In the face of everyone's inquiries, Gu Changhao's expression was very indifferent, and he was not in a state of being besieged at all. It seemed that the misappropriation\use\public\funds in the account books had nothing to do with him.

He looked up at Su Chen, with a smile on his lips, "Manager Su, I remember that you are the manager of the finance department, and you were promoted by Yueyue, right?"

At this time, Su Chen's position and the reason for his superiority were suddenly mentioned, which made Su Chen frowned subconsciously. He didn't think Gu Changhao just said it casually.

For a while, he didn't know how to respond, so he just looked at Gu Changhao and didn't speak.

Gu Changhao didn't care about his silence, and continued to talk about his topic, "Yueyue let you be the manager of the finance department at that time because he liked your professional attitude and superb business ability. But..."

Having said that, his expression suddenly changed, and he even changed the topic, "Don't you feel ashamed of her trust by taking advantage of your position to make such false accounts? And at this time, you have to bite back Come on me, Su Chen, you are so brave!"

Regarding Gu Changhao's categorical denial, Su Chen thought of it before he came.But he never thought that Gu Changhao would do such a thing as a thief shouting "stop the thief", and even said that he was innocent and was bitten back?
Su Chen smiled instead of anger, "I framed you? Since I embezzled the funds in these accounts, why should I speak out and choose the board of directors, just to make my problems public?"

"Perhaps you think that this way you can show your frankness." Gu Changhao said lightly.

Facing his brazen attitude, Su Chen was almost furious.

But before he could say anything, the people next to him started arguing with each other.

"I didn't expect Su Chen to do such a thing."

"There is nothing unexpected. What can people do for their own interests?"


Su Chen was also really surprised that Gu Changhao's few words made everyone point their fingers at him.

But it's easy to understand when you think about it, now that Gu Yue is recuperating at home, and the old lady Gu rarely comes to the company, all big and small things are in the hands of Gu Changhao, so naturally no one in the company wants to offend him.

Gu Changhao looked at Su Chen's frowning, and continued, "Take a step back, you are the manager of the finance department, and you should be the first to find out when there is a problem with the account. But the first payment was made last month. It’s been half a month since you typed it out, and you just found out that you took advantage of this time to transfer the funds?”

Su Chen clenched his fists, "I can't say enough about you, but you and I know who is right and who is wrong. Do you dare to go with me to meet Manager Gu Yuegu?"

"Yueyue is recuperating. Do you think it's appropriate to disturb her at this time? Or do you think she will help you in this situation? Su Chen, you should know Yueyue's character. She hates the moths of the company the most. She won't help you."

Gu Changhao sat there as if he had nailed Su Chen to death, "So, don't have any hope. Of course, for the sake of her health, it is impossible for me as an older brother to let you bother her."

Facing such a situation, Su Chen was almost irrefutable, while the people around stepped on Su Chen on the one hand, and supported Gu Changhao on the other.

Seeing that the situation was about to completely tilt towards Gu Changhao, when Su Chen had no choice, an old but very imposing voice suddenly sounded, "Yueyue is injured, it is inconvenient to disturb, my old woman can still manage the matter."

Everyone's expression changed slightly, especially Gu Changhao, who had a little panic in his expression that was originally sure of winning.But it was only a second, and his expression immediately returned to normal.

Gu Changhao got up and immediately walked towards the old lady Gu, and naturally held her arm, "Grandma, just let me handle the company's affairs. You are so old, why bother to go back and forth?"

"You think I'm old?" Mrs. Gu asked without answering.

"I did not mean that……"

"What do you mean by that? Chang Hao, grandma feels that although she is a little old, she is not too old, and she is still handy in dealing with such small things as the company."

The old lady Gu's tone was very gentle and loving, but every word was full of sharpness, which made Gu Changhao completely unable to continue, so he could only help the old lady Gu to the chief seat and sit down in response.

After Mrs. Gu sat down, she glanced at all the people on the conference table, and then her eyes fell on Su Chen, but she said to Gu Changhao, "I heard you talking before I came in just now. There was a commotion inside, but I didn't hear it clearly. Now tell me, what happened?"

Gu Changhao, who was asked the question, showed joy in his eyes, but still lowered his head slightly, showing a very humble attitude and said, "Grandma is like this. Manager Su suddenly discovered that there was a problem with a financial expenditure last month. Everyone thinks that he is a The finance manager found out too late, so there was an argument."

"Oh, is that so? Manager Su."

The last three words were spelled with a different meaning, which made Su Chen unable to distinguish clearly for a while.But after following Gu Yue for so long, he also knew that Mrs. Gu loved Gu Yue the most.

He didn't hide it immediately, and said directly, "Madam, the matter is not like this, but..."

"Manager Su," before he could finish speaking, Gu Changhao interrupted him, "You can eat food, but you can't talk nonsense. This is obviously a mistake in your work, so now you still want to blame others? "

The old lady Gu glanced at Gu Changhao and said, "Don't interrupt others at will when they are talking, do you know that? Don't tell me that when you are in a meeting, you are the one who speaks one sentence at a time? There are no rules!"

These words seemed to be just talking about this matter, but when they said it in front of so many people, they were clearly blaming Gu Changhao.The expression on his face changed slightly, it was very ugly, but he couldn't get angry.

However, Mrs. Gu didn't pay attention to it, but said to Su Chen, "Go on, what's going on."

Seeing the scene in front of him, Su Chen gained confidence, and told him that he discovered the accounting problem and was bitten back when he announced this matter.

After listening, the old lady Gu did not express her opinion immediately, but looked at Gu Changhao, "Changhao, what you said makes sense. As the manager of the financial department, Manager Su found out a little late."

Gu Changhao nodded, "Grandma is careful."

"But someone deliberately kept him from seeing it, so what can he do? And I think this account item seems to be related to the project in the west of the city. Is Yueyue handling it? But Yueyue is recuperating at home recently, who is supervising it? "

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