you either.

What's more, your mother came to beg me, and I agreed to let you go.Therefore, as long as you go abroad honestly, I will not touch you, and I can give you some shares of Gu's to ensure that you will have no worries about food and clothing in your life. "

This is the biggest concession Gu Yue can think of to Gu Yanran.

But in Gu Yanran's eyes, this is not a concession, it's a humiliation!
She kept sneering angrily, and looked at Gu Yue with a pair of dark eyes, "You want me to go abroad? It won't affect your life in China, will it?"

"Gu Yanran, leaving here is also a guarantee for you."

"is it?"

"Here, all you think about every day is how to calculate me and how to trouble me, but think about it yourself, have you really succeeded?"

When Gu Yue said this, he looked at the expression on Gu Yanran's face lightly.She clearly saw the changes on Gu Yanran's face, and she knew that Gu Yanran was following her own train of thought.

"If you hadn't always wanted to trouble me, you wouldn't have ruined yourself in such a mess. Leave now, stop, you still have a chance..."

"What chance?" Gu Yanran interrupted her coldly, her eyes were red and full of resentment, "If it wasn't for you, I would be the eldest lady of the Gu family, Zhou Sicheng's wife! But your appearance ruined all of this, and I have come to this day This step is all thanks to you!"

Gu Yue frowned tightly, "Even without me, Sicheng would not be with you, why can't you see through this?"

"It's you who don't understand! Gu Yue, you stole everything that belongs to me, so it's time for you to pay it back!"

Gu Yanran stood up with a sneer, and then she took out a fruit knife from her hand.

Gu Yue's eyes narrowed when he saw the cold light of the blade under the sunlight.Gu Yanran, who noticed this detail, smiled even more proudly, "Since you have taken everything from me, let us go to hell together!"

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