Lu Nan looked at her, his expression didn't change much, but he sighed in his heart that Li Tiantian was still too tender.

"Li Tiantian, this is Gu's. Every company has its own rules, and Gu's employee code clearly states that breaks should be staggered to prevent everyone from concentrating in the tea room and chatting to delay work time.

But you ordered a cup of milk tea for everyone and asked everyone to rest at the same time. This is a serious violation of the employee code.I propose punishment to you now, and let everyone take warning, is there anything wrong? "

employee rules?

Li Tiantian didn't look at this kind of thing at all, and now she has no way to refute what Lu Nan said.

But she quickly said, "Even if I violate the employee code, I accept punishment, why not allow..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly realized that she did not continue with the words "others help me".

Because the answer is already very clear, the more she argues, the more everyone will find out that the mistakes she made are not worth mentioning, and the point is that she offended Gu Yue.A colleague who offended the president, who would dare to make friends with her?
Li Tiantian bit her lip hard, then lowered her head and said, "Assistant Lu, I understand, I'll go and sort out the report immediately."

Before, the office family that Li Tiantian created with a cup of milk tea was easily disposed of by Lu Nan with a bodyguard.

However, Li Tiantian's subsequent work really caught Gu Yue's expectations.

She didn't give up because of such a blow, but worked very seriously. Even if Gu Yue reviewed Li Tiantian's work with a very critical eye, she must admit that she did a good job.

If it weren't for those bad contact experiences before, Gu Yue would feel that he was wearing colored glasses to treat Li Tiantian like this.

Of course, Gu Yue just thought about it this way.

After all, the contrast between Li Tiantian's arrogant and respectful attitude is so great that people can't easily believe that she has changed.

meeting room.

Gu Yue put down the documents in his hand, and said with a smile, "Everyone has worked hard this month. I plan to spend a day on the working day next week to organize department team building. I don't know what you think? Do you want to go to the suburbs for a picnic, or the urban area? Rino?"

She is very clear that the reason why many employees don't like team building is because the team building is always placed on the rest day, taking up the employees' own rest time, and it is also called promoting a deeper understanding.

Recalling the reasons for criticizing team building on Weibo recently, she added, "Leave for team building time is the same as asking for leave at work, and it is recorded normally. If you have something to do, you should go to the HR department to ask for leave."

This is a very humane rule, at least no one in the conference room showed embarrassment after speaking.

"Okay, if you have any suggestions, you can ask me face to face, you can also tell Assistant Lu, or send me an E-mail, the deadline is this Friday. If no one has good suggestions, I can only take you to Watch the movie and sing K to go home."

After finishing speaking, Gu Yue stood up with a smile, "That's it, let's leave."

"Mr. Gu!"

As soon as Gu Yue finished speaking, Li Tiantian said, "I have a suggestion, I don't know if it's appropriate or not."

If you don’t know if it’s suitable or not, then it’s not suitable, so don’t say it!

Gu Yue immediately refuted in her heart, but she also knew in her heart that she said this because she had a lot of dissatisfaction with Li Tiantian.However, Li Tiantian's work ability is still good, and it is normal to suggest team building.

So she sat down again, "Okay, you say."

Li Tiantian smiled slightly, and seemed very happy to get this opinion. "The team building is to promote everyone's cohesion. It's good to have a rest and play, but I think we should do more meaningful things, such as visit the orphanage."

When she said this, she carefully observed Gu Yue's expression.

According to the investigation, Gu Yue lived in an orphanage when he was very young, so he has a deep affection for the orphanage.For so many years, Gu Yue often went to the orphanage to do volunteer work when he had time.Moreover, a large number of material donations are also made every year.

More importantly, she believes that going to the orphanage can better discover Gu Yue's weaknesses, and maybe there is a chance for Gu Yanran to attack Gu Yue!
Thinking of this, Li Tiantian couldn't help being excited, "We don't need everyone to spend a lot of money to donate, it can be books, paintbrushes and other things that are left unused at home. I believe everyone will have them at home, and colleagues with children can also bring them. This is also a kind of opportunity education for children."

After the words fell, a colleague with a child immediately nodded and said, "Yes, I always hope that the child will have the opportunity to do such a thing, so that he can cherish his own life and cultivate his love. I think this suggestion is good."

"Well, it's good. I do have a lot of books at home. Donating them to the children in the orphanage can be regarded as making the best use of them."


Probably because they thought this event was really meaningful, everyone nodded their heads in praise.Even a few colleagues who were not interested in any activities and always muttered a few words did not say a word on this matter.

There is no change on Gu Yue's face, but there is a lot of gratitude in his heart.

From her own personal reasons, she would never refuse to go to an orphanage.But when Li Tiantian brought it up at this time, Gu Yue felt that it was not just for love, but also had a purpose behind it.

If love is tainted with messy purposes, is it still good?

This question only flashed in Gu Yue's brain for a second before it was eliminated. No matter what the purpose of donating love is, it is worth approving that it is helpful to those children.

Having made up her mind, she nodded and said, "I think this suggestion is very good. Let's go to the orphanage and donate love, which will also benefit children's education."

As she said that, she looked at Lu Nan again, "Afterwards, a vote will be made, and 50.00% of the people will pass. We will set aside one day next week to go to the orphanage. At that time, you can ask about the financial donation ratio and see if we can give it to the orphanage this time." How much is donated to the orphanage."

"Yes, Mr. Gu."

"Okay, let's go then."

After the meeting ended, Lu Nan cast a vote immediately, and it was unexpectedly passed unanimously.It seems that everyone is still very enthusiastic about donating love.

He reported the voting situation and the communication with the financial situation to Gu Yue, "That's how things are."

"I never thought that this proposal would have such a high approval rate. It seems that everyone is very kind." Gu Yue was very satisfied with such an answer, "You should contact the orphanage to finalize the date. The dean prepared a donation box and asked everyone to donate at that time. I believe that a large cash donation will be received."

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