When Gu Yue said this, his eyes were fixed on Li Tiantian, and he didn't miss any change of expression on her face.

When Li Tiantian heard this sentence, her eyes widened slightly, but she quickly regained her composure, "Mr. Gu, it's hard to talk about this kind of thing. After all, there are so many people in the department, it's very likely for anyone to say it." .

In addition, maybe someone just casually mentioned something to people in other departments, and someone spread the word, and then told Ms. Gu, it is also possible.After all, Ms. Gu also stayed in Gu's before, and it's normal to have some friends. "

"Indeed, what you said makes sense." Gu Yue nodded and didn't ask Li Tiantian any more.But he didn't get up again, just sat there watching everyone's donation and the children's performance.

After the day's team building was over, everyone took the bus back to the city, bid farewell at the company gate, and went home.

Lu Nan drove Gu Yue home, and he kept looking at Gu Yue sitting in the back seat through the rearview mirror.

But Gu Yue closed his eyes, as if he had fallen asleep, or just closed his eyes to rest his mind, which made him unsure for a moment whether he should ask or not.

Gu Yue had probably watched it too many times, and Gu Yue felt something, so he said directly, "If you have anything to ask, just say it. If you keep looking at me like this, I'm worried that something will happen to you if you lose concentration."

Hearing these words, Lu Nan relaxed a lot.

He stared straight ahead and carefully watched the road conditions, and at the same time asked aloud, "Mr. Gu, do you believe what Li Tiantian said today?"

"How did you know about Gu Yanran?"


After a few seconds of silence, Gu Yue lazily said, "Actually, Li Tiantian is not suspicious at all. The first time she saw Gu Yanran, she slapped Gu Yanran. Gu Yanran must have no brains to get in touch with her." In addition, Gu Yanran is the young lady of the Gu family after all, and she has been in the Gu family before, so it is reasonable for some people to send news to her."

"Then you believe Li Tiantian's words?"

"Do not believe."

Lu Nan, "..."

He suddenly felt that it was very difficult to communicate with the leader. She had said so much to express her trust in Li Tiantian, but why did she not believe it again when the topic changed?

Probably feeling Lu Nan's helplessness, Gu Yue smiled and continued, "All of Li Tiantian's reasons are impeccable, and her slap really cleared her suspicion to the greatest extent. However, Gu Yanran is just a fool." Yes, it is not strange for Li Tiantian to use some means to hook up with Gu Yanran."

Lu Nan thought for a while, "So you tend to think that it was Li Tiantian who passed the news to Gu Yanran?"

"80.00%, after all, these are my guesses, there is no evidence."

After Gu Yue finished speaking, he thought for a while and said, "What's the situation with Li Tiantian in the company?"

"There is no special situation, but she is very good at buying people's hearts with small favors. Although I deliberately punished her last time, so that people in the office would not dare to get too close to her on the surface, everyone really likes her in private." Lu Nan has told the truth.

"Indeed, there is such a colleague of the eldest lady, not to mention being approachable, and giving all kinds of small gifts when she has nothing to do, which is really very attractive. If you get along well, maybe you can get even bigger the benefits of."

Gu Yue shook his head as he said, "Everyone has their own little calculations, so don't pay attention to them. Just watch secretly, and don't let her do anything out of the ordinary."

"Okay, Mr. Gu."


Li Tiantian sat in her car, thinking about Gu Yue's probing questions, and felt that all her answers were impeccable.

At least each one sounds very reasonable and possible.

But she was still not sure if Gu Yue believed her, after all, Gu Yue's reaction at that time was too indifferent.It seemed that she believed everything, and it seemed that she believed nothing.

Such a situation made it impossible for Li Tiantian to make any judgments.

When she was suffering from a headache and didn't know what was going on, the phone suddenly rang, it was a WeChat message from Gu Yanran, [Tiantian, are you back? 】

Li Tiantian squinted her eyes, and instead of replying to WeChat, she called Gu Yanran directly.

Obviously Gu Yanran was waiting for her message, so the call was answered in seconds.

But she didn't give Gu Yanran a chance to speak, and asked directly, "Yanran, where have you been taken by them? I was scared to death when I saw you being taken out by them, and she stared at you when I wanted to call you." Tight, dare not take any action at all. Just separated from her and wanted to call you, and received your message. "

Her words showed her concern for Gu Yanran, and said that she was under the control of Gu Yue, which made her even more pitiful like a victim.

Sure enough, Gu Yanran didn't complain about her situation, instead, she immediately cared about Li Tiantian, "She's been staring at you? This woman is really vicious! I'm fine. I was thrown into the transport car and sat in my pocket. Back to the city!"

Thinking of this, Gu Yanran was very annoyed and complained a lot.

Hearing Li Tiantian was a little annoyed, so she took the phone away.

It wasn't until the speaking speed of Gu Yanran on the opposite side slowed down that she put the phone to her ear again, "Yanran, if she is a good person, how could we have come to this point? Also, don't be so impulsive and trouble her .Have you seen the result? We are the ones who suffer! Seeing you being taken out by Lu Nan, I was really afraid that they would do something to you!"

"No!" Gu Yanran said resolutely, "No matter what, I am a child of the Gu family. Besides, I am now Mi Yuanzheng's righteous daughter. If I don't look at the face of the monk or the face of the Buddha, Gu Yue dare not do anything to me .”

Hearing this sentence, Li Tiantian laughed in her heart.

Everyone in City A knows about the relationship between Mi Yuanzheng and Sun Xian, so the relationship between Gu Yanran and Mi Yuanzheng is also clear.It's just that Mi Yuanzheng and Sun Xian's name is not right and wrong, so what is a righteous daughter like Gu Yanran?
What's more, for an old fox like Mi Yuanzheng, once something goes wrong, he will naturally protect himself wisely, how can he care about Gu Yanran?From when Gu Changhao had an accident, Mi Yuanzheng did not stand up for him, so we can see Mi Yuanzheng's attitude.

But at this time, Gu Yanran still considers herself Mi Yuan's righteous girl, thinking that she can be protected, she is really stupid.

Even though she had this in her heart, she said, "That's good, as long as you're fine. But Yanran, if you offended her so much today, how will she deal with you? And those accounts, if she really let the finance department People make false accounts and frame you, and you will be jailed when the time comes!"

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